Chapter 757 - 758

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Chapter 757

It's just that Zhou Luyao's mother is a mistress, and Huang Anyu seems to know Zhou Luyao's identity. After all, he has called him brother before, but why does he still keep him with him as a confidant?

This is weird, really weird. Could it be that someone has been caught?

So Huang Anyu had to let him stay with him and treat him as a confidant, maybe to monitor him all the time. Of course, the most important thing is whether this handle is...

Guo Qing, "Could it be... Huang Anyu and Huang Si Wuzhi "What 's the relationship between them?"

For some reason, Guo Qing changed his mind again, but Tang Tianlan and Tang Ming roughly guessed the cause of the matter, and this Huang Anyu was probably the most innocent one among them.

Tang Ming said, "Guo Qing, have you found the people from the military department who are cooperating with them? Have you found the place where these flying mutant animals are cultivated or the people behind them?"

Guo Qing paused slightly, "Their nails in the military department. We already have a rough idea of ​​who it is, and we just have time to confirm it. As for the flying mutant animal, we have found it. It was cultivated by Huang Anyu."

Tang Ming asked, "Have you found out where he cultivated it? There are a lot less mutated flying animals?"

Guo Qing nodded, "Yes, it was indeed found out. Huang Anyu was furious because there were so many missing mutated flying animals. He scolded everyone and fired many employees. "

Tang Ming, "Do you think he did this for real or was he acting?"

Guo Qing was a little speechless. "If it were me, I would definitely think that he was acting for us. You have never thought that Huang Anyu did this for the sake of it. Did I deceive you?"

"You look like two prey that have completely fallen into Huang Anyu's trap. You have been completely deceived by him. He has been acting all this time."

Tang Ming sighed. " You are a little biased against Huang Anyu, can I know why?"

Guo Qing's mouth twitched, and his face looked a little unsightly. Tang Ming was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, "There is really something between you and him. It's a holiday? That's not okay. If you do this, you will bring your own emotions into the work. It would be better for someone else to investigate. Of course, it's not that I don't believe you. "

Guo Qing's face is really ugly." It's okay, it's all my own fault. I just didn't expect that this matter would get to that point. Because of this matter, Ah Ning's nose is not my nose, and my eyes are not eyes."

"I know it was my fault in the beginning. , I was wrong, but because I loved her too much at that time, I did this in a hurry, which led to the misunderstanding getting bigger and bigger later on. Even after the explanation was clear, I told..."

Guo Qing said At this point, his face became even more ugly, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's talk about the investigation first."

Tang Ming raised his hand to stop him, "Now is not the time to talk about this, you'd better save it first, you now "My mood is not right. I can't let you participate in the investigation."

"Although I don't know what happened between you, Huang Anyu and your wife, but judging from your performance just now, you can't let go of the past at all and be truly fair. I'm looking at this case from a different perspective, so..."

Guo Qing stood up hurriedly and stared at them, "I'm thinking about this case in a very reasonable direction now! I don't think I'm wrong, do you think you are? Right?"

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