108 Hundred and Eight

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The next morning as I wake up I realize everyone is awake as well and I rub my face with both hands.
A-Morning sleepyhead.
She kisses my forehead gently and I turn to fix my hair when the doctor and the nurse come in with our babies. They give her one and the other to me. I can't help but smile as I hold my son for the first time. I explore him with my hands as I always have done. She holds me down and she whispers in my ear something unexpected.
A-The one you're holding, has the same eyes as your dad.
-You don't say. Dad come here.
-Look closely at her.
-Just do it, straight eye to eye contact. Angel?
A-Definitely the same.
-You can go now. I'll explain later.
N-What are their names?
-I'm holding AJ and she's holding CJ.
A-Short for Avi Jamal and Christian Jackson.
Ka-Can I charge one?
-Ask Angel.
Ka-Can I?
A-Let me think, when they're older. Like, after their first birthday if you behave.
K-Can I charge him?
A-Of course, not.
We all laugh at that softly and we hear as CJ starts crying loudly. After a bit everyone goes away leaving us with our kids.
A few months later the sleepless nights become a habit and I sleep only by day with her sleeping at night. We take turns taking care of our kids and as one day I'm alone with them as I bought Angel a relaxation passage with my mom and my sisters so she could relax for a few days. I'm playing around with them just goofing when I hear a knock on the door.
-Who is it?
Ha-Is me and Karma.
-Is open.
I lay back down on the floor and they start to climb on me. AJ rests on my back while CJ pulls my hair.
Ha-You look tired.
-You think?
Ka-Hard time with the little monsters?
-Make sure Angel doesn't hear you say that or she will kill you.
Ha-Where is she anyways?
-With mom and sisters on a spa.
Ha-Wich is wich?
-AJ on my back and CJ pulls my hair.
Ha-Taking CJ.
He takes him away from me and CJ immediately turns to laugh demanding dad to play with him.
Ha-How do you tell the difference between one and the other?
I feel as he takes AJ as well and I get up and stretch my body.
-Their auras are different. Similar but different. For you they might be invisible but for me I can see their blood running through their veins as clearly as you can see me.
Ka-That's so wicked.
Ha-Or talented.
They both start to cry and I get the bottles Angel prepared for me or them and I pass one to dad and the other to Karma. I get up and I pick up the mess we made earlier and as I pick it up I notice the kids follow my every movement looking at me silently.
-Are they both looking at me?
Ha & Ka-Yes.
They laugh together and then the kids laugh as well and I join as well. I reach a top shelve trying to reach something but what I find scares the hell out of me and I let out a scream.
-AhhH, ugh, uhh.
Ka-Are you ok?
-Never better. Why you ask?

Ha-Look at this

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Ha-Look at this.
Ka-Ah, how cute. They're being nice with each other. Aren't they adorable?
-Of course they are, just like me.
I take AJ with me and I give him a kiss on the head. I laugh smiling afterwards. They take both of them away again and when I turn to take one dad stops me and speaks.
Ha-We came to help you out. Go sleep and tidy up. We can handle them for a bit.
I turn and I go to sleep after a shower and clean clothes and making sure they're fine.

Five years later
I am on my way to dad's condo to pick up my kids. I have to take them to their usual date with the doctor for their routine shots so they don't get sick. When I arrive there they jump on top of me.
-Hey kids. Did you enjoy being here?
CJ-Yes we did. Is so much fun here.
-Of course it is but now we have to get to the doctor. Pick up your things.
They groan but do as I tell them to do and I turn to dad.
-Did they behave?
Ha-Of course they did. Like a kid does. You should take Avi Jamal to the doctor, he seems to have vision problems.
I sigh worriedly and dad pats me on the back.
Ha-They're good kids. United, strong, healthy, obedient, responsible. For their age, that's quite the accomplishment. At least now is easier to differentiate them. I'll tell you later how I do it. Seriously now, do take AJ to the doctor.
-I will.
CJ-We're ready to go. Wait, not yet, one more thing we have to do. AJ, remember what we got to do?
AJ-I remember. One, two, three. Now.
They each hug a leg each and I can't help a smile to rise on my face.
-What are you doing?
AJ-Holding you down.
CJ-So we don't go to the doctor.
AJ-They take blood from you. Isn't that supposed to stay inside our bodies?
CJ-Then they give you a candy like they did nothing wrong. Forgive me?
AJ-They scare me.
I can't help but laugh at their innocence.
-They only take it to know if you're sick or healthy. Come on now, let go.
They beg a bit more until they get tired and I take one on my back and the other on my arms. We go away and they come out fine except for Avi Jamal that ends up needing glasses to see better. He sobs and CJ cheers him up gently as we go pick up his glasses later at the store.
-AJ, is fine. At least you can see.
CJ-Dad, can he choose how they look.
-Of course he can.
They both hug me and I bend down to hug them as well. When we get home they go play for a while until is time to sleep.

Eleven years later
Angel and me are having a romantic getaway while the kids have a camping trip for their birthday.
Avi Jamal POV
I look at the road ahead of us and I groan when I look at all the way we have to go up.
CJ-You said it. We are going to have so much fun.
-Race you there?
CJ-You bet.
With that we race up the trail towards the cabin. When we reach the cabin we are laughing hard as we always do and as we recover our breath we leave our things behind and we undress as we go towards the lagoon and take as swim.
CJ-Dive or cannonball?
I look at him and we have the same thought of cannonball. We play around for a bit.
-CJ, why are we like this?
CJ-How so?
-Never mind but, have you wondered how is it that dad can tell us apart? I mean he's blind but I somehow doubt it.
CJ-He can always tell which is which and we can't joke on him.
-It was nice that he gave us this trip for our birthday.
CJ-It sure was. Let's get back to the house.
I agree with him and we get out of the lagoon and back to the house. We goof around for a bit and I wait until he's asleep to play a joke on him. I set up the camera to record on him and I turn to the camera and speak.
-Today I'm going to pull a prank on CJ, he is sleeping and I intend on waking him up roughly. But before that, let's see something. Follow me.
I go quietly towards the bed and I take the blanket off of him revealing a princess underwear that a girl got for him some time ago. I hold back a laugh as I put the blanket away. He curls up shivering with a breeze and I take my phone and search for a really loud sound. I find it and I wake him up roughly.
I laugh at his scream and he frowns throwing me the pillow on the face.
CJ-I hate you.
I laugh as he covers his face on his hands and I turn off the camera before I go to him again.
-You fine?
CJ-Yeah, not that bad. I never thought you could pull a prank like that.
-I know. Come here you.
I pull him up but then he pulls me back down with him to the bed. We cuddle with each other and we fall asleep on the bed together hugging each other tightly.
Karma POV
I'm scrolling down my phone when I receive a notification of a live video from AJ. I open it up and I see that AJ appears on screen. I call the rest of the family to watch as I connect the phone to the TV.
-Mom, dad, sisters, come look at this.
Ha-What's wrong?
N-I was sleeping.
K-We all were.
-Look at that. The kiddos are having a really good time.
They sit down and we see as AJ plays a joke on CJ. We laugh at the joke plays and as I'm about to turn it off I notice they forgot to turn the camera off. I dismiss everyone but dad and Karai decide to stay to keep watching the kids. We listen as they speak.
I lie down with my brother on the bed when he has an idea.
CJ-Hey, you know the dances we always do when we're bored?
-What are you thinking?
CJ-I would only dance with you and you know that. But why don't we try another kind of dance?
I get up and sit at his side.
-What kind of dance are we trying today or whenever?
CJ-Couple dancing.
-You'll dance with Karai and I'll dance with Nova.
CJ-Oh no, you misunderstood me. I meant this.
He takes out two outfits and he throws one my way.
CJ-You'll be the lady part.
CJ-You can wear a wig if you want. A mask even so no one knows is you. Any questions?
-A couple, yes. Why do I have to be the lady on this dance!?
CJ-Because I don't want to besides, with that face no one will know you're a boy.
CJ-We might be identical twins but you have this attitude that makes you wonder if you're a boy or a girl.
-That doesn't have any sense.
He sits down and he takes the dress from me. He makes puppy eyes at me holding the dress to his chin.
CJ-Pretty please. For me? Come on, you know you love me. Brothers stick together?
He keeps begging until I finally agree.
-Fine but you'll pay dearly for this.
He jumps on the bed and then he hits himself with the ceiling and he goes to his knees rubbing his head. I laugh silently.
-You got it coming.
CJ-I hate you.
-I know, I love you too. Let's go to sleep. I'm tired.
He throws me a pillow and a blanket and I laugh as I start to undress and change to my pajamas.
CJ-Good night Avi Jamal.
I twitch as I don't like to be called like that.
-Good night Christian Jackson.
I throw him the dirty clothes and he laughs throwing them back to me as I get on the bed. I turn to look at him and we smile before we both fall asleep again.

To be continued.............

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