34 Thirty Four

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Once we're home at Olympus I start treating Hades's wound at the back of his head and I hand him a pack of ice for his forehead.
-Here, get this on your forehead.
He does as I tell him and I look at the back of his head.
-Get your head down, this might sting a little.
Ha-I can handle it to sting a little, I'm a god for crying out loud.
-So I can be tough with you?
Ha-Sure, I can handle it.
I laugh at his confidence and I soak the towel with alcohol and despite my promise I rub it gently against the back of his head and I laugh as he flinches and I pull him back down.
-Stay still.
I rub a bit more of alcohol on the wound, cleaning it throughoutly and he grabs my hand away from it.
Ha-By the gods woman, that hurts.
-It wouldn't if you stay still and relax a bit.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles.
-Better? Does it still hurts?
Ha-Did I got hurt?
We laugh as I keep cleaning his wound. When I'm done I put the things on the side and I sit next to him and I take the ice pack away from him. I look at the wound on his forehead and I pass my thumb across it from side to side.
Ha-It will heal up, it will feel as smooth as the first time.
-I want it to heal but you still look good. Makes you look cool and more like a daredevil.
I give him a kiss on the forehead at the top of the wound and he smiles but it soons disappears as he looks at Karai behind me on the other couch, I look too and I see that she's still a wolf.
-Will she stay like that for much longer?
Ha-This might sound dumb but, maybe until sunrise.
-That didn't sound dumb at all, I think that's actually a valid point.
Ha-I meant the reason behind it more than the solution per se.
-Fair. Now come here, rest a bit. You got quite the fight back there.
Ha-Do I have to?
-Sleep or pain.
With that he lies down on my lap after giving me a kiss. He puts his hand on my face and I smile at him as I feel the warmth and the love at his touch.
Ha-How bad was the wound in the back?
-Not that bad, it ended up being smaller than the cut on your forehead. But since it was the head then, well, you know the rest.
Ha-I know. There is something that stills bothers me.
-And what might that be?
Ha-The dead animals on the subway, she seemed very angry at someone else touching them and also when we were fighting she throwed me far from them and she throwed me against the furthest wall from them and on the opposite side of it, always away from them and when I was rubbing my back she could've killed me right there but now that I focus on the details more, I saw that she was more focused on keeping me away from the stack than killing me.
-She did seem very angry at me grabbing one of them. I mean, she did throwed to kill.
Ha-I am really starting to hate wolves.
-Same here.
We spend the rest of the night watching over Karai and close to sunrise she transforms back to her old self and as she turns I see that she starts waking up and I nudge Hades a bit to get him up and we go over to her side as she wakes up.
K-Ugh, who got the sun so close?
Ha-How are you feeling?
K-Ah, everything hurts and I'm a bit dizzy and lightheaded.
Suddenly she stands and runs away towards the bathroom and after a moment we hear her curse and scream.
K-By the gods, what the fuck is that?
We run towards the bathroom and we find her throwing up. When she notices us she covers it up and she washes up her face a bit before she sits back.
K-What happened and please tell me everything you know. First question, did I ate anything while I was a wolf?
Ha-I don't think so. I don't know, you grabbed and bite but I didn't saw you eating anything.
-Does it have to do with your puke?
She nods and turns away from us breathing deeply.
K-The cut on your head, was that me?
Ha-This? I'm fine, I barely knew it was there.
She looks at him with teary eyes and he nods slowly and ashamed. I can see the sadness on her eyes as she realizes she hurt the person she loves the most.
K-I'm sorry, I I just.......
She starts crying and Hades gets in front of her and takes her in a tight hug. He rubs her back gently as she keeps crying on his shoulder. She puts her hand right on the wound on the back of his head and he grunts a little as Karai steps away a bit to look at him and she takes her hand away and we both look as it has a bit of blood on it. She tries to look but Hades doesn't let her until she shows him the blood on her hand.
K-Did I did this one too?
K-Does it hurt?
K-You do know that I can check if you're telling the truth by pressing it.
Ha-Maybe just a little.
-Karai, what did you saw in your puke that you wondered if you dated while wolf like?
K-You don't want to know.
Ha-I can always take a picture of the puke and show her.
K-Ugh, that's so gross, dad, why would you do that? I get grossed out at that so why would you want to see it or even take a picture.
Ha-You know I'm joking right?
-There is no way he would do that unless you puke on him.
Ha-Wich is never going to happen again.
K-Again? What do you mean?
Ha-Your mother puked on me about 22 or 23 years ago. I was using my favorite suit.
-I said sorry a lot and you said it didn't matter.
Ha-It doesn't but the face you made afterwards, worth remembering the event and everything.
-So Karai, this is what happened......
Ha-You weren't born yet, you were still inside her tummy growing up.
Ha-That's what happened. Was it not?
-Yes but I wanted to tell her that.
Hades makes like zipping his lips up and we laugh at him as he keeps the story himself.
Ha-As I said, she was still pregnant and we were eating lunch.
-Do you remember what I got for lunch that time.
Ha-How can I forget? It ended up all over my suit.
-Yes it did indeed.
Ha-Anyway, as I was saying, we were eating lunch, I got a salad and your mother got chocolate chip ice cream with lemons, spicy sauce mixed with strawberries dipped in syrup and tomato sauce, two bananas, raisins and wasabi on the edge.
K-You're kidding me.
Ha-No I'm not. I know is true because I had to get uncle Josh up here so he could help me with it. I remember that she blamed you for it.
K-But I wasn't even born yet?
Ha-Precisely my point.
-I suggested it but didn't say it was her. I said I wanted it but that I threw up maybe because it was too much too fast.
Ha-You said that it was her that didn't like what you were feeding her.
-And you agreed with her.
Ha-After seeing how it ended up, I have to agree with it. Back to the story, we dated and she felt like going back home and I charged her and when we were reaching the room she just, threw up on my chest.
K-So we didn't share the good taste that day.
Ha-Now you know what she threw up, now you have to tell us what you throw up. Puke for puke.
K-Agh, it looks like I ate raw animals.
Ha-Raw, raw animals? Like eating a fried pork maybe?
K-No, grosser. Feathers and hair and perhaps a couple claws and small beaks.
-You're kidding.
K-Dad, can I ask how did I hurt you?
Ha-I pulled you by the tail the first time, is very hard holding you down when you're twice my size, bigger, meaner and when I don't want to hurt you but you want to hurt me. Especially when you're my daughter. Come here, you're my little girl.
He picks her up and gets her to her room. We lie down with her on the bed and we just spend the time with her. After a moment I get my phone and I start scrolling through pictures of Hades and me before she was born.
-Karai look, I snapped this picture when he proposed to me. He still looks good.
I give her the phone and she smiles as she looks at him and then at the picture over and over again.
K-There is one difference.
K-Is on his forehead.
I look and when I realize she's talking about the cut I laugh and then she laughs as well. After a while we fall asleep together.
A while later I wake up and I see Hades sitting up on the bed. He checks his wounds and I see him flinch a bit and I giggle a bit getting his attention. He looks at me over his shoulder and he smiles looking at me.
Ha-Did I woke you up?
-Not really. Going somewhere?
Ha-Not really, just moving a bit.
He turns completely and he lies down on the bed on his side looking at Karai as she sleeps. He puts her hair aside a bit and she sneezes at it falls over her face again. After a couple more minutes she wakes up.
Ha-Hey. Better? How are you feeling?
K-Same. Dad, why can't I remember what I did?
Ha-Maybe as a precaution. You draw a blank on your mind and pull it away to forget. What do you think?
K-I know I can't control it or at least not yet. Is troublesome.
Ha-Yes it is. We'll find a solution, you'll see. We always do.
-Don't worry about it. You'll see that pretty soon you'll be able to control these shifts.
K-I sure hope so. What am I going to do while that happens? As long as I don't have control of that I'm a danger to everyone and maybe even myself.
-You are not a danger to anyone.
At that she slaps Hades on the wound on the back of his head and he grunts in pain. She points at him and I understand her point.
Ha-Why you do that for? It still hurts a bit.
K-Precisely my point.
Ha-We can discuss this tomorrow. At the throne room to warn the other gods, now that you're the strongest we have to let everyone now and warn them so they don't hurt you by accident.
K-Do I have to go?
Ha-Yes you do.
K-If I have to and there's no helping it, fine. I just hope I don't lose control in the middle of the meeting.
Ha-With our record to attract problems that might have a very high chance of happening.
-Yes, I always have problems around me, Hades is his blood-problem-maker and you Karai, you are both and to top it all you also like danger and fighting so we have low probabilities of everything going smoothly.
K-So we are troublemakers?
Ha-More like problem magnets.
K-Do you think they will do something or be any help at all?
Ha-Who knows? We haven't had a god losing control of its aura for a couple centuries now. And if I don't know about it they'll know even less.
K-Because you're the smartest of all the Olympians.
We laugh as she hugs him tightly. We go back to sleep after Hades makes a few calls scheduling a meeting first thing in the morning. He comes to bed and we all sleep together to keep an eye on her.

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