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                Karma POV
I wake up by screams and a lot of disaster noises. I know they're fighting again and I turn and rub my face with both hands before I get up. I open the door to find them by the hairs.
-Enough. What's wrong with you two? You're sisters.
B-She started it.
D-I did not.
B-Did so.
D-Did not.
They stick their tongues out at each other and I roll my eyes.
-Now, Beatrice, what happened?
B-She entered my room without asking and woke me up abruptly.
D-I knocked and she didn't answer so I entered and I did woke her up to ask her something. Can't remember what it was right now.
-You shower you to your room. Get ready to go.
Darcy hurries to the bedroom and Beatrice goes to shower. I go make breakfast for everyone.
About two hours later we are reaching Olympus to go visit mom and dad and I turn to both girls.
-I want you on your best behavior. No fighting, no insults, nothing. Is that understood?
B-I understand.
D-I understand.
-Good. Now then, let's go.
I knock on the door and Karai opens.
K-Long time no see.
-Not that long.
K-Come on in. All of you.
We go inside and we all have dinner together. We talk.
Ha-How are things going?
-I am waiting for my next contract to be signed to go to my next competition. Beatrice is doing good, no boyfriends thankfully. Darcy looks up to her but doesn't want to admit it.
Ha-Do they get along?
-Only when separated. At least I'm there to keep them from actually punching each other.
Ha-I get it all too well.
-I just can't understand how can they live in the same house, I teach them each the same things and they're still so different. The difference is, agonizingly big.
Dad takes me in a side hug and he pats my chest with a soft fist and I can't help a tear come down my cheek. He pulls me closer to him.
Ha-You're doing great, just hang it there. They're both good girls. Don't stress too much.
-I just, I don't understand why can't they just get along. I'm afraid of making a mistake and I might get things worse accidentally.
Ha-Come with me.
I get up and follow him all the way to the infinity pool.
Ha-You're too tense, relax.
-How is that going to help me?
Ha-Just relax and tell me everything. No one is listening.
I let out a sigh and I sit at the edge of the pool.
Ha-Now then, what do you do when they fight?
-I separate them holding them each apart. I ask each for their version of what happened then I analyze them both and depending on what they say and how they said it I send them each to do something different. I don't want to say Beatrice you're right or Darcy you're right because I love them both and I just go with what I want. I feel like I'm forcing my things on them but I can't just take sides with them. I just, I feel like if I do it will break my heart and soul and who I am and I don't want that. Gods, I feel like a failure every time they fight. I don't know what to do.
I take a deep shaky breath as I let the tears fall down. I laugh sadly.
-I'm so weak and useless.
Ha-You're not weak or useless neither are you a failure.
He takes me in another hug and I sob letting myself feel weak for the first time in a long time. He pats me on the head comfortingly.
                      Hades POV
I comfort Karma as he deals with some problems. His daughters don't get along too well and he feels weak. Is the first time I've seen him cry in a very long time. And I mean crying sadly. I stroke his hair as he cries on my chest.
-I'm here. You're doing just fine. That's it, let it all out.
Ka-You think you can help me with them?
-I will always be here to lend you a helping hand.
We get up but he turns and wraps one arm around my neck and holds me close to him. He's still crying and I hug him a bit rubbing his back to calm him down. After a bit he calms down enough and I smile.
-Feel better?
Ka-A bit better so, what's your way of helping.
-I'll talk with them both. Just give me some time to process of what I know and what I want to know to solve the problem.
Ka-That's fine. Let's go back home. I need a nice, long, hot shower.
                Karma POV
I clean up my face from recent shed tears and I try to relax as I'm going back home with that. I feel better now that I told someone about it. I feel like a weight have been lifted off my shoulders. I hold to his shoulders with a tight grip as I feel a bit dizzy.
-I don't think I can separate them anytime soon if they fight so help me out.
Ha-Yes, don't worry I'll help you if they fight.
-And that's why you're the best dad ever. I four you.
Ha-You what me?
-I four you.
Ha-Four me?
-You know, I can't just, ah, love has four letters, four also has four letters so I just did a word mix game or wathever.
Ha-I get it, no need for details or further explaining.
I laugh as an idea occurs to me.
Ha-What are you thinking.
-Straight out or avoiding the point?
Ha-Straight out.
-I think I have to give you a kiss.
He throws me a look that I laugh hard at his reaction.
-You should see the look on your face, is priceless.
Ha-You have the, ha, oh I can't speak. I need to sit down.
-Me too. Gods help me. This is a really awkward and embarrassing situation.
Ha-It came out of your dirty head I have no credit for that.
-Why not? Your my dad, you made me.
Ha-I have no idea how to take that comment. So I will ignore it.
I laugh and when we get back at the house we see that Nova is there too with Zola and Chimera. I run up to her.
She jumps on me and I hold her up laughing happily. When dad makes a joke.
Ha-Don't squeeze her inside to the outside.
I let go of her and we both bend down laughing hard.
N-My what?
-I'm not squeezing that hard.
N-Oh I can't breathe.
We laugh for a bit more until we both calm down enough. When we get to eat I see as Zola and Beatrice watch videos on the phone together with ear buds.
                 Beatrice POV
I watch a competition with Zola on her phone together and we both grow frustrated as the competitor we cheer on is making mistakes.
-No, no, no.
Z-He can't do that.
-Go, go, go.
Z-Ah, he fell.
-Recover, get back.
Z-He got up.
We squeak together as he gets up and he races back not making the same mistakes and he takes the lead in a heartbeat and I have to bit my lip so I don't scream out loudly.
-Oh, he won.
Z-Pay up.
-Not yet, there's still the bingo game.
Z-It won't happen. Pay up.
-I'll pay if you're.
Z-Double or nothing.
-Double or nothing.
He gets his hand on the name tags and he opens the envelope.
Guy-And the lucky girl is.......Beatrice!
I smile and I hug her by the neck shaking her savagely.
-I won. I won both bets.
I stand and stretch out my hand to her.
-Pay up.
Z-That was you paying me if you didn't got chosen. Not the other way around.
-Ahah, pay up. It was double or nothing.
She sighs and she takes out a bill and gives it to me.
Z-How many times did you sign up for that?
-Everyday, for the last year.
Z-That is cheating I want half of the bet back.
-I won the bet.
Z-By putting your name up around three hundred times on a total of five hundred. Give half here.
I give her half of the money back. I sit back down and just then my phone rings and I answer. Is the guy of the competition.
Z-Who is it?
-Is you know who.
Z-I want to hear him too. Give it.
We put the phone between us and we hear together.
Guy-Are you Beatrice? The winner of the contest.
-The one and only.
Guy-I'll send you all the info in a message including my phone number and other things you need to know about the competition. I called because I want to congratulate you for this opportunity. Do you have any question?
-Just one.
Guy-Ask ahead.
-Can I bring someone with me?
Guy-Yes, who do you want to bring?
-My cousin Zola. She's right here with me.
Z-Hi handsome.
She covers her mouth shocked to have said what she said.
Guy-She can come too. If it makes you more comfortable. Sure.
-No thanks, see you there.
Guy-See you, bye.
He hangs up and I turn to her.
-Handsome? That's the first thing you say to him.
Z-It just blurted out. I hope he doesn't hate me now.
-Is a miracle I didn't say it too. I mean, he's tall, tanned and handsome.
Z-He has such a nice personality and the way he talks and moves.
-Great manners too and a dreamy voice.
Z-He is an athlete. You think he would charge me if I ask nicely?
-Who knows, maybe he'll charge us both at the same time.
Z-Yeah, with those big muscles he has.
-Let's go pack.
Just then my phone rings with a test message. I look at it and my jaw literally drops to the floor. Zola turns to see and she has the same expression.
Z-Is that where we're going to stay?
-Yes, in Acapulco no less. We have to get swimsuits.
Z-One or two piece?
-Maybe one piece that covers all my front and reveals my back. That way when I walk away from him.
Z-Say no more, then I'll get two piece.
-Showoff. Be careful with it. It might get loose and fly away.
With that we go to the room to pack our things. I notice Darcy is following us and I stop her. I push her away.
D-What are you doing?
-Is none of your business mini human so get lost. Go on, run off.
                Hades POV
I talk with Karma and Nova and their respective partners about things that happened when they were little babies still. Unforgettable moments that we lived together when we hear screams.
B-I'm your big sister, you have to do as I tell you and I'm telling you to get away from me.
D-And I'm telling you that since you're the eldest you have to take care of me because I can't do it alone. I'm still a little kid.
B-I was younger than you when I could cook and clean, why are you any different?
I sigh and look at Karma as he goes to separate them.
Ka-ENOUGH!!!!! You are both, both, both.......
He faints and we all rush to him.
B & D-Dad!
-How do you feel?
Ka-Not.....so good.
Nova checks him and she frowns.
N-No surprise there, you're burning up with a high fever.
I turn to Stella.
-Has he been sleeping well?
S-Not really. I told him he should take a vacation but he's insistent he doesn't need one.
I get Nova out and reach for Chimera.
-Chimera, give me a hand getting him to his room. Nova get some water or a pack of ice. Stella, come with us.
Both Chimera and I take Karma by the arms and we take him to the bed. He can't even stand up by himself.

To be continued.........

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