72 Seventy Two

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                      Nova POV
I feel as he hits me hard on the face angrily as I don't let myself be his woman freely.
Man-If you are not my woman now you will be after this. After you heal from this.
He hits me multiple times along the body with multiple things. I scream in pain as he takes it to the extremes and I feel as one of the ropes on a hand gets a bit loose but as I can't break completely free I call out to Karma with my aura trusting that is strong enough and that he notices my call for help. After a while I hear as whoever has me captured gets tired and he stops hitting me and for a moment everything is silent and then we hear a commotion outside and my first instinct is to call out for Karma. I end up getting my mouth covered so I get quiet but is too late. They already know I'm here. I may not be able to see but I can hear everything. I hear the door break down and I can't help but crack a smile. The next I know I'm being released.
Ha-Is me, we're here now.
He takes off the cover off my mouth and I smile at him. Next he uncovers my eyes and I have to blink a few times to adjust my eyes to the sudden brightness.
-Too bright, please tell you came in my car, the special one.
Ha-Sorry, we were in a hurry.
I see as Karma hits the guy around and then he escapes a bit slowly and he stops on the main door. Karma comes at my side and when dad unties my hands I take Karma by his feet and I break the bottom of his shoes and take out a knife I his there some time ago and I throw it to the man that captured me sticking his hand to the wall in front of him and I smile as he screams in pain.
Ka-When did you put that knife there?
-All your shoes have it.
I fix my clothes and I turn to Karma and dad.
-Help me hunt him down.
They nod and I take the knife from the floor and I hold it sharpening it.
Ka-You should leave that to us and go rest.
-Like hell I will.
Ha-Nova, you're hurt and you're bleeding.
-I'll rest, after I make that guy suffer. Karma, call for my special car to be brought to me or you bring it dad help me catch him now.
Ha-How are you going to catch him?
I look at a car and a bike that are just there with keys and everything and I smile at him. I take the bike and dad takes the car and we follow him through the streets. Karma does as I tell him and I see the special car of mine when he comes in it.
-Park it at the bridge and be ready to switch vehicles. I have an idea.
He nods and gets faster and I give a very high jump from a ceiling in the bike and I land on the car landing smoothly on the driver's seat. I wait until Karma gets on the bike as well and we continue our chase. I catch him first and I shoot him from the gun I installed on the car. I manage to explode his tires and then when he tries to escape on foot I shoot on his leg and I stop the car in front of him and I step over him pinning him to the floor.
Man-Please don't kill me.
-What makes you think I'm going to kill you?
Man-You won't?
Ha & Ka-You won't?
-He has to suffer and death would be like escaping from his punishment.
I knock the guy unconscious and I take it by an arm and I get him to the car and the first thing I do is get him to the hospital as dad calls the police to come over to arrest him. After the police comes we give our testimony to them and everything and dad gets me a new set of clothes and as I get my wounds cleaned and patched up I get changed progressively. After I'm all set I rest on a chair a bit exhausted with Karma and dad.
Ha-Did he did anything to you?
-Only physically.
Ka-I heard you. I felt when he was hitting you. That's how I managed to find you.
-He got one of the ropes loose accidentally and I took the chance and I got a bit of my aura out hoping that you would feel it. And it worked, how long was I gone?
Ha-A month.
-Thought it was longer than that. Still, I have no intention on killing him or any of the sort. As long as he keeps away from me, he can do what he wants. Now, for another thing, Karma, what happened to your hands?
He looks at his bandaged hands and he gets them inside his pockets trying to evade my question.
Ka-It's a new fashion?
-That was a question statement at the end of that phrase, so spill it out. I want to know.
Ka-I won't tell.
I turn my head to dad and I ask him silently with my eyes.
Ha-He punched boxing bags until his hands started to bleed. The knuckles if you want to get specific.
I look at Karma and he shrugs like is no big deal.
Ka-What do you want to do with him?
I go to the window and I look out to the distance and I shrug. I let out a sigh and I turn to them and they look at me lovingly. Suddenly we hear a shout from below and we all turn to look.
Nurse-Someone is going to throw himself of the window. Someone come help.
I look up to where they are looking and I see that is the man I just turn to the police and I growl angrily.
-Really? After I let him live he goes and do that.
Ka-Maybe he's mental.
Ha-Are you going to save him?
-Yes, I didn't let him live so he can kill himself.
He jumps and I catch him by his ankle and I get him inside the room where I throw him on the bed.
Man-You saved me, why?
-I'm not like you. I don't wish bad upon others not even those that hurt me.
Man-Then why did you chase after me.
-I might not wish bad upon others but I do believe in payback and justice.
Dad comes back with the officers and they take him away to jail at last and he goes quietly.
-Can we go home now? I want to get a long, deep sleep.
I fake a short yawn dramatically and they laugh. They turn to the door and I smile and throw myself of the window and I can hear them scream my name. I look at them from below and I throw them a kiss.
-Try and catch me now.
I turn and I walk away slowly and just as I reach the entrance gate I stop and I sit on a bench and wait for them to come out. They come in five minutes and I sneak up on them from behind and I hug them both with an arm each and they laugh at me as everything turn back to normal. I get between them and I hold my hands with each of them and we go back home.
When we get back home I see that everyone is there. Cerberus, Persephone and their daughter Isabella, Zeus, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Ares, mom, Karai, Nemean, Orthrus, Hercules, Hydra, Medusa, Chimera, Alex, Hermes and some other gods and they all hover over me asking me if I'm fine or hurt and if I need anything. When I get too abrumed I silence them with a scream.
I take deep breaths and calm down before I speak again.
-What I need is some peace and quiet so leave.
I only give a kiss to mom, Karai and Isabella before I go to my room and let myself fall on the bed. After a bit Karma comes in as well and I turn to look at him.
-Are they gone?
Ka-Everyone is gone and mom, dad and Karai went to sleep more at ease now that you're back.
He takes off his clothes and just before he goes to sleep he tucks me in under the blankets and he kisses me goodnight.
Ka-Night baby girl. Se agapo.
-Night, I love you too.
He gets on his bed and we go to sleep at last.
The next morning when I wake up I go take my first decent breakfast in a month and I take almost five entire plates and I see as they look at me surprised.
-Never knew food could get even more delicious.
Ha-Did you not eat anything at all while there? Did he not fed you anything at all?
-A couple times but I wouldn't classify that even as a snack as it was two or three bites only. Not regularly.
Ka-Well, I can take you to a buffet later if you want.
I only make a sound to him and I keep eating my food. When I feel satisfied I stretch out and I wash the dishes and save them. I play a bit with my aura around myself regaining control over it and getting used to it a bit more again before I call it back. I go to my room and I take my drawing notebook and I flip through it until I find a blank page that I use to draw the view that I have from the window. When I'm halfway done I feel a tap on my shoulder, when I turn I see dad with a sorry guilt look on his face.
-What is it?
Ha-Zeus asks if you can go to Olympus as soon as you can.
Ha-Don't know, so, are you going or not?
-Fine, I'll go when I finish my drawing here.
He nods and he takes his phone and gives my message to Zeus and I laugh as a thunder appears on the distance. Weak but it's still there. I finish my drawing and I regretfully go towards dad.
-I'm ready to go.
Ha-I'm sure he only wants to know for sure if you're fine.
-I hope is only that. Well then, let's get this over with.
He nods and we go to Olympus. Only dad and myself. I play with my phone for a bit and when we get to Olympus we go directly to the throne room. Dad gets on his throne and I see that mom is there already and when she sees me she seems surprised for a moment before she smiles at me and I smile back at her. I get on the center of the room and look at dad before I turn to see uncle Zeus.
I wave at him respectfully and he does as well before he gives me a brief smile and asks the most obvious question.
Z-First, I want to know if you need anything at all. Ask and I shall give it.
-I'm fine and o don't need anything else. I'm fine as I am.
Z-Well then, now, I've been thinking about what happened to you and I came to a decision.
I look at him and I see as he smiles as if everything is a fact.
Z-I decided that you should marry and come live with all of us at Olympus.
At first I'm too shocked to say anything and he keeps on speaking.
Z-I got you the perfect husband and he will also come to live here as well. I will organize everything myself.
-Hold on just a moment, hold on. You want me to marry and come spend all eternity here? What makes you think I want to marry?
Z-This is not about what you want, is about what you need and you need a husband that protects you from any harm.
-Protect me? Protect me!? You are crazier than I thought. I will not marry, not today, not tomorrow not ever and certainly not because you want me to marry.
Z-You will marry because I say so, I'm your king and king of the gods and what I say goes.
I wave my arm at him throwing a blast of aura at him which he evades with a thunderbolt of his own.
He stands menacingly from his throne and as he takes a step towards me I start to play an illusion on his mind making him suffer. I watch as he screams in pain and I make it more intense and I can see the confusion on the other gods faces except dad that comes towards me and he holds me back breaking my concentration and the illusion fades away from Zeus.
Ha-Stop, don't do that.
Z-What was that?
-I can make it even more painful if you keep insisting on forcing a marriage on me.
Z-You will marry.
I play another illusion and when he holds his hand in pain dad holds me back.
Ha-Nova don't.
I wave him off of me and I go towards the door and before I turn out I repeat myself one more time.
-I will not marry.
I go away and I go to the gates and I realize I'm all too mad to be on earth right now so I turn back and go to the training grounds of Olympus and I punch everything I can and I kick it and destroy everything I can find. I discharge all my anger on the training room until I'm exhausted and I turn to rest on the floor breathing heavily.

To be continued............

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