76 Seventy Six-New Powers

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I get the dishes out on the counter and the utensils as I ask Isabella for the ingredients.
-Pass me the box of eggs.
I-Can I help you break them?
-Later and just a few.
-Fine, half. Pass the ham and the mini carrots.
She gives them to me and I give her a kiss on the cheek.
-Broccoli and lettuce.
She passes them to me but mistakes them with each other as she calls the lettuce broccoli and the broccoli lettuce. I correct her gently.
-This is the broccoli and this is the lettuce.
I-Sorry, they're both green. Anything else?
I shake my head and I get her the eggs I promised her she could break and I show her how and to my surprise she's practically a natural chef as she breaks them expertly so I give the all to her as I chop the carrots and then I start breaking the lettuce down.
I-I broke them. What now?
-How hard and fast can you shake them?
She shrugs and I give her the mixer to show me. She starts roughly and I stop her.
-Not so hard. A bit slower but not too slow.
I take her hand and I help her catch the rhytm and when she does I turn back to break the broccoli. I get them all mixed up together and then I stop her and take the eggs from her and I get the vegetables on it and mix them myself this time.
-Go get dressed and ready. Thanks for your help.
She smiles and gives a hug to my leg before she runs away to get dressed. I get to finish the breakfast and I serve it on each giving them each their own drink. I get dad and Karai a green shake, a hot chocolate for mom, milk for Isabella and a grape juice for Nova. As I'm serving my own I hear everyone as they come in to eat. I sit between Nova and Isabella and we start eating and Isabella makes faces at me and I can't help but smile at her.
I-I bet I'm fiercer than you.
Everyone laughs at that.
-Eat first then we can see who's fiercer.
She nods and we eat in silence after that. When everyone is finished Karai turns and gets to wash the dishes and I get with Isabella to see who's fiercer. We start with soft growls before they turn to screams. She gives a very fierce growl to me and as I prepare to show her my growl she stops me and I look at her.
I-Can you do a real warcry. Like the warriors in the movies that dad watches sometimes.
-You want me to do a real warcry?
I-They say that the loudest is the scream the stronger is the person. Pretty please?
-Fine but take a step back.
She takes a few steps back and I do as well. I take a deep breath before I give my loudest scream and then I cover my mouth as I see fire coming out of my mouth. I manipulate some water and I make it fall over my face as I try to turn off the fire on my mouth. I slowly take my hand away and this time I breathe a bit of smoke. I turn to see that everyone is surprised at my sudden firebreathing ability. I turn and I check my aura control but everything seems fine with my aura.
-What was that? Nova, did you played an illusion on me?
N-Of course not. The last person I used an illusion was uncle Zeus. I didn't know you could breath fire.
-Me neither. Never happened before.
Ha-Actually it did happen before you just were asleep when it happened.
I look at him questioning him and he speaks again.
Ha-When I came back this morning from my usual run I saw you sleeping with Isabella and you took a fire breath so I took her and woke you up just in case.
I get my head back and I keep my mouth shut just in case. I have an idea and I get a cup with a couple of ice cubes and I start to eat them to keep my mouth cool down. Everyone laughs at me and Isabella comes towards me and she touches my face a bit. Then she smiles satisfied and I smile back as I take another ice on my mouth. When the ice is over I get more and I turn to the music room and I motion for Nova and Isabella to come with me.
Isabella POV
I follow my aunt and uncle to the music room smiling widely. Uncle let's me turn the buttons on the board as he tells me how to do it. Auntie goes to where the microphone is and she starts to practice some songs. They explain to me that they're making the song and that I'll sing it as well as soon as they finish it. I nod at them and I listen to her sing. After a while auntie calls me with her.
N-Isabella, you can come now.
I hop out of my seat and before we start practicing uncle goes get more ice for himself. When he comes back we practice together and we have fun while doing so. After a bit we are interrupted by grandpa as he calls us for lunch. We all sit at the table except for uncle. He takes his food and he eats with his back turned to us.
Ha-Are you still breathing fire?
Ka-Is just as a precaution. I'll practice a bit later. Alone.
I finish my food and I turn to play with my toys but then as I see aunt Karai deep on her phone I get an idea and I take a fallen leaf from a plant nearby and I sneak up behind her to scare her.
Nova POV
I see as Isabella gets to scare Karai and I have to hold a laugh with a suppressed smile. She passes the leaf through the back of her neck and she gets is scared that she shape shifts into a small cat that hisses at her. We all laugh at her reaction before she climbs through dad's arm and to his head. She jumps from his head to the floor turning back to her old self.
K-Don't ever do that again.
K-Don't worry, I'm not mad and I still love you.
Karai gives her a kiss and a hug before she sits again. I turn to look at Karma but I notice he's not there so I excuse myself for a moment. I go to our room and the music room and I check the bathroom as well but I can't find him. I go back with everyone else on the living room. I take out my phone and I organize the things for the concert I promised Isabella. The sooner I can find is in December to January on the human festive days. I schedule it to happen for two weeks minimum ending on the seventh of January. I turn to Isabella and I get her attention.
-Your birthday is the first or the second of January?
I-The first why?
-Then I got it right. Thank you.
I let her to play with Karai as she shape shifts to different animals.
Isabella POV
I play with aunt Karai as she shape shifts into different animals for me to pet. Right now she's a puppy. I hug her tightly and then I ask her to turn again.
-Can you turn into his favorite?
I point to grandpa Hades and she then turns into a tiny cat.
-Cute. Grandpa look, your favorite.
He turns and he smiles as he sees her as a cat. He scratches her head a little before he takes her on his arms and she climbs up his arm with perfect balance. She gets on his shoulder and he just stays still.
Ha-Are you enjoying yourself?
She nudges her head on his face and he laughs before she turns and she jumps to the floor behind the couch and then I see as a tiger appears and she looks at grandma for a moment. She doesn't notice until grandpa calls her.
Ha-My love, look at Karai.
She does and she instantly jumps backwards getting away from her as she calls forth her aura but they stop her with their respective auras and she turns back to herself.
Ha-Easy now, stop.
K-Is only me.
He-You know I don't like tigers.
I turn to hug her and I smile at her comfortingly. She gives me a kiss before she hugs me tightly. After that she goes and she sits at grandpa's side resting against him. I groan as they share a kiss and I turn to play with Karai one more time.
Karma POV
I watch as the ladies dance on stage on one of my favorite clubs to have a good time. One of the girls dances in front of me and she makes some movements, what movements, she's like a goddess, in human terms. I reach out to touch her and she backs away as she asks for money. I smile and I give her a hundred dollars and she sits on my lap after taking the money and she moves from side to side and back and forth as she trails her hands back through my hair and she goes down slowly building tension and making me even more excited than I already am. She slides her hands under my shirt and I pull her closer to me.
-What if we get more private? A more intimate approach.
She stands and she leads me towards the rooms where you go when you've found your sexual partner. We enter and she closes the door and offers me a drink but I stop her as I take her from behind and I start kissing her neck and her shoulders before I turn her head backwards and I kiss her on the lips furiously. I get one hand to hold her close to me and I use my other hand to explore her. I go down her stomach and then I slide it under her panties and I touch her intimates just rubbing them softly at first before I get rough with her and as I do she starts to moan in pleasure as she gets weaker under my touch. I use my aura discreetly to take off my pants and my lower clothes and I take off hers as well. I put us on the bed holding the same position as we both look up towards the ceiling. I start to do her anally and she screams in pleasure as I move her lower parts up and down as I keep fingering her front intimates savagely. After I come I exchange position as now we're both on our knees on top of the bed facing each other and I take off her upper clothes before I start licking her neck and her breasts gently. I then make her wrap her legs around my waist as I go inside her while I finger her ass this time around. I keep kissing her forcefully keeping her silent and breathless as well. I speak some Greek as I feel better when I speak Greek and this is the best moment to do so.
-{This feels so good.}
I fuck her even harder and I do lots of different positions and fuck her endlessly and when she can't keep up anymore I stop but as I'm still not satisfied I ask for two more girls to come and please me.
I serve myself some wine as the girls enter and I look at them hungrily over the top of my glass. I motion for them to come closer and they do and I get the first girl on the couch by the corner so I can share the bed with the other two girls.

To be continued...........

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