55 Fifty Five

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When I get back home the night of the day after I find that mom and dad are waiting for me on the living room. I close the door behind me and not a second after mom is in top of me hugging me tightly.
He-Where were you? We were so worried when you didn't come back last night. Where were you?
-I was out just hanging around.
Ha-Why didn't you call?
-Oh please, I told you I was going out. What's the big deal? I'm here now aren't I?
Ha-That's not the point. This house has rules and you have to obey them.
-Wathever. I do as I please.
He-Don't you speak like that to your father.
I start to get annoyed and I go outside again and I think I want to go elsewhere but I don't want to go to Olympus or Cerberus's as those are the first places they're going to check and I have an idea and I go to the agency and get to Olympus. Instead of going home I go towards Zeus's house. I knock on the door a couple times before he answers.
-Hi uncle.
He smiles and let's me inside.
Z-Fight with your father?
I nod and he laughs.
Z-Care to share with me?
-Later. Can I stay here with you for a while?
Z-Sure, as long as you need.
-You're the best.
He gives me a drink and he looks at me expectantly.
-I didn't called to tell them I wasn't going back home for a whole day. I kind of forgot and they got mad at me for not calling ahead of time. Well dad was mad and mom was a bit frenetic and worried.
Z-Well, she can be a bit overprotective of her family. I remember once, when Karai was five, they went to the zoo and they let them get to participate on the shows, Karai fell on the pool with the killer whale and they went crazy, Hades almost kills the staff of the park until Karai told him she wanted to keep volunteering.
-I didn't know that.
Z-Yes, now, why did you come here and not with a friend or with Cerberus to stay with him?
-Because they will look there first and also, they would never think I would be here with you. With all the tension you and dad have between you, is the ideal place to hide from them.
Z-So now then, how are you doing? Is everything good?
-I'm having a good time. Everything's good. We went to the beach a couple days ago. You should've seen Nova surfing, she's a natural.
Z-What about women? Do you have any girlfriend? Or better yet, tell me about the time that you kissed a girl you didn't like and made a the at her to get rid of her or something like that.
-She was crazy but I still understand her, I'm the cutest thing she had seen on her life. She was hovering all over me and just before I went away she was getting annoying asking me for a kiss and when I couldn't anymore I turn around and give her a long deep kiss before I go back disgusted and angry with myself. She almost fainted from the kiss and then I just ignored her until it became to much.
Z-I bet it was the best thing she got. Now then, let's get to sleep. I'll show you to your room.
He takes me to a guest room and I thank him and I go to sleep.
                      Hera POV
The next morning I turn to Hades and I see the guilt on his face as well.
-He's just mad. He didn't truly mean it, right?
Ha-Is like you said, he's in love and......
He gets interrupted by the door of our room opening and it reveals Nova and we look at her before we see her collapsing to the floor and we jump out of bed and as we check her we see that she's hyperventilating.
-Say something. Anything.
She faints and Hades gets her on the bed and I go look for a bit of alcohol and a ice pack. I get them to Hades and he puts it on her forehead and we see as she starts losing control of her aura screaming in pain. I can see my worry reflected on Hades's face as neither of us knows what to do when we hear a knock on the door and I open and I see Zeus with Karma on his arms on the same condition as Nova. I get him towards our room and he puts him by her side on the bed. They keep grunting in pain all night and they pass out a couple times before sunrise. At one moment I see as Karma takes her hand crying before he turns to his side and gets in fetal position grabbing his head tightly. I see as he turns around on the bed and then he coughs a bit and I see a bit of blood on his hand. He looks at his hand and then he turns to us tears on his eyes before he coughs again. He sits up and he looks at Nova, he turns to get up and I try to help him but he gets me away.
Ka-I can do it.......by myself........I don't need your help.
He walks shakingly towards the bathroom and he turns to the cabinet and he takes the first aid kit. He comes back and he gets by Nova's side again and he gets a wet towel on her forehead.
Ha-Karma, we'll do it. You rest.
Ka-No, my fault.
Ha-Then let us help.
He hesitates for a moment before he gives the towel to him. He looks at Nova and he cries as he passes the back of his hand by her face.
Ka-How I wish you wouldn't suffer for my sake.
Close to sunset Nova is still resting and unconscious but a bit more calm than when we first saw her. Late at night she starts waking up and she gets up with difficulty.
N-Ugh, my head.
Ka-Easy now.
She hugs him tightly and he smiles a bit before he coughs a bit.
N-Are you okay? I thought something happened to you. Something bad.
Ka-Yeah, I thought so too about you. I'm glad you're fine now.
N-Are you going to stay here now?
He nods at her and she lies back down to rest a bit more.
Ka-Pinky promise. I won't move from your side.
They turn to sleep together and she rests on his arms until they wake up the next morning.
The next morning as I prepare breakfast as I'm about to get them to eat just as I'm about to open the door I hear them speaking.
Ka-Are you sure she will like it?
N-Of course I am, when have I given you a bad advice or anything like that?
Ka-You're right, you're never do that to me. But are you sure?
Just then I open the door surprising them.
-Hello, what are you doing?
Ka & N-Nothing.
-Come, breakfast's ready.
I help them up and to the kitchen and they eat like the world's going to end.
-Take your time and eat properly.
Ha-Slow down. The food is not going to run away.
They kind of stop and go slowly. Karma is the first to finish and he waits for Nova to finish. When she does he gets the dishes cleaned up and they go to their room.
Ha-How can they be the last to join at the table and the first to finish always?
-They'll be fine.
                      Karma POV
Once we're on our room we lock the door and then I get a couple books and pencils.
-So, what could be a good place to go or something good to give her?
N-You can give her a big stuffed bear holding a heart.
-Or perhaps some chocolates.
N-I can draw you together if you like.
-I'll have to ask her but is a good idea, I like it.
N-What about karaoke or a double date.
-Well, I think this is enough for today, don't tell mom or dad or Karai where I am.
She nods and I head out the house stopping when I hear her calling me.
N-You forgot your jacket.
-What would I be without you? Thanks, love you and arrivederci.
We laugh and I give her a final kiss and a hug before I finally go away.
When I get to Max's house I knock on the door and she let's me in still on her pajamas, very sexy by the way.
M-Hello my love.
-Hi, I see you forgot our date. I don't mind, that's okay, I can change too. To be more comfortable with you.
She growls and she pulls me to her by my pants and I let out a laugh before I give her a kiss.
M-Karma, there are a few things we can do together.
-I'm sure of that, what do you have on mind?
She traces her fingers by my shirt undoing the buttons slowly before she passes her hands by my chest and down my abs and then again and again.
-What if someone gets home and finds us?
M-They won't, my parents are on a business trip for a week and I have no siblings living here with me so I have the house all for myself the entire week. I can do as I please.
She gives a jump wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck while I take off her shirt as well. I pin her against the wall and we kiss over and over again until we move towards her bedroom.

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