4 Four

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I wake up with a scream and sweating. I put my hand in my neck and I hug my knees while I sob as I relive the feeling of being killed. After a couple of minutes I hear the front door opening followed by Hades's voice.
Ha-I'm home. I got some food from your brother's restaurant.
I look up and I run to meet him. I hug him tightly and I sob a little on his chest.
Ha-I wasn't gone that long.
I just hug him a bit tighter and he lifts my head up by the chin to see me. He frowns when he sees me crying and puts the bags away. He takes my face on his hands and cleans my tears away.
Ha-What happened? Why are you crying?
-They're back. I thought they were gone but they're back.
Ha-What is back? Tell me.
-The nightmare, I thought I'd never have it again. It looks like I was wrong.
I hug him tightly again and he helps me to the couch. He let's me rest my head on his lap and I rest there while he caress softly my cheeks and my arms and my hair until I calm down enough to speak.
Ha-I'm here. I'm listening.
-That nightmare, I always had it since I was a child but less tragic. I usually had it beforehand, when a big significant change is going to happen in my life. I got it a week before my mom died and then when my brother opened his restaurant and when I got my first real job. I get the nightmare and a week afterwards something happens. But this time, I got confused because I have passed a lot of changes, big changes and I didn't have the nightmare so I thought it was gone for good. Guess I was wrong.
I sob a little and shake a bit before he kisses my hand softly. I sit up and rest my head on his shoulder before I speak again.
-This was the worst, by a long shot.
Ha-Easy. You don't have to talk about it, not right now anyways.
-I know but I feel that you should know.
He nods and I continue.
-This time everyone that I have met in my life, both the dead ones and the ones that are still alive. Everyone hated me and blamed me for everything and just at the very end, my, Josh got close to me and he holded me.
I start crying again and he holds me closer to him, tightly as if he knew what I was going to say.
Ha-Don't think about it. Just a nightmare.
-He killed me without a second thought. No hesitation.
I cuccoon myself in him. He hugs me very tightly before he lifts me and takes me back to the bed. He takes off his clothes just enough so I'm feeling the warmth of his body against my own. Not long after I'm asleep again by the calm beating of his heart and his breathing and the warmth his body provides me.
When I wake up again I feel slightly better and I see that Hades is still at my side and still with his clothes on, even the shoes. I make a face to myself as I give him a soft kiss. I nudge him a bit to wake him up.
Ha-Mmhm, I'm awake. How are you feeling?
-A bit better thanks to you. Can you get me my bag?
He turns and takes a bag from the cabinet. He gets it to me and I take it and open it and search inside. I take out a hair brush and a couple more items I'm going to use at the moment when something catches my eye. I closed and think for a moment.
Ha-Is there anything wrong? Something missing?
-Is been how many days since the wedding? Two or three? The two being wedding a day and another day and the three being the wedding a day another day and another one being that one yesterday making this one the fourth day.
Ha-This is the fourth day, why?
I stand from the bed and check the calendar on my phone.
-I have to check something and make sure. Can you call May over while I get ready?
Ha-Sure, what for?
-Something I just remembered that I have to do with her.
He understands that I won't say more about it and calls May as I go to the bathroom and shower and prepare. When I come out Hades is having breakfast while May tells him about a time that I almost got fired. I give Hades a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
-Bon appetit. I'll be back by noon or so. Wait for me.
I take May and pull her with me to the streets and when we're far from home I let go of her.
May-What do you need me for? First Hades calls me saying I come over and now you take me out.
I look at her and take her by the shoulders and I look left and right and around so no one can hear us and I pull her closer.
-I need you to help me confirm something as yes or no.
She opens her eyes wide and I pull her around a bit more until we reach the pharmacy.
-Here, ask the manager for this and don't look inside when she hands it to you. Not yet at least.
She nods and goes inside and after about fifteen minutes she cones out with a bag. She hands it to me and I see the stuff I asked for. Afterwards I pull her to a clinic and I do a quick check up. When is done I ask the doctor.
-When are the results going to be ready?
Doctor-In a week, but five days week.
I nod and go away, we go to a cafe around a corner and I just fidget with my fingers anxiously until May speaks.
May-Are you going to tell me what is this all about?
I take a deep breath and whisper to her.
-I think I might be, expecting. I'll know for sure in five days.
May-So, you might be pregnant. How can you have the thought?
-I had a nightmare, the nightmare. Today when I got my bag I saw my calendar and I noticed that I didn't had my period yet.
May-When it was supposed to be?
-Not the wedding night the one afterwards.
She let's out a chuckle and I look at her.
May-I see what you did there. The wedding night enjoy it to the fullest with your new husband and then get your period the next day when you calmed down from being a bad girl with your bad boy.
-May. Please.
May-Anyway, back to the topic. What if you are pregnant? How are you going to tell him?
-I don't know. I'll figure it out when I get the results from the test.
We continue talking and talking and then I head home.

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