93 Ninety Three-Bad Race

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The Race
Karma POV
I finish my practice lap for the race and I go back to the pits to change where Nova helps me with the clothes.
N-There you go.
-I'm going to win this race.
Staff-One minute!
N-Go get to your place.
I nod and I hop on the bike and get in place. I tighten my helmet and get in position and the race starts. I easily get on the lead keeping a bit further from the other racers. I make laps and laps faster until I have to refill the gas. I stop on the pits and I get a sip of water as well before I go back to the race. I lose ground but still maintain on first place. I am happy as always am when racing and I take it to the extreme. Nova talks to me by the mic that I have on my ear and I roll my eyes. I pass by the pit's side again and I don't see Nova where she always is. I grow worried as I start to look behind me towards the pits to see if I find her. I keep looking for her and I see her abundant hair on the corner behind a wall, I frown and I accelerate to see what is she doing. When I pass I see two titans arguing and I see that Nova's unconscious on the male titan arms. I turn aside from the race and I hit the brakes hard stopping the bike. I get off of the bike and as I start walking towards them I take the helmet off and I throw it at them and when they notice me they start to run away through the pits. I follow and as we pass each pit they throw things at me that I evade easily. I jump each rack easily and but I don't throw any attacks at them as I could hurt Nova as well. In a moment he goes away and she stays to stop me. I know they want to keep me away from her and I take a metal rod from one of the pits as a weapon. I break it in half and I get closer to her and I hit both sides of her head and she gets a bit dizzy. She yells for the other titan to run and he does but I am faster and taller. I get to follow but she stops me and I turn and I give her a face palm smacking her to the ground. I move fast and I follow the other titan. When he realizes I'm following he threatens to kill Nova. I'm too far to stop him so I stop on place. He calls for her and I grow angry as she passes my side and I can't do anything to her as if I do Nova dies.
Helios-Selene, are you ok?
Selene-Good thinking Helios.
She passes around me and I shake in anger as I'm unable to do anything without endangering Nova.
Selene-Oh my, is a shame to damage such a cute face. On your knees.
She snaps her fingers and Helios presses the knife against her throat and I go to my knees.
S-Lie down on the floor.
I look at her and she grabs me by the hair pulling my head back. I offer no resistance as she lowers my face to the ground. She sits on my back with her foot on my head. She gets my hands behind my head and I growl as this is so humiliating. I could kill them both easily but they have her. I try to think my way through as they keep torturing me. She steps off of me and she lifts me up by the head to my knees again. She pats my cheek and I turn to the side.
S-Do you want to know a secret?
-Don't hurt her.
S-Aww, how thoughtful of you. Can you feel her aura? Do check it out.
I do and I find that she is getting weaker and I look at her again.
-What did you do to her?
S-Poison. Is slow work but if you don't get her treated fast she will die. She will die if you take too long or get the incorrect antidote which is only found on tartarus. I have one as well.
-I'll kill you. And I'll get that antidote and save her.
S-She only has three days, a week maximum.
She takes out a vial of the antidote and I look at it suspiciously. She gets away from me and I stand fearfully and slowly. She's planning something, I know she is. She smiles and she throws me the antidote.
S-Catch it.
I try to catch it bit at the last second I'm pulled back by her chains and I see as the antidote breaks as it hits the floor. I fall to my knees and I look at the broken glass and I hear her laugh as I look at the broken glass. I clench my fists hard and I turn to her.
-You are so dead. I'll kill you.
I go towards her and I start throwing punches at her failing all of them easily. I turn and throw her two kicks that she evades by a hair. At first I don't use my aura or anything at all besides my fists and kicks. On one punch I stop midattack as she makes a second antidote appear between her fingers.
S-Good boy. Step back.
I don't move and she let's it slip before catching it and I get a few steps back.
-What do you want?
S-To make you all suffer. Your father might treat us respectfully but he's not like us.
-She didn't do anything to you.
S-Being what she is and having what she has. All that is rightfully ours and I'm going to get it back one way or the other.
-Can't we share it?
S-It belongs to us and you all stole it from us.
-You're alive, what more do you want?
S-Helios, do it.
I see him as he makes a cut on her cheek. I grow angrily but I keep calm as I have a plan. I get to my knees and I take a knife from my leg that I keep for emergencies. I take it and I throw it at her not giving a care. She looks at me as she gets her own weapon and she throws it toward me. I evade by a hair and I give her a smirk. She throws another attack at em and I evade that one too.
-Miss me.
S-Oh really?
She smiles and she points to my feet and I see the chain around my ankle a bit loose and I realize the trap just when she pulls making me fall on the floor and I hit my head hard against the circuit. She throws three knifes at me and I barely evade them but I get hit by a fourth one that get stuck on my shoulder.
I stick it out of my shoulder and I see it purple and I realize I have been poisoned as well. I take my hand and I realize I can't feel anything on that arm. I look at them and she smiles at me triumphantly.
S-That one can kill even the strongest in a day. You must hurry up.
I rip off the sleeve of my arm as I jump back and I tie it up across my neck and along my arm like if it were broken. I try to move it but I can't.
S-Ha, now you can't use that arm. You're not going to make it past tomorrow. Hahaha.
-Don't underestimate me. She defeated Zeus and almost killed Hercules and I have defeated Poseidon and other heroes in battle including her.
She goes towards Nova and she moves her mouth like she's speaking.
S-Oh brother, why don't you save me?
She laughs loudly and I throw a metal rod at her hitting her on the head. She lifts her head and turns to me. I start panting and I get slower on my movements as she hits me hard. She throws a punch at my gut and I fall to my knees coughing and gasping for air. I feel a kick on my back and I fall to the floor. On the second kick I roll over evading it barely but I don't have the time or reaction to evade her knife as it cuts my face. I feel the bit of blood falling through my face and I give a high jump and I hide behind a wall and I hear her mock me as a coward as I rub my arm grunting in pain. I start to see blurry and I realize I have to finish this fast. I take a risky decision and shadow myself amongst the viewers on the crowd. They look at me surprised and with fear as I hide myself amongst them. They let me pass discreetly and I focus on feeling their auras to ubicate them. I try to figure out a way of attacking her and knock her out. I turn to one girl and I make her give me her phone. I dial dad's phone and I give it back to her.
-That's my dad, tell him is an emergency.
She nods and I keep making my way through the crowd. I find a good spot and I climb there with a jump. I untie my injured arm and I let it hang. I take a deep breath and I make a jump towards her and I wrap myself around her neck choking her. She pats my legs and my arms trying to get free but I don't budge. I hear the fan talking and I clear my throat before I scream out towards it making sure that beards me on the other end.
Selene keeps struggling against me but I don't let go. She tries to talk and then I hear dad's voice calling me out.
-Get them, I have her.
                        Hades POV
I go to the circuit when I hear him calling me for help through the phone. When I get there I find him holding down Selene while Helios holds an unconscious Nova. I go take Karma but he stops me and I go get Nova. I kick the back of his legs and he falls on his knees and I take Nova from him. I knock him out with a kick to the face and a punch before I go towards Karma. Selene is still conciouss but as I'm about to kill her Karma stops me.
Ka-Stop, we need her alive. She poisoned us. She knows where the antidotes are.
I take her from him and he rests on the floor. I leave Nova with him and I take Selene by the hairs.
She grunts and spit at me and I grow angrier.
-Tell me everything and I might show you mercy.
I can see the fear on her eyes but she still doesn't speak. I take my phone out and I call Cerberus, Persephone and Isabella. I tell them to come help me transport them. They are on their way and I get Karma and Nova seated up together. Selene laughs all the time and I get irritated. I sit still holding her by the hairs tightly not allowing her to escape. They arrive and they each get one person of the injured ones. We go away to Olympus and as we enter the agency everyone makes way for us. Selene fights against me trying to break free but I hold her even tighter by the hair and she grunts painfully as she taps my hand with hers so I let loose but I don't.

To be continued...............

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