33 Thirty Three-Animal Time

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Karai gets another few shots and all of them she evades them easily. She yawns bored before she gets the stick on and walks forward one of them and pinch's him and she goes into playful mode as the man goes down to his knees grunting painfully. Karai tilts her head to the side confused before she picks him up gently. Everyone looks at her in confusion but that only last a second as they start poking her except the one she zapped. She growls at them until she gets zapped and she goes to the car where she saved the sticks and she growls angry. She looks for them and she sees that one of them has two and she walks towards him menacingly. She roars at him showing her power to him and she gets him by the sleeve and pulls him towards the car. She doesn't looks away from him until he gets the sticks on the car. She puts him sitting on the pavement and she sniffs his jacket and clothes searching for anything that could be used as a weapon against her. She takes everything off of him, his belt, the keys, the phone and another things. She puts them aside when the phone rings, she looks at it and then at him before she puts it on the car with the other things. She does the same with the rest of them and as she saves the things on the car I see as one of them takes one of the guns and aims towards her. He shoots but he misses miserably alerting her at the same time. She looks at him and stares for a moment before she finishes saving the things on the car. When she's finished she walks towards the shooter and bites his hand gently before she licks it a little. She tortures him a little before she goes back to the car and lies down there looking at them closely. After a while she gets them all to their feet and she gets them in a single place all together before she heads off on the opposite direction. She looks at us and we follow her down the street. She walks slowly so we can see her but fast enough so we can't reach her. She smells the air and she looks at us and starts running again. When we manage to catch up with her she's sitting in front of the window of a vegetarian restaurant. She looks at us and I see mischief on her eyes. We stand at her side and she purrs slowly as she looks from Hades to me and back and forth.
Ha-Don't do it.
She stands and ignoring us she enters the restaurant and we hear a couple bit of a scandal and we look as she jumps on a table and she licks some plates randomly. In all of them she just eats the leftovers. She reaches one plate and she licks it clean too and when she's about to go to the other one she stumbles onto something making it fall to the floor. She licks twice before she wipes her front paws on her face scrubbing it harshly. I take the bottle that cause this and I laugh a bit at what I see. Hades takes it from me and he reads it aloud.
Ha-Hot sauce, the spiciest in the world.
He puts it on the table and takes a glass of water and he passes it to her. She drinks from it and she finishes it satisfied. She puts herself under Hades's arm and she purrs low and comfortingly as she yawns.
Ha-This has to be a joke.
He takes Karai on his arms and we walk home together. From time to time Karai turns and licks his face lovingly making him smile. I chuckle at the picture and I look at her tail tentatively. I take it and she growls a bit and I let go of her tail and I see as she calms down again. When we get home Hades puts her on the floor and she jumps to one of the couches there and lies there not giving a care in the world about anything.
She looks at us lazily and Hades speaks my thoughts.
Ha-Are you going to stay as a panther for how much longer?
Karai puts a paw over her eyes for a moment before she sits up and I see as her aura comes out but she can't change back. She walks over to us and she rubs against our legs sadly and we go down to the floor with her. I scratch behind her ears while Hades takes her by her jaw.
Ha-You can't turn back.
Karai lowers her head ashamed at him confirming what we already know. She walks over to the kitchen and she manages to get some things out of the fridge and she gets them on the table stating clearly what she wants to eat. She pushes us inside and we start making dinner together. She lies down on the floor not looking away from us and she licks her nose sometimes while she wags her tail from side to side. As the food is nearly ready I realize something and I nudge Hades down to my level and talk so only he hears.
-Hades, how do you think she will eat her food if she can't hold a fork or a spoon? And I don't want to treat her like an animal animal.
Ha-I don't know but we are going to have so much fun with that part.
-But she's your princess. The light of your eyes.
Ha-True but I really doubt that I can contain myself if I see her eating while being a panther.
He gets some dishes and gets the food served. When we turn we see that Karai is sitting in her chair at the table and we try almost too hard not to laugh. I sit at my place and I see as Hades puts her food in front of her and he sits down on his place. We start eating and she only gets her drink before she just stares at her food like trying to magically make it disappear from the plate directly to her stomach and I look at Hades and motion for him to stay silent. I turn on my chair and then I grab a spoonful of her plate and as I retreat she stops me taking the spoon with her mouth and taking the food and eating it. She takes the spoon with her by accident and when she gives it back obviously ashamed I see that Hades is trying to not laugh and I turn to Karai who's looking at me a bit sadly. She pushes the spoon to me and I give it back to her with a smile.
-You keep it.
Karai gets down from the chair and she hides behind her father and under his chair behind his legs. I notice that Hades is laughing softly and he looks down at his chair at Karai.
Ha-What's wrong princess? Was the food not to your liking or was it what mommy said?
-Come out, please?
Ha-Karai, can you come out of under my chair?
She whines before slipping out of under the chair and resting her head on Hades's lap and he laughs at her softly. He pets her for a bit before nudging her aside and going to the living room. I look as Hades plays with her, mocking her and laughing at her reactions to each thing he does to her. He really is enjoying bothering her. They play a little bit more until Karai backs up scratching her head and her ears. When everything passes she has turned into a beautiful deer, big, very big with enormous horns that in a moment that she turns her head she actually gets stuff to the floor. Hades stops her from breaking anything by taking her head on his hands. It takes some holding and perhaps a bit of toughness but she eventually calms down.
Ha-There, everything's good. Here, let me help you with this.
He gets a few things off of her horns and he looks at her closely. She lies down sadly and I can tell she's not happy and she feels trapped by the way she breathes. Hades notices too and he grabs us both and transports us to a more open space. I can see as Karai glows with happiness as she starts jumping and running around happily enjoying herself on the wide, open space. When she gets tired she walks over to us with her head bowed and she stops and lies down at our side.
Ha-Tired yet?
She looks at him lazily before she looks away again. Hades rests on his back and he looks at the sky turning to night. We watch as the sun goes away completely and we wait for the moon to rise. Karai yawns a little and we laugh at her.
-When is the moon coming out?
Ha-In about five minutes we'll see the biggest full moon it has happened in over a century.
Karai snorts happily as I smile and as we wait I could've have sworn that we've been waiting for five hours.
Ha-Three, two, one, look at the moon.
We all look as the moon starts showing and I am amazed at how big it looks.
-It looks red.
Ha-Looks like we got lucky. Karai, look, your first red full moon.
As soon as she looks at the moon in the sky her aura awakens violently and I see as she starts transforming once more. She walks backwards and turns her back on us while she shifts into a wolf again. She is a big, reddish wolf with black stripes. After a moment of being quiet I call out to her and when she looks back at us, I don't recognize my little girl on her savage, angry expression. She jumps over us and as she tries to get away Hades frowns and pulls her back by the tail.
Ha-Oh no you don't, come back here.
-Karai. Stop it.
Ha-I don't think she can hear you. Not like this.
He keeps holding Karai back and after a while she manages to get free as she gives him a kick on the face. He let's go of her by the force of the sudden attack and Karai turns to face him. She jumps to attack him but this is not like their usual fights when they practice or just warm up for exercise and they are smiling at each other. This is a real fight where there is no Karai and no Hades, is just a wolf trying to kill the god of the underworld. I feel as a fear comes over me as I see Hades evading her attacks just barely.
-Hades watch out.
Ha-I see it.
-Don't hurt her.
Ha-Easier said than done. She's twice my size.
-Hades from both sides, you take left I take right.
He nods and we direct an attack towards her sides and when it hits her she whines a bit before she shakes her head a bit. She stands straight and howls at the red moon before she growls at us ferociously before she sprints away.
Ha-And she's gone yet again.
-Go after her, I won't be much help.
Ha-You don't want to come?
-I do but I'll help better if I'm not slowing you down. Now go, find her and bring her back home safe.
Ha-I will, love you.
-I love you too.
He gives me a kiss before he disappears into the shadows to look for our daughter. I walk around the city and I look for a place where I can get information and that's when I turn to go to a bar that is specifically for monsters and gods and demigods equally. I enter the bar and I find that is completely devastated, chairs and tables broken and turned aside, and all the drinks are on the floor and I look around when I hear a moan from behind the bar. I go over behind the bar and I see the bartender worn out and sitting on the floor. After she tells me what happened I get her patched up and to a hospital before I go back to look for Karai. I walk over the streets when I see a bunch of people coming out of the subway screaming and yelling that there's a monster on the train station. I go down there and I find, much to my surprise, a bunch of dead animals piled up on a corner. From dogs and cats to bunnies and hamsters. I get closer to the pile of animals and I take one and as I examine it I feel that I'm not alone, I turn around to find a very angry Karai that has this bloodthirsty look on her eyes that I'm on the brinks of tears. She attacks and I call forth my shield and I'm protected from her attacks. I cry out for Hades to help me a couple of times before he shows up pulling me away from her. In the moment that he stays looking at me I see as he's thrown against the wall by his neck.
I smile as I see his silhouette standing up and when he looks up I see that he's bleeding from his forehead. He charges and jumps on her back and I see as she tries to bite him off of her. In a moment she jumps backwards and throws herself against the wall and I hear Hades grunting in pain, I try to call forth my aura but it doesn't respond, I groan angrily and when I look back up Karai is looking at Hades as he rubs the back of his head painfully. He looks at Karai and he closes his eyes and I see a single tear roll down his cheek as he calls forth his aura at its full power. It roars loudly and deafening and that seems to scare her a bit as she whines at the shadows closing in on her. He pins her down to the floor by the neck and keeps her there until she passes out. He walks towards her and he caress her in a hug as he cries over her, for a moment I fear the worst until I notice she's breathing. I let out a sigh of relief and I go towards him and hug him from behind.
-She will be fine.
Ha-Go look for Cerberus.
I nod and I go look for him. After an hour I'm back with Cerberus to where I left Hades at with Karai.
-I'm back and I got Cerberus with me.
Hades doesn't move or look my way and I'm pretty sure he's still crying as he clears his throat.
Ha-Good, help me get her back home. I'm, worn out. Home back at Olympus.
Cerberus takes Karai and I help Hades up on his feet and we all go home.

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