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We watch as Yuki gets her crayons and markers and paints Hydra's face. He is deep in slumber but has his moments of almost waking up. She takes my phone again and she puts it by his ear. She takes a few steps beach and with her own phone she calls mine. As it starts to ring my phone rings loudly with a creepy tone that makes him wake up and jump in fear.
Hy-The hell!?
We all fight to hold back a laugh as he slips on his laces. Yuki jumps to his back laughing.
He turns to her pointing a finger.
Hy-You, you little.......you definitely are spending too much time with those two.
She gets off of him and he sits up turning to hug her. He cleans his face with his sleeve before he goes take a drink for each of them. She goes to AJ and CJ.
Y-Thank you.
CJ-Anything for you.
AJ-It was good.
-When did you taught her that?
CJ-Not so long ago.
AJ-She really loves jokes and such.
Ka-Maybe that's why she likes you so much.
Y-Not true, that's just luck for them. I do like when they do magic tricks and when they get scared.
Ha-Tokd you she would be a handful.
-Yes you did.
N-I'm surprised she hasn't pranked you yet.
-She tries but nothing works. Isn't that right sweetheart?
Y-You are impossible to scare.
Ha-Maybe not.
Ha-Just saying. You have been scared before.
I turn to my ambrosia drink and just shrug dismissing the thought. My phone vibrates and I see is time for Yuki to go to sleep.
-Come on you, is time for bed.
Y-Five more minutes?
Y-Three more minutes?
-Come on.
Y-One more minute?
She yaws taking my hand and I chuckle as she gets asleep as soon as I take her up.
Ha-So much for not being sleepy.
-She did played a lot.
With that I get her on her bed here and when I come back they have the wine, beer, champagne and everything else already out. We all dance and play together our own adult games as the kids are sleeping. When we are exhausted just chatting about things there is a phone ringing with a very sensual ringtone.
Phone-Papi dale duro, talk dirty to me, papi,
We follow the noise and we see that is Max's phone. I see he's asleep so I shake him up a bit.
-Max, wake up.
-Your phone is ringing.
M-Phone, sure. Want to sleep.
I take his phone and wave it in front of him. The second time it rings he snaps alerted and blushing hard as he runs away with it.
He answers the call in a hush so we don't hear.
-That is quite the ringtone he has.
Ka-He has a dark side. Just joking, it must be the girlfriend.
N-He has a girlfriend?
Ka-They been together for six years now.
N-He is definitely your kid.
Ka-What is that supposed to mean?
She lifts an eyebrow at him and he blushes a bit as she whispers something in his ear. He takes his beer and drinks it in a single go.
Ka-Not a word.
We turn innocent looks dismissing the thought. After a few drinks Max comes back and he whispers on Karma's ear. He sighs pulling out his wallet. Before he can give him the keys he pulls them out of reach.
Ka-Do not, I repeat, do not scratch it.
M-It won't have even a slight of dirt on it.
He gives him the keys of the bike and Max smiles gratefully.
M-Thanks, you're the best.
He runs outside and we hear as the bike speeds off wheeling away.
-Where is he going?
Ka-With his girlfriend, probably.
He shrugs getting another drink from the fridge and we keep playing around. When we get tired we all sit down to have a snack together. We recall old times, fights and good times as well. I turn to see the time and we start saving all the things we used and judge as not proper for kids.
                          Karma POV
After a wild party we start cleaning up so the youngest member of our family doesn't sees anything. When we're almost done I see as Yuki comes half awake. She rubs her eyes a bit before she turns to her mother pulling her sleeve.
K-Hey, thought you were still asleep.
K-Go brush your teeth, breakfast will be served in a bit.
Yuki nods going to the bathroom half asleep. We hear the movement and the water running before we hear a breaking noise.
Y-Is fine, the glass fell.
K-Need help?
Y-Ig bine.
We all laugh at that and I turn to make breakfast. I make some oatmeal and as I serve it I put dusk in some and none in others. In mom's I put spicy sauce. As I forget which is which I just give them around. After a bit we see Yuki coming in. She looks confused and she has a brush stuck on her hair.
K-Yes? Oh my, here, let me help you with that.
She takes her head and starts working on undoing the mess.
K-My what a mess. We probably have to cut it short.
Y-Cut it short?
K-Yes, no hair, all gone. You'll have to use a wig if you want hair.
Y-No more ponytails?
K-Nope. Zero hair. Bye hair.
She sobs a bit and Karai smiles.
K-Hey, I'm just joking. I'm messing around, you can keep your hair long.
Y-Pinky promise?
She lifts her finger and Karai lifts hers as well making the pinky promise. She makes two ponytails at each side of her head with ribbons. She gives her a kiss before she goes save the hairbrush again. When she comes back we all eat together. We go to the pool and the beach in two separate groups. The boys go to the beach and the ladies go to the pool except for me and Yuki. We stay at home inside watching cartoons. She rests on my lap watching her favorite cartoons and she laughs at almost everything. After a bit everyone comes back to eat lunch. Yuki stays glued to the TV watching her favorite show and I serve the food.
K-How is the cutest thing in the world?
Y-Mom, look the baby elephant scares the cat painting himself as a mouse.
K-Poor cat.
Y-Poor cat, the mouse is the poor one, he has to stand and live with an annoying cat being just mad and angry.
K-Poor mouse?
Y-No, the Moise uses dynamite and bombs to get the cat to shut up.
The shows ends and she groans but cheers up when they announce a movie with all the episodes they have shown so far.
Y-Can I have the movie?
K-I can think about it.
She shrugs and she comes to eat with all of us. Halfway through lunch we hear as Max gets home. He enters and sleepy still he throws me the keys as he goes upstairs to his room.
-He must have had a great time.
Y-Doing what?
Karai looks at me knowingly and I clear my throat.
-He was studying for his exams.
Y-I thought you were all smart. Guess I was wrong.
Ha-He is smart but he likes to study. Find new things to do with everything.
Yuki thinks a bit about it before she shrugs. We all sigh in relief as she runs away to play around. After a bit we all turn to play an innocent game of volleyball. For a while we are too happy to even bother and everything turns slow motion. I go get it and as I throw it gets stuck on a tree.
K-Nice going Karma.
When we get tired we turn to rest and we see as Max and Yuki come with drinks. Max holds the drinks in a tray and she gives them to each one of us. She sits holding her dad in a hug before she turns to look for something to play with. She finds something and she shows it to us happy.
Y-Mom, can you play with me?
K-Sorry kiddo, I really don't know how to play.
She pouts and Max goes to her side.
M-I can show you if you want.
He takes a ball and the bat and he smiles at her arching an eyebrow. She follows him and they get their helmets on each one. He helps her get in position and he gets an objective for her to hit. He shows her the proper way to hit and stands behind her.
M-Concentrate on the ball. Do you see it? Are you ready?
Y-I can.
M-Then hit it.
We all look as she tightens her grip. She swings in preparation a couple times before she turns to hit for real but when she does she hits the wrong side hitting Max on between the legs. He falls to his knees holding his hands on his legs. When she realizes what she just did she covers her mouth with both hands. She turns to us and we laugh. I turn to help Max up.
-Hey, you ok?
He turns to her and smiles.
M-You have a strong hit for being so small and young.
She hugs him nicely apologizing and he strokes her hair.
M-Let's keep playing then. Just let me get very very far from the bat.
He helps her get into position again before he steps away, very AFR from her reach.
M-You can hit now.
She does and lucky him he is far or he would been hit again. She falls from hitting too hard and she lifts her eyes to look at the objective. She hit it right on the center.
M-Good going, you have pretty good aim.-He murmurs in a whisper-When you do hit the correct objective.
She turns to look at him smiling and he helps her up. She goes to the objective and retrieves the ball from the floor. We see as she shows it with a laugh.
We all laugh at that. I hear a flap and I turn to see Karai stretching her wings and her arms as well.
K-Well then, I'm going for a flight. Yuki, you want to come?
She shakes her head looking a bit scared at the sky. Karai walks up to her and pats her head nicely. She whispers something to her and she smiles bright. She nods and Karai takes off to the skies. After a bit we go inside the house and start making dinner. Yuki watches me from the counter with hunger obvious on her expression.
After a bit she comes towards me and she wraps herself on my leg.
-What are you doing?
I pat her head nicely and kiss her forehead. She turns away to watch TV and I keep cooking dinner.
                        Yuki POV
I turn the TV on an I watch my favorite show on it. Batman. I lie down on the floor and turn to watch it happily. I laugh as it goes. I hear as grandpa comes in and sits behind me. I stay still until there is a commercial.
-Hi. Candy?
I stretch out my hand to him and he laughs softly.
Ha-Sorry. I don't have anymore.
I pout and go back to watching TV. Uncle Karma is kind enough to let me eat on the living room. I eat it as I look at the show and before I know it I am tired and I go to sleep.

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