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When I wake up the next morning I jolt up as I notice that Hades's gone. I sit up too fast as my stomach and my lower half starts to hurt a bit.
-Bad idea. Hades?
I see as Hades peeks from behind the bathroom door and then he smiles.
Ha-I'm here.
I lie back down on the bed on my side looking at him.
-How long you been awake?
He looks at me and I look at him. He smiles and laughs a bit.
Ha-Nothing, just, you can't live without me. You just can't.
I spot his shirt and I take it and slide it around me as I sit upright on the bed with my legs crossed below me. I stretch my arms and lean backwards.
-What do you mean?
Ha-I woke up and got up and not five minutes later you woke up. You really missed me.
-Sure. What's the plan for today?
Ha-Nothing really.
He peeks from behind the door and when he sees me with his shirt on he smiles and let out a laugh. I wave at him in a childish way and I see a sudden flash of his aura coming from him before he calls it back with a deadly serious face. He composes himself before sitting at my side.
-Well, that was cool.
Ha-Not really, I lost control there for a second. Did it scare you?
-Not a bit.
He lies down on the bed and looks at me with a smile.

He lies down on the bed and looks at me with a smile

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Ha-Give it.
Ha-My shirt, give it back.
-Aww, but is so comfy in here.
Ha-I know, is mine after all. Give it.
-You know I won't give it and I think it looks better on me than on you.
He looks at me and raises an eyebrow at me with a smile.
-Aww, Hades come on. You have a dozen more, take one of those instead.
His smile turns devilish and I retreat a bit from him until my back is touching the edge of the bed as he looms over me. He kisses my neck and whispers in my ear.
Ha-I want this one.
-What's so special about this one?
Ha-It has your essence in it. And I love your essence.
Ha-Will you give it back?
He puts a hand over my eyes and he pulls me by the feet so I'm lying flat on the bed again and I feel as his hand travel up from my feet to my stomach and up until he lifts my head exposing my neck. I bite my lip and I feel as he kisses the down part of my jaw just above my neck. I let out a pleased sound as I grab the sheets with one hand while the other one travels through his back.
Ha-Will you give it back?
I shake my head but before he can kiss me again I take the lead as I jump on top of him and start kissing him passionately. We make love one more time before we get up and start our day together. I get some jeans and a T-shirt on and as Hades starts dressing I stop him and take all his clothes away.
-No, no, no. As much as I like a man in a suit you are not going to use suits this time around. You are going to use this one, here.
I take some jeans and a shirt with designs from the lower cabinet and put it on his arms. He looks at me in disbelief and I push him to the bathroom.
-Go, get dressed.
Ha-Fine, I'll change.
I take a glass of water and drink it all in one go before Hades comes out of the bathroom dressed. I see him blush and pulling the neck of the shirt.
Ha-This is, different.
-You look good. So, where are we going?
Ha-To meet with Persephone and Cerberus. They have a surprise for us or that's what they told me.
-What could it be?
I take a water bottle from the fridge and pull Hades out with me. As I close the door to my apartment with my keys Hades asks me.
Ha-Aren't you going to eat?
-We can eat out besides I have a water bottle. I'll manage for the day. Now, let's see what they have for us.
With that we go and meet them in front of a jewelry store. I spot them first and I wave at them as I call them out.
-Cerberus, Persephone over here.
They turn and they come over to us. I give them each a big hug before hugging them in a group hug. When we finish with the greetings they look at Hades, Cerberus gives him a hug and Persephone gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Pe-Is nice.
We look at each other in confusion before she clarifies.
Pe-Seeing uncle dressed in other that are not his usual shorts or his suits. How did you manage to make him dress like that?
-Sorry but, a magician never reveals her tricks. Now where are we going to be taken? Any hints or comments.
C-We were thinking. For quite some time.
Pe-For your very first day as husband and wife to get you to a very special place.
C-Is a.....
Persephone sushes him with one hand and a finger to her lips.
Pe-Cerberus, you'll ruin the surprise.
With that she takes mine and Hades's hands and pulls us all the way to a bar of extreme sports and challenges.
Ha-What is this place?
C-Is a bar. A sports bar.
Pe-It opened recently and here you can challenge anyone to anything as long as it's for record.
C-This is for you. A card with which sport we are challenging and it shows who's winning them and even if you have a chance to win.
Pe-But that last part is optional.
-So, who's challenging who and in what game?
Pe-Oh, that's easy. We are challenging you in a bowling game. Three games, win two and you can go win one and lose one it increases to five games and if you win all three well, we'll see. Oh, Cerberus is playing with uncle and I'll be playing with Hera.
-Oh, shame. Do I go for the win or do I cheer for my dear husband?
I make a face at Hades as I jump to hug Persephone and we change to the bowling shoes and take our respective balls adjusting to the weight and position. It takes a couple of minutes but when we're all ready the boys take the first two shots and I sit at Persephone's side and snap a couple of pictures of Hades as he throws the ball and plays and everything. I show them to Persephone and we both laugh as we take our first shots as well. After the first game ends with them winning by one point I go to the bathroom and fix my hair a bit before I see Hades coming in and he looks at me.
-Not really, just frustrated.
Ha-Because you didn't won the game.
I nod at him and he comes behind me and kisses my cheek.
Ha-How about I give you a prize for effort?
Before I can answer he lifts me up and enters one of the stalls on the bathroom while he kisses me hungrily.
-Hades, not here. Please, someone might come in.
Ha-I don't care. Besides, isn't this fun? Exciting, the thrill of the danger, having to keep quiet when your insides are screaming with pleasure. We both want to so, why not?
-Hades. You naughty, bad boy.
I grab the back of his shirt tightly while burying my face on his shoulder silencing myself. I feel as he inserts his manhood in me and I grab tighter on to him. I feel as he rubs my back gently in soothing, soft, calming motions. He whispers in my ear as he puts me back down.
Ha-Feel better?
-Mmm. Hades. I love you.
Ha-I love you too. Shall we go back to the game?
-Yes. Wait, do you promise to not do it again without telling me beforehand?
Ha-I promise. Now let's go before they get to suspicious.
I smile and we fix our clothes a bit before we both get out and go back to the game. We find that they are ordering some snacks for all of us.
-What did you order?
Pe-Nacho and cheese.
C-With chili peppers.
I look at Hades and he smiles at me with a nod and I smile back before I give him a big hug. I keep there until I turn away with a push.
-That's enough, you're back to being my enemy. Persephone, may we take the first turn this time around?
Pe-Only if I go first.
-Sure thing. I go last after Hades. Cerberus goes after you.
They all nod and we take our respective shots and I make five perfect scores in a row. I jump in joy and give a tight hug to Persephone. I turn to the table and eat a few more nachos without stopping for air or to get a bit of a drink. By the time I stop eating there's another bowl and I get that one too and when I'm halfway done with that one too Persephone stops me from eating more. I look at her and she let's go of me and sighs.
Pe-Leave some for us.
I swallow the food on my mouth and I clean my mouth with a napkin.
-I just ate a few.
C-You ate a bowl and a half. King size.
He takes the bowl and gets some nachos for Hades and himself before he gives them to Persephone. I reach to take one and she gets them out of my reach.
-Oh, come on. I didn't have that many. Please give me one, I'm hungry.
Pe-Have a drink instead.
-I think I'm going to go to the hand to hand combat section for a couple of minutes.
I stand and go to the hand to hand section and start practicing with some dolls. I punch and kick rhythmically at the dolls before I wear myself out. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and I start again. I stop when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look and I see Persephone behind me.
Pe-The last round, we're changing partners, I go with uncle and you go with Cerberus.
I nod and I take a bit of water before heading back. They take their turns and when is my turn I take the bowling ball and as I prepare to throw it I rub my eyes a bit before I throw and it goes real off of my line.
-Sorry, my bad. Let's focus, focus on the pines.
I throw and I do it slightly better this time but don't throw down any pines. I sigh and I throw my next shot and manage to get two down. I turn around and sit by Persephone's side, resting my head on her shoulder as I calm down a bit and before I know it is my turn again. I frown and rub the bridge of my nose before I stand to make my shot. The first shot goes almost the entire way by the side. As I wait for the ball to slide back for me to take my head starts hurting even more and I get a bit dizzy so I lean against the machine. I start to see everything double and I hear as someone calls my name as everything goes black.
                        Hades POV
I notice that Hera is slightly going softer with her last throws and I keep alert for her as Cerberus and Persephone joke between themselves. She comes to get back her ball and I turn to take a drink when I hear a noise from her direction and when I turn I see her on the floor. I jump from my seat and go to her side.
I take her on my arms and check her for fever and any cuts or bruises or anything out of the ordinary but there's nothing bad or out of place or unusual.
-Persephone, call a cab. I'm going to take her home.
She calls a cab and as we wait for it I keep on checking on her as she stays unconscious. The cab comes and we all go home together. When we get there I put her on the bed and let her lying down there. Seconds after Persephone appears behind me with some towels and alcohol.
Pe-Maybe thus will wake her up.
I wet the towel with a bit of alcohol and I pass it through her nose until she reacts. She twists and she lifts a hand to get the towel away as I let out a sigh.
                           Hera POV
I wake up to a strong smell and I lift up a hand as if pulling it away from my face. Surprisingly it goes away and when I open my eyes I sit on the bed and I feel a sharp pain on my head. I put a hand on the bridge of my nose and rubs it while frowning.
Ha-We're back home.
He dismisses Persephone and Cerberus and turns back to me with a look of concern on his face.
-What happened?
Ha-You fainted, does anything hurt?
-Head. Chest a bit.
Ha-How does the chest pain feels?
-Like is asphixiating me. Tightening, or something like that, close.
I pat the bed and he cones and lies down by my side. He gets the hair out of my face behind my ear.

-Is there anything special that happens when I turn from human to goddess?Ha-Like what?-I don't know, a side effect or something like that

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-Is there anything special that happens when I turn from human to goddess?
Ha-Like what?
-I don't know, a side effect or something like that. Maybe an aftershock or those things that happen when you get a big change suddenly.
He thinks for a moment before he presses his plan against his head and curses in Greek under his breath.
Ha-There might be worse after effects. I forgot to tell you that when we made the turn well, each god experiences the transgression differently but it never happened as strong as you are experiencing it. Maybe because we used a different method this time around.
I cuddle closer to him and I hug him burying my face in his chest. Soon after I fall asleep and I travel to dreamland.

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