Day 230: Thursday 13th April 2017 20:46

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Day 230
Thursday 13th April 2017 20:46

A quiet day. I haven't seen Mary or Esther, which is a bit of a blessing but I saw Dump again and he annoyed the sh*t out of me.

I bumped into DeShawn earlier and asked him how he was. I haven't spoken to him properly in what feels like ages. He's not happy. He says he's been tasked with cleaning Ronald and Destiny's house. "It's bad enough I'm working as a cleaner," said DeShawn, "But their house is at the other side of the park overlooking the beach. It's massive. As soon as I've finished cleaning it I have to start it all over again. That Dump is a proper racist arsehole." "Not just racist," I said, "He's homophobic and sexist, not to mention narrow minded and arrogant. You should have seen how he spoke to Naomi yesterday. He was actually quite intimidating." "If he wasn't backed up by loads of soldiers I'd show him what intimidation is," said DeShawn, "I'm starting to wish we'd never come to this place." I told DeShawn that it sounded like he had similar views about Dump and Dumpville as me and Naomi, and I asked him if he wanted to help us get the evidence we needed to prove that this place isn't all it seems and that Dump's full of a sh*t. "I'd love to help," said DeShawn, "But what can I do?" "You've got access to his house," I said, "Have a good snoop around. There's bound to be something incriminating in there." DeShawn didn't look convinced. "Come on DeShawn," I said, "Getting the chance to snoop around Dump's house is too good an opportunity to miss. Me, you and Naomi are the only ones that think something dodgy's going on around here. Even TJ doesn't seem bothered anymore which is odd considering what went on with Mike." DeShawn agreed to have a snoop around Dump's house and report back to us what he saw. I hope he manages to find something.

I went to see Tina earlier on to see if she was OK. I knocked on her door and called out her name but there was no answer. Troy, who was walking past, told me that he and Benjamin went to visit her earlier but there was no answer then either. "She's definitely in the chalet isn't she?" I asked. "Definitely," said Troy, "The last person who saw her was Mia, and that was a few days ago. She obviously wants to be left alone." I opened Tina's letter box and shouted through. "Tina. It's Luke!" I yelled, "We just want to make sure you're OK. Have you eaten anything?" There was no response but I could hear footsteps wandering around at the back of the chalet. "She's definitely in there," I said, "I can understand her ignoring you but why's she ignoring me?" "Just leave her," said Troy, "She obviously wants to be on her own. She'll come out when she's ready." I know Tina's upset but she can't stay in her chalet forever. I just hope she's eating something in there.

Later on I was sat with Naomi and Amelia outside one of the cafes on Main Street. I told her about DeShawn. She was glad that he saw things as we did and thought it was a good idea that he was going to have a look around Dump's. I also told Naomi about Tina. "I'll go see her tomorrow," she said, "She might open up to another woman." Dump then approached and stood over us. "Well look here," he said with a gleaming smile, showing us his ridiculously white teeth, "You two are inseparable." On the other side of the road were Troy and Benjamin. They were walking down the street holding hands. Dump looked over and scowled. "Look at that," he said, "There's an inseparable pair that should be separated." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well it's not really natural is it?" said Dump. Naomi and I exchanged looks of disbelief. I couldn't believe I was stood next to a man with dyed hair, bleached teeth and covered in fake tan who was talking about things that weren't natural. "If God wanted men to have sex with men he wouldn't have created women," said Dump, "He created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Why would a man choose to have sex with another man when there are so many beautiful women around?" "That sounds a bit homophobic to me," said Naomi. "No, not all," said Dump, "I welcome people of all backgrounds to Dumpville. Even the homosexual sodomites. I'm simply saying that two men who are in that sort of relationship together need to think about things. I mean, what they do in their own chalet is their business but holding hands in the street; that might confuse the kids, or even worse, scare them." "I don't think two men holding hands is going to scare anyone," I said. "Be careful there, Luke," said Dump, "You're starting to sound like a homosexual sodomite yourself." "They're not hurting anyone," said Naomi. "Perhaps you're right," says Dump, "I should let them enjoy life while they can." "What do you mean while they can?" I asked. "Well there's not a lot of condoms here in Dumpville," said Dump, "So I guess it's a matter of time before one of them gets the AIDS and dies." "What do you mean 'gets the AIDS?'" asked Naomi, "They need to get HIV first." "AIDS and HIV," said Dump, "It's like potatoes and spuds. It's the same thing." "It's really not," said Naomi, "Anyway I don't think Troy or Benjamin have HIV," said Naomi. "Yes well they'll end up with it if they carry on buggering each other at the rate they are," said Dump. "What do you mean 'they'll end up with it'?" asked Naomi, "HIV isn't just going to miraculously appear in their bodies. If they don't have it now the only way they'll have a chance of getting it is if they have unsafe sex with someone else who has it. You do know that don't you?" "Listen here little lady," said Dump, "I might not be a medical expert but I know that the blacks and the gays started AIDS and they're the ones who spread it. You never see a normal person with the disease do you?" "A normal person!" exclaimed Naomi, starting to get angry. "No need to get upset," said Dump, "I embrace people who aren't normal. It makes the world a much more interesting place. We just need to make sure we can control them and that they're abnormality is contained." Naomi gave me a look of disbelief, stood up and then walked off. "She's a very attractive woman is Naomi," said Dump, as he watched her walking away with a creepy smile on his face. "I'll tell you something, Luke," he continued, "I like a strong spirited woman but they're a bit like a prize winning stallion; strong and beautiful but you need to show them who's boss every now and then." Dump walked off and I was left thinking what a complete prat he is.

I hope DeShawn can find something interesting and revealing in Dump's house. I'd love to see that smug, arrogant smirk wiped from his face.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man in a Zombie Apocalypse. Days 201-400Where stories live. Discover now