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I dismiss the thought with a sigh and I take out my phone. After a couple minutes I notice the lights get darker and I hear music from the background. I receive a text on my phone saying to look at the screen and I do. I see as some pictures of me and Calix start to play on screen with a love message. All of them say that he loves me or that I'm the best and I have to hold back some tears. Then I hear as someone starts to sing a love sing to me. Is female so I know is not Calix. After a bit I see as Nova appears singing.

A thousand years

She sings a love song and I see on the screen a picture of him holding a paper saying to look behind me. I look at Nova and she nods pointing behind me. I turn and I see Calix behind me. I smile as he takes my hand and he kneels kissing the back of my hand. I feel myself ruborize as I know what this is. He takes a box out of his pocket and he opens it revealing a magnificent ring and he smiles as he asks blushing.
C-I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and you're the best woman i could ever meet. Will you marry me?
I almost can't breathe and when I do I only speak the only word I want to let him know.
He stands and he puts the ring on my finger and we kiss each other lovely. We hug for a moment and I squeeze him tight burying my face on his chest while he pats me not the head soothing me. After a bit we share another kiss and we are interrupted by clapping and cheering and when I look around I see all his family smiling and clapping and I blush. I turn to him and he speaks.
-More than you'll ever know.
They shoot a bunch of confetti on us and he takes a step back and makes a signal. The music changes and he stretches out a hand for me.
C-May I have this dance?
I take his hand and we both start dancing together.

Tiempo de vals

As we dance I notice he sings along for me and he gives me some lifts holding me by the waist and we dance together for a while until the song ends and he takes me by the chin and gives me a sweet kiss.
C-I love you so much.
-I love you too.
               Calix POV
After that everyone dances along as well and we have loads of fun together. In a moment while we're eating Karma jumps on top of me wrapping an arm around my neck while he slaps my chest hard.
Ka-Who would thought. The youngest would be the first to marry.
He lifts me up and takes me away and I struggle to break free but can't.
-Let go.
Ka-Take it easy. I just want to talk with you on private. Brother talk if you may.
-But my angel.
A-I'll survive a couple minutes without you. Besides, we will spend the rest of our lives together.
I stop struggling against Karma and I rest numb as he walks away from everyone. He puts me down and I organize my clothes nice and clean again.
Ka-Why do you want to marry her?
-Because I love her and she's perfect.
Ka-Then the only thing left to say is....
Suddenly he hugs me tight and I feel him shake a bit and I smile and pat his back.
Ka-I hope you can be happy baby brother.
-Thank you. I won't tell anyone you cried.
He cries harder and I feel as he loses it when he tries to hold back something that seems to have hurted him for a long time.
-Are you ok? Tell me what hurts.
He gasps as if realizing what's happening and he pushes me back and runs away. I follow after him calling him out.
-Karma, hey come back here.
Ka-Leave me alone.
Ka-Don't want to talk about it.
-Don't do anything crazy or stupid.
Ka-Drop it.
-I won't.
Ka-Why do you care? I said I'm fine.
-I care because you're my brother.
He throws me a kick and I evade it easily and easier than normal because his attack is blind with anger and sadness. I evade them easily and smoothly and they're just full of so much rage that I worry. In a moment I feel his heart get too agitated and I use my newfound speed to get behind him and I throw him a kick that as he gets lower I hold him down in a lock. He grunts but I don't budge until he cries and sobs. I let out a sigh as I let loose a bit. He grunts and he turns his head with his forehead touching the floor. I get up from him and I extend my hand to him with a smile. He takes it and he lowers himself to whisper on my ear.
Ka-Don't do that again. Still, I'll tell you later.
-And I'll be waiting.
I turn around and as I do I slap the back of his head laughing.
Ka-What was that for?
-Teasing you and getting you to chill out.
Ka-You know, you're pretty strong for being so small and skinny.
He puts a hand on my head and I can't help but snap.
-Who you calling small!?
I give a cough and shake my head and he rubs my back a bit.
Ka-Just a joke. Take it easy or you'll get an attack.
A-What attack?
I turn and I feel Angel staring at me.
-Would you believe shark attack?
I hear Karma laugh and I smile as I give him a punch on the gut. He groans but goes away still laughing and I turn all my attention to Angel.
-Can I tell you later?
-Cross my heart.
She gives me a quick kiss before she gets me back to the table taking my hand on hers. I almost fall twice as I'm not used to her speed. So slow for me and short that my legs don't give too much space to balance myself properly. We keep partying our engagement for the rest of the day and I take her to a romantic getaway just us two. I take her to the park and we watch or she watches as the stars appear on the sky. I kiss her on the hand, cheek and foreheads and I caress her shoulders softly.
-Mmm, my fiancee.
A-How do you plan on doing the wedding?
-I don't have anything planned because you are going to plan everything to your liking. All my female family agreed to help you plan it all.
A-Can we marry Greek style and not human style? I don't have a father to walk me down the aisle and Greek weddings the couple enters together.
-Anything is fine as long as I get to marry you. If I can say I do I'm fine with it.
A-I can barely wait to marry you.
-Me neither.
We kiss one last time before we go back home.
The next day she goes early to start planning the wedding details and everything and she waves goodbye to me with a kiss. I go have breakfast and I'm a bit skeptical. I still can't believe she said yes and I space out while cooking when I sense a burning sensation. I snap out of it and I notice my hand is a bit burned and so is my breakfast. I jump back with a scream.
-Ah damn!
I take a focus and I turn everything off using only my aura while I caress my hand a bit. I let out a low whistle and I ought to drink only a juice. I check if the kitchen is still hot or have already cool down. It has so I take it and get everything to the trash before I wash them. I laugh as I realize everything's going to be fine.
For the next eighteen months the wedding is planned out and organized and she takes everything into consideration as she asks me about a couple things. The flavor of the cake, the color of the decorations and everything else. When the day arrives I can barely wait to say I do in front of everyone. I am all smiles and I get dressed a bit nervously.
Ha-Need help with that?
-It won't stay. Ugh, this thing.
Ha-Let me.
I growl and dad helps me with everything.
Ha-So, how do you feel?
-No words. Nothing can ruin this day.
Ha-Not even Karma's bad jokes?
-Not even those. Still, he better not make them. For his sake.
He laughs and then he gives me a pat on the back.
Ha-You'll be a fine husband. Of that I have no doubt.
We laugh and we go to the altar. I stand there and I wait for my bride. I get my hands on my pockets so I don't have to be so embarrassed. I let out a sigh and then I hear the nuptial theme. I turn and I notice that her dress has a sparkle of aura of every god, monster and demigod making her beauty shine even more. I feel myself drop a single tear and I lift an arm to my face covering my face as she walks in towards me. She stands in front of me and I can barely look at her as I try to hide a blush with a hand. She puts her hand on my cheek and I blush even more as I get nervous again.
A-Do you like?
I clear my throat pulling the neck of my shirt before I answer.
-What's not to like?
We proceed with the ceremony and we get to the part we waited for.
A-I do.
-I do.
Priest-I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
I turn to her and we kiss softly and everyone claps at us. We separate and I speak to her.
-For the best wife there could ever be.
A-And the best husband.
I offer her my arm and we walk out with everyone following us. I allow myself to shed another tear and we go to the after party where we dance and enjoy the good wishes everyone has for us. We are pulled to the dancefloor to initiate the dance and I smile happily but not long afterwards I bury my face on her shoulder and I sob silently as I keep dancing with her. I stay there even after the dance ends and she rubs my back as she obviously notices me crying.
A-I'm happy too.
-This is so embarrassing. I can't seem to stop myself from crying.
A-Don't worry, another dance?
-No, just, stay here.
A-Let's go back to our seats.
-One second.
I untie my hair and as it covers my face I slowly step away from her and I bow my head hiding my face from everyone but her. We go back to the table and as we sit down I link hands with her and I bury my face on my arms still crying happily.
           Hades POV
I notice that Calix is sitting down and I go towards them. I tap his shoulder but he doesn't turn.
C-Hey dad.
I smile and I kneel down at his side.
-Are you crying?
A-I'll get some tissues and water. Stay here.
She gives him a kiss on the cheek before she goes. I nod at her and I turn to him yet again.
-Come on. This is your day. You don't want to be all day crying.
C-Of course not but is just. It feels as if I'm dreaming.
She comes back and hands him the tissue and the water and when he finally manages to calm down we initiate the dance and we all dance together until they have to go for their honeymoon.

To be continued.............

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