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I am practicing my new song for my next concert organizing the dance moves and when I'm satisfied with the result I save everything. I turn the shower on and as it warms up I take off my clothes. I turn myself inside the shower and I let out a sigh of relief as the water washes down my body. I take the shampoo and I wash my hair thoroughly enjoying myself. I am going to have such a great time on my date tonight with Sora. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to come with me to my next concert. She is pretty distant with me but when the heat is on she is either too shy to make a move or too straightforward kissing me with fiery passion. I love when is her turned on. She is beyond words, amazing beautiful. Besides, I really love when she has to get up to reach my lips. She's so short compared to me that is adorable. I finish my shower and I get out and I wrap a towel on my low body. I take the cream and I apply it along my lower face. I take the razor and start working. After I finish I take a look at the results and I smile at my reflection.
-He, smooth as a newborn's. She will love touching it. I give a decisive nod before I get my clothes on. I get some white jeans with a black long sleeve shirt that has my upper abdomen revealed just enough to make her melt. I get my black sneakers on and I get deodorant and some lotion all over my body. I take my wallet with my money and important stuff and I get my ring on my finger and my necklace on as well. I take the belt and I slide it on. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I turn to brush my hair and I get it all spiky up and straight on the back, bad boy style. I get some mints and bite it down. I storm out of the room and go downstairs like a storm is wrecking the place. I get myself a glass of juice and as I drink it I see the twin cousins with my phone. I frown but relax.
-Can I see your glasses one second?
He looks at me confused and as I step behind him he gives me his glasses. I put them away for a second before I get both their faces against the table with a loud thump. I give him his glasses back putting them on his face.
CJ-What was that for?
AJ-That actually hurt.
I take my phone from them.
-So you don't take my things again. I slide my white leather jacket on and I growl at them menacingly showing my claws and fangs to their full extent. I take the keys and go to the garage. I slide myself by the front of the car sliding myself in style inside the convertible I just got. I get in and as I get the ceiling off I also get my sunglasses on and the music to the loudest. My music and I sing along as I drive away. One hand on the wheel and the other arm at the side of the window. As I drive some of my fans take pictures of me. Some take video and selfies. In some I pose and say hi to them but I mostly stay on my own world. After a bit on a red light the music stops and my ringtone for Sora plays up. I blush and I answer it on speaker. I close up the sound of the car getting my headphones on.
-Babe, how are you?
S-Hey, sorry but I got suddenly a strong headache and nausea. I don't think I can make it to our date.
-Bummer, want me to get you something? I'm close by your place.
S-No thanks, I think a sleep is what I need but, you know what? Bring me some medicine if you can. For the head and stomach please.
-Your wish is my command. I'll be there as soon as possible. Bye.
She hangs up and I turn the music on again. I reach the pharmacy and I turn the car off and go inside to get the medicine she asked for and more. I end up with a full cart of painkillers and medicine and stuff that sick people might need. I see a cute thing on the counter and I turn to the clerk.
-Can you get me that ginormous teddy bear over there? Also one small too apart.
She nods and gets both teddy bears on the cart. I pay for everything and I head outside to the car. I get the bears first on the seat and all the medicine on the back. I turn to drive again and I just turn some of my more calmer songs on and drive slowly so the bears don't fly off and away. When I get to her house I take everything with me. I go up the elevators and I knock on her door. She opens and I can hear the surprise on her voice at everything I have.
S-Max, did you bought the whole store?
-Of course not. Just the neccesary.
She let's me in and I leave everything on the living room.
-How are you feeling?
S-Better now that you're here.
I laugh and give her a kiss with fiery passion.
S-Maybe a bit dizzy.
I give her another kiss.
S-And the stomach. Can't eat much.
I take one of the teddy bear and changing a bit my voice I speak.
-Then let Teddy B. Max heal you.
She laughs taking the bear and I lift her up in my arms gently and get her to the bedroom. I do every test to check her condition. She doesn't have any fever so it must not be that bad. Maybe she had too much to eat or too much loud noise.
-What have you eaten? And sound?
S-I ate some sushi and caviar. I was practicing for when I would meet your entire family.
I give her a soft look with a kind smile and I squeeze her hand softly.
S-Also I was listening to rock music. I always do when I try something new.
-Maybe your allergic to something or just is not accostumed to such a drastic change. Need anything else?
S-Can you stay until I fall asleep?
-Sure. Do sleep.
That request makes me blush hard but I still sing it to her.
-Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a soft green pillow, a bed of grass...............
I keep singing and shortly after she falls asleep. I finish the song and with a kiss I leave her be. I leave her a note by the phone and go away. I go eat on a coffee when I get a funny feeling. I ignore as I'm a bit before another concert so I just take the food to go and drive back home. As I'm about to park a deer appears out of nowhere and I hit the breaks fully stopping. I stay there for a bit relaxing my muscles and my tension and when I manage to relax I just put the ceiling back on and get out of the car. I rub my knuckles on my forehead before I turn to go inside. I see the deer and I growl menacingly shooing it away. I let out a sigh and storm inside. I go to my room skipping a few steps along the way. I undress myself and get my ear buds on to blissful music and I turn to sleep.
                       Karma POV
I wake up close to midnight to screeching tires. I peek through the window and see that is Max. I smile and go back to sleep.
The next morning as I wake up I notice I'm the first to wake up so I prepare breakfast for everyone. Is not long before everyone is at the table half asleep waiting for their own breakfast. As we sit down to eat I notice that someone's missing.
-Where's Max?
I don't wait for any answer as I go get him to his room. I find him deep asleep on the bed. I wake him up and he does.
M-Coming. You can start without me.
I shrug and go back to eat. Everyone has already dug in to eat. I do and as I eat Max appears still asleep. He has a towel cloth like the ones he uses for massages and such. He yawns taking his breakfast as he ruffles his hair with the other.
M-Hi, bye.
With that he goes away to his room yo eat in sacred peace. Nova looks at me like I should do something. I get up and wash my dishes.
-He'll tell me later about it.
N-Are you sure? He is a perfect copy of you.
-Precisely because he is a perfect copy of me is that I know.
Ha-I thought he was out.
-He came around midnight. Guess it was a bad date.
He-Where did he got so sleepy?
-He has a concert at midnight. Today.
I'm about to keep speaking when I hear a scream and laughter. Max comes inside holding Yuki by the back of the clothes.
M-Can someone please take her?
K-Aww, she just wants to be with you.
M-Well, I can't today. Maybe next week, three days if I get out early.
Y-But I want to help you.
We all give him a look but he insists on not getting her to help him.
K-Why can't she help you?
He sighs and leans on her ear yo whisper something covering Yuki's ear. When he steps back she gives him a look and he shrugs.
K-Can't you change it?
M-That would mean violation of contract.
She gets Yuki from him and he gives her a candy as a bribe. He goes back away and we can feel the house trembling at his dancing. We talk for a while until we hear thunderous steps from him. He takes a power juice and a bowl of fruits for himself. He takes even more food covering his arms in dishes.
N-Max, don't you think that's too much food?
M-Do you have any idea how much food I need to keep this body?
-Need help with that?
M-I got it. Just have to go slow.
With that he goes away with the food balanced on his arms and head. Webturn to each other and shrug. We don't talk much about the event until it gets dinnertime. He comes down and he washes all the trashes diligently before he speaks again.
M-I'm going since now. If anyone wants to come with. Except Yuki, too young to watch.
Ha-Why since now?
M-I'm going to get a shiatsu at the hotel so I'm not stressed when, when.....
He gets out a sneeze and he frowns a bit confused but keeps talking.
M-When I get to stage. I might not need it but it feels great.
-Is this the one that is going to get transmitted live TV?
M-Yes, in fact, they are playing the show right now. Feedback, introduction and stuff.
N-In which order are you going to show.
M-I have the arrival at six earliest, walk the purple carpet with reporters, prepare for the show. At eight I start my concert, it will be until midnight with an hour break at ten to sign autographs and other stuff.
-You said six right?
M-Yeah, why?
-You're late.
He turns to the clock and when he sees the time he sprints upstairs to get his things. Dad turns to me and I know he wants to spank me. I shrug and we hear him cursing in Greek as he looks for something. I find what he's looking for in the kitchen counter.
M-One second I'm looking for the schedule.
-Is this it.
He storms down and looks at it. He take it with a smile.
M-It is. Thanks, you are a lifesaver, what would I do without you?
-Freak, probably.
He laughs and he finishes getting his buttons on the shirt. He runs upstairs and comes down with a backpack.
-You can watch it if you want. I do have a surprise for everyone.
He whisks away on the convertible at high speed.

To be continued..............

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