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After a bit we hear as Beatrice gives a sneeze. She sneezes twice before she gets hiccups and she sobs sadly between hiccups. Karma takes her up and he pats her back softly until she calms down. When she does she wants down again but she doesn't goes back to Karai but goes to the toys. Suddenly she smiles and as she goes towards it I see she's going towards Cerberus who is lying face down on the floor half asleep and he smiles knowingly as she climbs on his back.
Cerberus-Wich one just climb me?
K-Why? You want her off?
Cerberus-Oh no, she can stay as long as she wants.
She starts hitting his back and we laugh.
Ha-Looks like she's fierce.
She laughs as she keeps hitting Cerberus like is the most normal thing of the world. When she gets tired she lies down on his back and she kicks him instead.
Cerberus-Really? Ha.
Pe-Guess someone doesn't have to worry about boyfriends.
Ka-Of course not, she'll always be right here. At my side.
He takes her from Cerberus's back in a protective matter and sits her on his lap.
Ha-Someone's being overprotective.
Ka-Is not overprotecting is taking care of her, there is a difference.
Ha-If you say so.
Ka-I know so.
We laugh at that and I hear as Zola starts to wake up. I turn to pass it to dad so he can hold her too.
-Want to carry her?
He nods and as I pass it to him as soon as he's about to take ehr she cries a bit.
Ha-Hm, guess not.
I take her back and as I try to comfort her she calms down a bit and I notice that she's looking at Beatrice and they are looking at each other deeply. I put her down on the floor and she goes to where she is. She stays on the floor not knowing what to do and Beatrice turns to climb down from Karma. He let's her ready to catch her if she falls but she doesn't. She crawls towards Zola and she hugs her nicely.
Pe-That is adorable.
He-It reminds me of when Karma hugged Nova as babies.
Ka-I was supposed to protect her.
-And you ended up being afraid of me.
Ka-That is a matter of opinion. And is called respect not fear.
C-I remember one time she was really mad at you. She yelled at you all the way.
Ka-That was only one time and I deserved it. Besides, that was a really long time ago.
Ha-What was that about? We never knew what happened between you two that time.
Ka-It doesn't matter. She won't be that mad ever again. Not with me anyways. I'm not afraid of Nova, I'm not.
He rests back his head and crosses his arms over his chest. I go over behind him and I look at him smiling. I get myself down on his ear and make a menacing sound and he flicks a bit afraid. We all laugh at his reaction and he frowns.
Ka-I hate you.
-Sure you do.
We keep watching and I see that Zola is following Beatrice to where dad is. I see when she stops at his side and turns to look at Zola. She stops too and sits looking up at dad. She lies on her back still looking at him and then she laughs excited and demands to be carried. A bit confused, mom turns to take her but she cries reaching for dad and he takes her at last. She smiles before she yawns sleepy and she rest against his shoulder. Mom takes Beatrice and she looks at Zola before she makes that she wants to eat.
He-Someone is smart.

 He-Someone is smart

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AJ-And sweet.
Ha-Indeed she is. They both are.
I watch as Zola sleeps nicely on dad's arms and I turn to Beatrice who hasn't stopped watching her like she's taking care of her. After a bit she wants down and she walks around us using our legs for help and support. She's looking for something or someone. We watch as she takes AJ's broken glasses and she looks around. She turns and comes to Karma and she leaves the glasses on his hand before she goes away again. She looks at a painting on the wall. I smack Karma's shoulder a bit and point to her. He smiles and he asks for silence.
Ka-Look at this.
He uses his aura to make a flower and he gets it in front of her and she beams happy as she reaches out for the flower. He moves it around and she follows it.
Ka-She loves when I do that but it still takes her a moment to realize it's me. Oh, she took it.
I see as she breaks the flower from Karma and she looks at it curious. Is not long before she gets up again and walks around with the flower in hand and she gives it to Karma.
Ka-Ha. Good work.
He ruffles her hair a bit before he takes the flower. She stays there for a moment before she goes away once more. We hear as she giggles happy and she comes back with another flower.
-Really Karma? Another one?
Ka-Another what?
K-Another flower. Isn't one enough for you?
Ka-Yes but I didn't do another one. Why you ask?
He-Maybe because Beatrice has another flower.
He turns to her and he smiles proudly.
Ka-That's not a flower. That's aura.
With that we realize it and the aura turns a bit bigger making more roses around her. She laughs and smiles happy as she tries to make all of her flowers fit into her arms. She looks confused for a moment but fast enough she finds a solution as she gives flowers to everyone just as we stay. When they can't fit anymore she turns to another person. When everyone has a bunch of flowers she turns to Karma and she beams happy at him like asking if he likes. He takes her up and he focuses hard and all the flowers burn away. She grabs the sleeve of his shirt to her mouth. He tries to get her the toy instead but she pulls him away preferring his sleeve. He takes her bag of things and he opens it. Her eyes go directly to search the bag and he takes her milk bottle out but she turns indifferent. He smiles and gets it back inside and he takes a bag of food food out. She immediately let's go of his hand and reaches for it.
Ka-You little devil.
He hands her to me and goes prepare her the little food in a plate with a spoon. I put her down and she stays looking at him silently and with patience.
                      Karma POV
I prepare the food for Beatrice squeezing it tight so is easier for her to eat. I serve it in a plastic dish and when I turn to get it to her I see that she's sitting at the door waiting patiently for it. She smiles and I move the food from side to side and she follows it with her gaze quietly. I put it on the table and I take her and sit her on my lap. I feed her slowly making sure she doesn't choke or spits it out. When is over she seems sad but I show her.
-There is no more. See? Go play around.
I put her down but she refuses to let go of me. I look at the dirty dishes and I groan when she calls me out.
-I'm coming, I'm coming.
She holds my hand and as she walks away I am careful not to stumble on her. She takes me to the living room with everyone and they laugh at me. I am surprised when she keeps going all the way to the garden.
-Where are you taking me?
She takes me out of the house and I take her on my arms and she cries.
-You are not going out of the house. Come here now.
I take her inside and she turns sad and she asks to be put down. I put her down and she turns away from me. She stays silent and doesn't pay any attention to me at all. She goes towards mom and she pulls her dress. Mom takes her up and I just look at her.
He-What did daddy do to you? Is he a bad boy, did he scare you?
He-What? She doesn't seem to happy right now.
Pe-And she's not even looking at you.
-She might be sad or angry at me just because I didn't let her go out of the house.
C-Poor thing. She is quite the adventurer.
-I know how she will forgive me.
-With what she likes the most, flowers.
Mom puts her on the floor and she turns her back to me. I roll my eyes and I make a flower again and put it in front of her.
He-She is looking at it smiling.
For a moment she stays still before she reaches out for the flower. I take it out of her reach and she turns to me at last. She makes a flower in response and she offers it me.
I take her up and she plays around with my hand.
-Told you she would forgive me. Look how happy she is. Ah.
I take my hand out of her mouth and I flex it.
-She bit me.
Cerberus-Maybe she's hungry.
S-I got her.
She takes her from me and goes away. We keep talking for a bit more before we go to sleep at last.

Four years later
I am on my way to Nova's house with my daughter and my wife. She beams happily in the backseat and I smile proudly.
B-Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
-Calm down, we'll get there.
S-Here, play a bit on my phone.
She gives her the phone and she plays a bit.
-We're here.
She beams up excited and I watch as she gets off of the car calling for her cousin.
She appears on the high balcony.
Z-Beatrice! I'll come right down.
She disappears inside the house and after a bit she opens the door for all of us and they hug each other jumping excitedly in place. They go inside and they go to the room. After a bit I hear loud music from their room. I turn to Nova.
N-Finally, she was driving me crazy asking why you were taking so long.
S-Beatrice was the same.
-She was, is so excited to come visit.
                     Beatrice POV
I dance with my cousin in her room and we turn the music up loudly.
Z-Look what dad got me built up.
She shows me a castle done big enough for us to get inside.
-No way.
Z-Way. Look, I got this two outfits for us. This one is yours.
-Why don't instead we try your mom's clothes.
She nods and she takes us to her room. I take one of her jackets and she takes some high heel boots. I am putting the jacket when something shiny catches my eye.
-Zola, look, this is beautiful.
Z-I never seen her with this one before.
-Let's see how it looks.
I help her put it on and I put a bit of makeup on her face. I get her jewels and a pair of shoes too.
Z-Let's go show mom and dad.
I nod and I hold the dress up so she doesn't fall and we go to the living room. The first to see us is my mom and she laughs a bit.
Z-Mommy, look. I'm beautiful.
N-Is that my dress?
-It is. Isn't she cute.
Z-Can I go with Tris to her house. I want to stay with her for a bit more.
-Please, pretty please.
N-I don't know, Karma, what do you say?
Ka-I don't see why not. Then we won't be able to go to the zoo.
-Can't she come with us?
Z-Please, pretty please. Who's the handsomest uncle of the world? You're the best uncle.
We make puppy eyes at him and he has a really difficult time ignoring us until he nods. We smile and we celebrate together.
Z & B-We're going to the zoo. We're going to the zoo. We're going to the zoo.

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