Day 279
Thursday 1st June 2017 19:52It's been a quiet and tense sort of a day. The winner of the election is going to be announced tomorrow. I decided to vote for Mia. I know she'd be useless as leader but I'd rather have a useless leader than a corrupt and manipulative one. I suppose it was more of a vote against Dump than a vote for Mia.
I haven't seen Naomi or many of the others today. I did see Trudy. She told me she thought the new Doctor was rude and a bit weird. I told her I thought he was rude too but I couldn't understand why she thought he was weird. "Well," said Trudy, "He reminds me of my sister's boyfriend's Mum's next door neighbour's Dad's Home Help's fiancée's Doctor." I rolled my eyes thinking there was no need for the long winded introduction. "He treated my Nanna's friend's daughter in law's vet's receptionist's son's civil partner's next door neighbour's Grandad for gastroenteritis. He had it coming out of both ends." "OK," I said, "I don't need war and peace, just tell me why you think Malcolm's weird." "I've asked him if we should be making plans for when I give birth and he either avoids the question, changes the subject or tells me to stop worrying about it and let him worry about it," said Trudy. "Well he is a Doctor, Trudy," I said, "I'm sure he knows what he's doing. As soon as you go into labour, we'll find him and he'll come running." "The old Doctor used to talk to me and tell me what was going on," said Trudy, "This moody tosser has hardly said a word to me." "Well he might not have the best bedside manner," I said, "But maybe you should just be grateful that he's an actual Doctor and that he's here." "I suppose," said Trudy. "What do you mean, you suppose?" I asked, "Giving birth without any medical help would have been Hell," I said, "You should be thanking your lucky stars Sergeant Reed found him." "I just want to make sure my baby's safe," said Trudy, "That's all I care about." "What about TJ?" I asked, "It's his baby too, remember?" "That doesn't matter," said Trudy, "I'm it's Mum and TJ's made it obvious he isn't interested. Anyway, he's hardly the responsible parent type." "He's still the baby's Dad," I said. "Well maybe he should be saying this to me instead of you," said Trudy, "Anyway, I need a birthing partner." "Oh God," I said, "Please don't say you're going to ask me." "Am I b*llocks," said Trudy, "There's more chance of me sh*tting gold than there is of me asking you. I'm going to ask Nicola." "Good choice," I said, "And stop worrying about Malcolm. I know he's a bit rude but I'm sure he's a good Doctor and he'll be there for you when you need him. You'll have a healthy little baby." "I hope so," said Trudy, "We'd do anything to keep the kids we love safe, wouldn't we?" "Yeah," I solemnly said, "Look what I went through with Robbie, look what happened with Sophie, and look what Naomi's doing with Amelia; she isn't even her own kid." "Just goes to show, doesn't it?" said Trudy, "We'd do anything to protect our kids; even things we're not proud of." I frowned. "What does that mean?" I asked. "Oh nothing," said Trudy, "I suppose I'm just thinking of my Dad. When he moved away with work he said he was doing it for the good of us kids but it was obvious he was only doing it for himself. Pr*ck. I suppose when you're about to spit out a sprog you think about your own childhood a bit. Anyway, what's going on with you and Nicola? Have you fallen out?" "Why do you say that?" I asked. "We all noticed the atmosphere yesterday", said Trudy, "Have you p*ssed her off again?" "It's a long story," I said, "I don't really want to talk about it." "Has it got anything to do with Dump?" asked Trudy. "Why do you think it's got something to do with Dump?" I asked. "Just asking" said Trudy, "I know he can p*ss people off and divide them." "Well like I said, I don't want to talk about it," I said. "OK," said Trudy, "I suppose you're missing Esther?" I noticed her smirk and raised eyebrows. "It wasn't just about sex," I firmly said, "I know me and her didn't always get on and that we had the occasional shag but I think it's quite sad that she's out there on her own." "Well it was her choice wasn't it," said Trudy. "Yeah well I'm not so sure about that," I said. "What do you mean?" asked Trudy, "Do you think Dump had something to do with it? Do you think he sent her away?" "Maybe," I said, "I think he'd do anything to eliminate his competition." "You sound like you're talking from experience," said Trudy, "Did he do something to eliminate you?" I paused for a moment and gave Trudy a serious and sad look. "Just forget it," I said, "I'll see you later." I then walked off. It was one of the more serious conversations I've had with Trudy but I wasn't going to tell her how Dump intimidated me and threatened to take Amelia off Naomi. It's interesting to hear more people feeling that Dump is an absolute tw*t though. It makes me think there is a slight chance Mia could win the election.
I've been thinking about Esther. She could be anywhere now. I saw Sergeant Reed earlier on. He told me that he drove Esther to a secluded spot about two miles away from Dumpville and left her there. He said she seemed fine and was focused and determined to survive on her own. I asked Reed if Esther gave him a message for anyone and he said that she just wanted us to know that she was sorry. "Is that it?" I asked. "I'm afraid so," said Reed, "I got the impression that she really wanted to put Dumpville and the people here behind her. I don't think we'll ever be seeing her again." I know Esther is a tough woman and that she can look after herself but I feel a bit upset. She's out there all on her own and for all I know she could be dead now. I really hope she'll be OK. I don't believe she tried to rig the election and if I can find any proof that Dump forced her out of here I'm going to expose him for the manipulative little dictator he is.
Result day tomorrow. I never thought I'd say this but I really hope Mia is our new leader.
Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man in a Zombie Apocalypse. Days 201-400
HumorLuke Warm (yes his real name!) feels like he's the unluckiest man in the world. Recently divorced, facing redundancy and named after a disappointing temperature he finds himself stuck in a sexual health clinic, with a number of strangers on the day...