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After a very eventful morning sex we have an idea and go to the market for a fast trip. I buy some hot sauce very spicy, some beer cans and beer bottles, some movies to watch together and a couple other things we want to dare to each other when we get home. She manages to slip one thing that I have no idea what it is but let her do it. I pay up and get everything on the trunk of the car and as we drive home I turn up the music to the loudest.
S-Oh yeah! Live.....
-To the maaaaaaax!
When I finish my long lasting scream she laughs and I can't help a smile. We sing our music smash music all the way home. We arrive at dinnertime and I get all the bags myself and get them to my room. She follows close behind and I storm downstairs and to the kitchen. Everyone is there but I don't care. I slide directly to where I have my wine and my beers and get out a champagne, three six packs of beer and two bottles of beer. I get ice and two glasses and then I get apples, bananas, ice cream.
Ka-Max? What are you doing?
-Getting our dinner.
Ha-You have there enough to feed the whole world. Are you mixing them together or what?
I wave my hand at them with a smile.
-Nonsense. Most of it is for me.
Ha-You should eat healthier or you might die.
-The point is break routine and have fun but I'll take it into consideration.
Ka-At least take one.
I sigh and I take one beer and one apple and demonstrate them.
-Look, healthy fun, healthy fun.
Ka-Leave something out.
I consider and I take the ice cream.
Ha-Put the other things back on place.
I smirk at them and they get it. I save the ice cream and take everything else with me. When I'm on the room I realize my phone is downstairs with the beer. I go get them and I get the phone on my pocket and the beer on a hand and I take a knife and two spoons and I go back with her to my room. We dare each other and she wins the first one. Gulping the beer the fastest. We spend a while and after we finish I go with her downstairs to the kitchen where only the twins, dad and grandpa are. She goes to the car looking for something and I wash the dishes that we used.
S-Max, you forgot this dare.
She shows me the bottle and I am intrigued with curiosity.
-How does this one goes?
S-You take a spoon worth and you eat it full, hold it for five seconds on your mouth and then you have to gulp it down. Don't sneeze, he who sneezes first loses.
I smirk and accept the challenge. But before I do it I ask.
-What do I get if I win?
S-You have to win first.
I roll my eyes but take the bite as she does so too at the same time. I get all teary and I am losing. Is nearly halfway there. I count on my head but it feels strange and I sneeze it out and it comes out like smoke from a chimney. I cough and she seems so composed that I have to ask.
-What, what about, you.
She smiles and she shows me her mouth that she managed to gulp it down without problem. I still am recovering from mine and I cough as I try to wash my mouth. I turn menacingly to her and I growl at her playfully.
S-You wouldn't.
I shrug.
-How did you manage to beat me?
She sticks a finger to her lips smiling and I mimic a hurting heart.
-You wound me.
She pats my chest and I groan a bit as she touches where the whip went.
-Oh, look, can you do this?
I stretch my arms and with a movement of all my body I crack all the bones on my body loudly. I turn to her and she has a surprised look on her face.
S-That is nasty and cool.
I laugh and do it again making her shiver.
S-Stop doing that.
I shrug and I take a beer for her and one for me and we go away to the beach. We dive together looking at the reef and look at the fishes and things that swim around. After a bit swimming she looks for a moment shocked before she starts going down. I take her up to breathe and I get scared when she doesn't respond I go to shore to get her home.
                      Karma POV
We are watching a bunch of papers together when I hear Karma screaming for me in a panic.
M-Dad! Dad!
I get out to meet him and I see he has Sora on his arms unconscious. I try to calm him down.
-Easy, breathe. What happened?
M-I, we were just, and she just........
I sigh as I recognize the panic on his eyes. We put her down on the kitchen table and I check her a bit. She has a pulse but weak. I find a little scratch on her leg, close between her knee and her ankle. I ask him.
-How did she got this?
He shrugs unable to speak.
-Was it there before you got there?
He shakes his head. I examine about further and I realize is poison. She hasn't been poisoned that long so I take a knife and make a small cut there, I suck the venom out and for my safety I spit it out on a glass washing my mouth before doing it again. I repeat the process until she coughs a bit of water out and takes a deep breath the color returning to her face. Max stands next to her taking her hand. His fear is going away slowly. He thanks me and takes her away on his arms. I was my mouth and throw away the poison. I go back to work.
                     Max POV
I get Sora on my bed and I sit at her side caressing her hair softly.
-You scared me. Do you feel bad or a bit better?
S-Just a bit better.
She cups my face on her hand and her smile is small but so full of love. She falls asleep almost too quickly and I admire her for a bit more before I too fall asleep.

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