Chapter 721 - 722

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Chapter 721

"What on earth did you do? Why haven't they left yet? If they don't leave... the deal between us will be void!"

This voice sounded a bit rough, not that of a fat man.

Then came a woman's voice, which sounded a bit enchanting, but also had a bit of hoarseness in it.

"Maybe it's because of this fat body? I've long said that your body shape is definitely not good. You want to lose weight and you don't listen. I know that people can tell what you are from your body shape at the first sight.

After that, it was the fat village chief’s voice, but now his voice sounded full of teasing, “Oh, isn’t this my hobby? I just like to eat, and it’s delicious . I can’t stop eating the food. It’s not my fault. The food is so delicious.”

“Recently, they always hunt for mutated animals and eat them in front of me, but they don’t share them. Me, that's so disgusting, why don't you share it with me? I want to eat it too..."

You interrupted their argument about the crude ore business at the beginning, "Okay, fat man, don't talk too much, what's going on over there? "Have you figured out the strength of this group of people from the capital base?"

The fat man scratched his head a little embarrassed, "I have probably figured it out a little bit. The equipment they have is really powerful. Our current weapons can defeat them in a row." None of the defenses on them can do it. "

"And what's even more powerful is that there are two people without equipment. They can block our bullets with their own skin and shoot them away with their bare hands. These two are obviously low-key. Talents are even more powerful."

"Not to mention they also have many extremely lethal weapons that we have never seen before. They may be the latest ones developed by the capital base."

"The last two are the low-key ones. There is also a huge mutated horned eagle, which is very obedient and has very hard feathers. If we want to kill it, it is impossible to kill it with our current strength and weapons."

The rough voice sounded again, "Then let me ask. Do you have a chance to snatch their weapons from the army? Or sneak them over? With these weapons, it should be easy to kill the horned eagle, and then kill the two seemingly Maybe a very good person can do it?"

Fatty Village Chief said, "Boss, what if we can't do it?"

The woman who had been silent was very surprised, "Really? So powerful? I don't think they are that strong, except for the two people you just mentioned who are very low-key."

"We just need to use Tiao Hu Li Shan to get rid of them during the operation . ? The remaining soldiers must be relying on their equipment. Once the equipment is lost, it will be of little use. "

The fat village leader may be thinking about what the woman said, "It seems to make sense, but it can't really be done without it. This is done when there is actual information. If something goes wrong, it will be one of our own people who will lose."

The boss said, "Fat man is right. Stop interfering. Fat man, go back now and don't act rashly. , you must tell me all the information about them in the next few days, and I will decide the time to take action, and there will be nothing wrong with it. How much do you think the mutant soldiers in the capital base are worth?"

After that, After saying this, the boss took the woman and the two people who had never spoken a word to the car and left. As expected, the car's engine made very little noise.

They could only hear a little bit here, but they couldn't hear it at all after returning to the camp.

The fat man watched the car gradually drive away, and then he could no longer see it. At this time, he turned around and walked back slowly. However, Tang Tianlan and Tang Ming did not move their positions, and stood there watching him gradually walk in. .

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