46 Forty Six

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The next morning when I wake up I'm alone on the bed but there is a heart of rose petals by my side with a note from Hades.
-Went for my usual run, not coming back for the day. Love, Hades.
I put the card down and I check the time on my phone and I see is past lunchtime so I decide to stay a bit longer on bed. I play in my phone for about two hours before I go to the bathroom to take a nice long hot bath on the jacuzzi. I fill it up to the top and put fragrance in it and then I take my iPod and put my music at a relaxing tone and I take my book as well as a bowl of pomegranates and I eat them as I read my book. I start to doze off feeling sleepy headed so I put the book and the pomegranates away and put the volume of the music a bit higher relaxing myself on the hot water. Not long afterwards I fall asleep into a deep slumber.
I'm awakened by a gentle shake and as I open my eyes I see Hades at my side outside the jacuzzi and I smile sleepily at him.
Ha-Are you okay?
-Yeah, just a bit sleepy.
Ha-Are you coming out?
-Do I have to?
Ha-Not really. Do you mind if I join in?
-I would love that.
He gives me a kiss before he stands and starts taking his clothes off hanging them nicely on the closet and then he comes in with me. I get under his arm pressing my ear on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
-This is nice. Just you and me.
Ha-Yeah, are you happy?
-With you, I couldn't be happier. I love you. Don't you wish we could stay like this forever?
Ha-Everytime since I met you. Is like having a second honeymoon.
-That's not a bad idea. Besides, we didn't really had a honeymoon. I was already expecting Karai when we got married.
Ha-Right. We can make every night a private honeymoon if you like.
-I would love that.
I laugh as he kisses me by the back of my neck towards my shoulder and then back up until he reaches my lips. It doesn't take long for the kiss to deepen with burning passion when we're interrupted by a knock on the door.
Ka-Dad? I thought you were out, anyways. Just letting you know Nova and I are back from training.
Ha-Good, how was it?
There is silence before we hear Nova speak.
N-So so. Not good not bad but it was fun.
We laugh a bit before Hades speaks.
Ha-Is Karai home as well?
N-Yes, she's sleeping. Do you know where I can find mom?
-I'm here.
I hear as Karma makes grossing out noises.
N-Can we speak? Later, alone.
-Whatever you need baby.
Ka-You're gross, that's disgusting.
N-Don't mind him, I think you're nice and romantic. Bye.
We hear as they go away running and I turn to Hades again and we laugh.
-He's either really grossed out or he's just playing with us.
Ha-Either one, I don't really care. I love you and that's what matters.
I laugh and I start playing with his hair for a bit until he takes my hand away kissing it.
Ha-Do we really have to get out? I'm enjoying myself.
-You know you're going to carry me out.
Ha-Your wish is my command.
With that he gives me a last kiss before he carries me out of the bathroom and to the bed and we both get dressed and as we go towards the living room we hear music coming from there and we look at each other and we stay hidden and we see as Karma and Nova are dancing together. When they finish they drop themselves on the couch laughing and we get closer at last.
Ha-Karma, go get your sister.
Ka-Why me?
Ka-Fine, let's see what's in her room.
He runs to get Karai and I stay with Nova in the kitchen table as Hades cooks dinner. By the time dinner is ready Karma and Karai are back with us. Karma takes an apple and he looks at it thoughtfully. When I can't handle the action anymore I turn to him and ask him.
-Are you going to eat the apple or are you going to keep staring at it?
Ka-I'll eat it, eventually.
He turns to Nova and he looks at her just like he was looking at the apple.
Ka-Nova, can you stand for a minute?
Nova rolls her eyes but she stands straight and gives a turn before she sits down again.
N-What was that for?
Ka-One second.
He stands and he opens cabinets checking every single silverware on the kitchen until he gives up his search and he sits down again. He pulls Nova in and he whispers something on her ear and she shakes her head smiling.
Ka-So, what do you say? Yes or no.
N-You know that's risky and that's why the answer is........ Yes
Ka-Ha. Thanks, fist palm.
Ha-What are you going to do?
N-Oh, is not dangerous so don't worry about it. Karai, can I borrow some heels of you?
K-No. I can buy you two but not using mine.
N-I can live with that.
They finish eating and they stand up in a more open space and Karma gets three apples and gives one to Nova and she puts it on top of his head and he smiles as she gets herself on position.
N-On three, by my count. Three!
She throws a kick at the apple on top of his head and throws it aside and they celebrate it.
Ka-Next one.
She gets the second apple on top of his head and I speak at them.
-Stop that, you're going to hurt him.
N-No I won't.
Ka-She has good aim besides, I trust her.
Ha-Accidents do happen.
They wave their hands at us and Nova positions herself.
N-On three, by my count. Three!
She throws the kick and she makes it but almost hitting him. They bump fists happily before Nova takes the last apple and gets it in place and she gets ready to kick again.
He lifts his thumbs up and backs down again and she nods.
N-On three, by my count. Three!
She throws the kick but this time the kick lands right on his nose and he makes a painful noise while he lifts a hand to his nose while he falls on one knee steadying himself with his other hand. Nova covers her mouth with both hands as she steps closer to him a bit with her eyes wide open in disbelief and almost in tears.
N-I'm so sorry, are you okay?
Ka-Oh, I feel sorry for the apple.
N-Sorry, for the apple?
Ka-You could break a wall with that kick. So yeah, sorry for the soft, small, fragile apple.
She stands and gets an ice pack from the fridge and she gives it to him. They sit back at the table and Nova takes the ice from him.
N-Let me see that.
Ka-Is it broken? Am I still handsome?
Nova looks at us annoyed before she turns back to her brother. She makes a face and she smiles at him.
N-Ugh, that's nasty. But you still look good, don't worry. I can fix it. Do you want me to fix it?
Ka-Will it hurt?
She stays silent for a moment before she answers.
N-No? Here I go.
Ka-No, don't, you hesitated when you answered and answered as in questioning yourself. So no.
N-Don't be a baby.
He tries to stand but she sits him back down and he groans.
N-Stay still or it will hurt more.
Ka-I'm going to regret this.
She gets his nose and as she puts it back in place we hear bones crack and Karma screaming and cursing.
N-There you go, good as new.
Ka-Gods that hurt. Couldn't you have tried to be a bit gentler.
N-Where's the fun in that?
Ka-Really Nova?
N-Aww come on, you know you love me.
N-Say it, say it, say it.
She gets his face on between her hands and she makes him look like a fish until he laughs and they hug each other in a side hug.
Ha-We told you it was going to end badly.
Suddenly Karai laughs loudly and we all turn to her.
Ha-And what's with you?
K-The comments I'm receiving from the guardians and Persephone. Listen, he got aplleused. That's from Orthrus.
Ha-What are they chatting about?
She turns her phone around and she plays a video and we see that is the kick that broke Karma's nose until Nova fixed it.
Ka-I'm doomed.
N-You'll survive.
-I didn't even notice you were recording.
Ha-They will come or call soon enough.
Just as he says that we hear a knock on the door and he gets up.
Ha-That's probably Persephone.
He opens the door and sure enough, us Persephone.
Pe-Uncle. How are you?
Ha-Good, you want to see Karma?
Pe-What can I say? Have to see the afterwards by myself with my own eyes.
They come into the kitchen and Persephone's eyes land on Karma and he lifts his hand at her.
Ka-What's up?
Pe-Did it hurt?
Ka-Her foot is made of steel.
Ha-We told them not to do it but they didn't listen. So there's the result.
Ka-Aww, come on dad, it wasn't that bad.
Ha-I think I recall you saying, will it hurt? to your sister did you not?
Ka-I don't remember that.
-Karai, video please.
She plays the video and then she turns it off.
Ka-That doesn't prove anything.
We all laugh and after a couple hours we go to sleep.

The next morning when we're having breakfast together we eat in silence. The first sound that comes is from Karma's phone and he takes it out and answers it. Slowly I see as his smile gets wider and wider and he makes a silent celebration.
Ka-Yes?.........He speaks..........I did?........One second.
He gets the phone down a bit and turns to Nova.
Ka-Nova, let me borrow your phone please.
She gives it to him and he opens it slowly and get his phone on his ear again.
Ka-When and where? Got it, thank you. Be right there. Bye.
He stands from the table and as he walks away I grab him by the arm.
-Whatever and whoever it is, I'm sure it can wait until you finish eating.
-Eat it.
He makes a face and then he smiles devilishly and he takes his food and his juice and I see as he gets them both on the mixer to get her and mix them well and then he drinks it from the mixer directly without stopping for breath. He gets it down and we all look at him perplexed and he puts it back on its proper place.
Ka-What? You wanted me to eat it and I did, drank it. Bye, catch up later Nova if you want.
N-Sure thing.
She takes her phone and looks at the address Karma left typed on screen and she smiles and laughs.
N-No wonder he wanted to be there.
N-He entered a contest where the first prize would get to ride a Ducati in a race for teenagers and by his look he got the first place. Is today in an hour right here, well on New York in a special circuit made for these specifically.
Ha-Will you race too?
N-No, is the men's division and I can only go to help him get dressed and get him ready for the race. Give him water and stuff like that. You know you can go if you want. I can get you VIP access because you're family.
Ha-Where exactly?
She pushes her phone to him and she speaks.
N-Smartphone, unlock for dad.
The phone turns off and on again and it unlocks and shows the address to us and he writes it down on his phone. He gives Nova her phone again and she blocks everything.
N-Smartphone, lock for Nova without reveal.
The phone gives a restricted picture and turns off. She saves it on her pocket and finishes eating. She stands and goes to wash the dishes before she goes away.
N-Should I expect you to come or no?
Ha-We're going.
N-See you all there then.
She goes away and after a couple more minutes we finish our food and we go to the race together.

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