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The next morning I wake up and as I search blindly for Hydra and don't find him I get alarmed and get up.
I open my eyes and get the sleep away and I see a card on his pillow.
-Hey, can I tell you a secret? Look at your feet.
I do and I see rose petals spelling my name with a bouquet as the I. Another card.
-Karai, that's the name of the light of my life.
I laugh and I follow the trail of gifts by the house until I find him. He's holding a box. I open it and take out a card.
-For you who holds my heart, for the woman that brings good into my life. And for the woman I love and want to spend the rest of eternity with. I love you, would you marry me?
I turn to look at him and he bends on a knee with a ring on his hands on a box.
Hy-Would you do me the honor of marrying me?
I take a hand to my mouth holding back tears of joy. I nod not trusting my voice to speak. He smiles as he takes my hand sliding the diamond ring on my ring finger. He stands and I hug him tightly.
-I love you.
Hy-I love you too.
-So this is what you were up to?
He nods a bit ashamed and I turn to kiss him but then I have to step back as a wave of nausea hits me.
Hy-You fine?
-Yeah, just a bit dizzy I guess.
Hy-Need anything?
-No, it will pass.
Just as I say that it hits me harder and I have to run to the bathroom to throw up. I cover the vomit and sit on the floor in front of the toilet and I hear Hydra coming in. He sits at my side and rubs my back gently. I lean on him and he caress my cheek.
Hy-Feel better?
-Not really.
Hy-Want me to call the doctor?
-I go with mom later. I'm sure is not bad, just have to take it easy.
Hy-You have been working late these few days.
I nudge into him and get kisses from him and such. He charges me to the bed taking care of me gently. He is kind enough to cook proper food for me to feel better. When he has to leave for work he leaves me at my place with my sibling's kids. The girls at least, they are organizing for when they move in.
I go to the couch and rest there for a bit. When I wake up I notice they are asleep as well. I get up a bit better but I get out of the window and fly to where mom and dad are. Without a word I take mom away. In private, after I'm sure no one is listening I show her the ring.
He-He did not.
-He did.
He-How did he asked?
-It was so adorable. He got me a nice dinner and the next morning when I woke up I found a lot of cards telling me how much he loves me and lots of compliments and then he asked me if I would marry him. He was so adorable when he kneeled.
He-Well, I'm glad you're happy. You deserve it. Take time for you and away from work.
-Says the work alcoholic.
He-What can I say. Any other thing you need?
-Actually, there is. I got morning sickness and nauseas all morning.
I keep telling her how I've been feeling and she raises an eyebrow thoughtfully. She raises a finger in thought before she takes my hand and back to the office. She gets one drawer opened and takes her purse out. She produces a hundred dollar and she hands it to me. I gibe ehr a doubtful look and she gets me close whispering on my ear so dad doesn't hear.
He-Buy yourself pregnancy tests.
He-Just, trust me. I know about it. Now go and check.
I look at dad and she does too. He notices and he smiles in a way that makes me squeak. I shiver and he calls me over. I go to his side and he stands kissing the back of my hand.
Ha-If you're happy, I'm happy.
I'm not sure if he means the moving, the marriage or the possible pregnancy but I still hug him tight.
-I love you.
Ha-I love you too.
He rubs my back gently before he let's me go. I give him a quick kiss before I dash away. I really needed his approval or his support. I go down to the pharmacy and buy every pregnancy test I can find. I even take a sex test. Not really sure what it does but is there so it comes. When I go to pay the lady looks at me surprised.
Lady-How many ladies?
-Just me, I want to be sure.
She nods and pass all of the tests and I pay afterwards. I go back home and I take each test. As I wait for them to be ready they all say the same thing. I am indeed pregnant. I try to not freak but I still do. I am happy and afraid of what might come to the future. With that thought of mind I decide is for the best to tell everyone now.

The eleven moths that I last pregnant pass almost too slow for us and Hydra insists on doing everything for me. He keeps me inside just letting me out to stretch my wings a little. I am taken care to Olympus as my due date approaches.
Hy-How is the most beautiful living being of all time?
I look at Hydra as he enters with a tray of food. I let out a smile.
-You're not buying favors with that.
Hy-Who says I want favors?
I give him a look and he turns red with shame. I laugh as he gets me the food. As I eat my phone vibrates. Is a message from dad. He sent me a video of how to correctly treat a baby, I laugh.
Hy-What is it?
-Dad send me a tutorial how to take care of babies. I think I'm pretty good already. I mean, I help take care of my brothers and sister and some of the nieces and nephews.
Hy-Maybe he just wants to make sure.
I receive another message. He's asking, boy or girl. I answer happy and he sends me a picture of something he is considering for her. He'll pass by later. I try to get up but Hydra stops me.
-Hydra, please. Dad is coming and I haven't seen him in a while.
He thinks about it for a moment before he nods letting go of me. I turn and give him a kiss before going away to dress a bit more presentable. From the bathroom I can hear that he's already here. I hurry a bit and get out. I see dad and Hydra exchanging shakes and gifts. I smile and I hug him from behind.
I squeeze him a bit before we all sit down. I lean on his shoulder a bit and he caress my hair a bit just how I like it. After a bit Hydra has to go to work and he gives me a sweet kiss before he goes.
-Get some ice cream on your way back.
He laughs a bit and goes and I'm left alone with dad. I hug him a bit tighter before I get up and get an ice cream from the freezer. I sit back at his side and eat.
Ha-Is that all you're having?
-Yes, why?
He opens his mouth to answer and I stuff a bite of ice cream in his mouth. He is surprised and maybe a bit pissed but still eats it. He makes a face burying his face on his hands.
-Brain freeze?
I giggle a bit and he gets me to the living room. We stay in a comfortable silence until I speak.
-Dad, I'm a bit, um, afraid. What if something happens?
I can feel when he hugs me tighter but not too tight. I instantly feel a bit better.
Ha-Don't worry princess. Everything will be fine.
-What if I don't make a good mother? Something always happens.
Ha-If something does happen, I'll be there for you. Besides, when have you not been able to fix something or find a solution to a problem?
Ha-Exactly. Now don't you worry about a thing. I am completely sure you'll be a great mother. Who knows, maybe you'll be better than your own mother.
That actually makes me laugh a bit and he smiles knowingly. I realized he said that last part to cheer me up. I slap my hand on his chest.
-You're terrible.
Ha-Ha, I know. Eat or it will melt. Unless you don't want anymore.
He makes to take it and I shoo him away taking it back. I stick my tongue out at him and he chuckles.
Ha-Jave you thought about a name?
-Mmm, Yuki.
Ha-Sounds adorable.
-Because we know she will be adorable.
Ha-Will she sleep with you or a separate room?
-Same, closer and safer. Also it will give me some peace of mind letting me sleep better and easier.
I lean on his side taking his arm on mine.

I sigh as he takes a glass serving himself some wine

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I sigh as he takes a glass serving himself some wine. When he turns to serve me something healthier besides ice cream I almost punish him.
Ha-You have to be healthy.
-Fine but be careful for it is sharp.
He throws me a look and I shrug.
Ha-See, you'll be a great mother.
He turns to get me some dinner. As we eat I receive a message from Hydra that he won't be here until tomorrow at dinner. I have a mix of sadness with happiness as I can spend more time with dad. I show him the message and he understands what I want immediately. I make puppy eyes at him and he smiles.
Ha-I can stay.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and he pats my head nicely. After dinner we watch a movie before I get sleepy and I turn to sleep. He tucks me in gently.
Ha-I'll be just outside your door.
With that he kisses my forehead and leaves. I fall asleep almost too fast. I dream of my soon to be born baby girl and I can feel myself happy.
When I wake up I find that everything hurts and I get up a bit to check and fear overcomes me as I'm wet with blood. Not much but being blood freaks me out.
                        Hades POV
I am out of Karai's room keeping an eye out and as I check my phone I hear her cry.
I enter the room and I see her on the bed with a painful expression. I get to her and calm her down a bit.
-Hey, calm down, everything is just fine.
She calms somewhat and I take her on my arms and go towards the hospital. As they take her away I teleport myself to get Hydra. I don't even bother in asking permission or wait around. I go directly to him, when he sees me he gets it and he comes with me. The doctors don't let him enter so we stay together waiting.
Hy-Don't you think is taking too long?
-Too long. She's fine, she's strong.
He nods and I go get him a water bottle. He drinks it in a single sip and I throw it away. A doctor comes out and if looks could kill.
Doctor-There was a slight complication.
This time however I too stare at him.
Doctor-We need a transfusion of blood, she lost a lot of blood. Of I can get your blood type.
The doctor sighs and turns to me.
He smiles triumphantly and he takes me away. He is kind enough to let Hydra come. I roll up my sleeve and they work diligently. After a bit they bring Karai as well and she is as pale as a sheet of paper. They get her too and I relax as they assure me and Hydra she is just exhausted. They get us so she gets the transfusion and we just have to wait. In a matter of minutes they bring the baby and Hydra is more than happy to take her. He shows her to me and I smile a bit.
-She looks like you.
He shrugs and he steps away. I look at Karai, she has regained the color on her face and she does seems better. I smile as she starts to wake up. She lifts her hand looking at the blood and she follows the connection to me.
-Feeling better?
She mouths for Yuki and I point to Hydra with her. Hydra gives Yuki to her and she turns smiling.
K-Yuki. She's perfect.

To be continued..............
I want to thank Pikachu904726 because she helped me make Yuki. The event on next chapter is also her idea so the credit is not mine. Give a follow, nice and loyal, has great ideas for everything and good suggestions.

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