61 Sixty One

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Hera POV
The next morning as we go to the gate someone bumps into us and he grabs Nova tightly for a moment before he runs away.
Ha-What's wrong?
N-Is nothing, he just bumped into me.
Hades doesn't looks convinced but he doesn't ask anymore. We pass though the portals and get to Olympus barely making it on time for the gift exchange between the gods. Hades gets clothes and books and I see as the other gods open theirs when I see Nova a bit away from everyone else.
-Is anything wrong?
N-I just got a bit dizzy.
-Come, you have to give out your gifts to everyone.
She gives all the gifts to each god respectively.
Karma POV
I see as Nova give sour her gifts to everyone and then she turns to me saving me for last.
N-And last but not least important, my dear brother.
I take the gift and I give her a pat on the cheek and I feel as she burns hot in a high fever. She urges me to open the gift and I do and I see she got me a scrapbook of pictures of things we did together and I smile. I point to one and when I turn to see her I see that she's fainting and I catch her midair.
-Nova, dad, help me.
He's at my side in a flash and he gets her on the floor and they bring a cushion that he puts under his head.
-What's wrong with her?
He's interrupted by a laugh that we can't ubicate precisely where is coming from but I can tell he recognizes by the look on his face.
Astraeus-That's good, suffer the inability of not being able to protect those you love.
He laughs before he appears behind me and before I can react he lifts me by the neck leaving me with no air. I give him a hard kick getting free from his grasp.
-I recognize you, you're that man from before. You did this to her.
Astraeus-Good, someone pays attention to his surroundings. And yes, I did indeed poisoned her.
-Why? You know that you just signed your death sentence.
Astraeus-My, what impatience. I poisoned her in specific because she has the potential to surpass me the sooner.
I feel as dad gets a hand on my shoulder and when he looks at me.
Ha-Take care of your sisters and your mother.
-You can't mean.......
He nods and I go towards Nova's side. I notice that she's calmer now. I notice mom and Karai coming towards Nova and as they get her I go help dad and he gives me a weapon to fight with and I clash with him a couple times before I lose my weapon away. I see as dad's reaper closes in on him menacingly before we are almost blown away with a huge wave of his aura. In one I lose my balance and fall to the floor, I look and I see that everyone except my mom and sister are passed out, I look for dad and I see Astraeus pinning him against the wall with his aura tightening around his throat tightly and he doesn't let go until he's sure dad can't fight anymore.
-Dad, no!
As I try to get up I feel as he presses his foot down on the back of my neck pinning me to the floor. He presses his foot harder down and I let out a scream of pain as he laughs taking pleasure on my suffering. He does it a couple more times and I see as he knocks mom and Karai out when they try to help me. I see as dad starts to wake up but he doesn't have the energy to fight much less kill him. Astraeus stomps on me once more and I scream in pain NAD the next thing I know is that he's not on top of me anymore.
Astraeus-Impossible, you should not wake up until a week afterwards.
When I see what scared him I'm shocked to see Nova standing all high and mighty powerful with her aura flowing through her savegely. She engages in a full on out battle with Astraeus where she clearly has the advantage and before long he's dead on the floor. Dad gets a bit closer to her and he gets blasted away by her. She turns to face him but then she falls to her knees screaming and grunting in pain and I see as her aura gets out of control and she struggles just to keep it from harming anyone by accident.
-Nova, Nova, calm down.
I walk over to her and I take her hands on mine before I take her on my arms and envelop her on a tight hug. I feel as her aura attacks me over and over again and I whisper on her ear.
-Nova please, come back to me. I need you.
After a bit she speaks.
I let out a sad, relieved and happy laugh as I hear her voice. Her aura backs away a bit more calm now. I take her by the face with both hands and I hug her again and again until she almost collapses again and I catch her and I take her on my arms. I take her to sit at dad's side and he smiles at her not showing how much it hurts to her but I know he must have a few broken bones at last.
N-Hey. Tell me you're not hurt.
Ha-I'm not hurt, not seriously. Come here.
He pulls her into a tight hug and he rubs her back comfortingly. Then we start to hear as the other gods start to wake up in confusion. Uncle Zeus is the first to protest and question.
Z-Where is that damned titan!?
He points towards the dead body and he sighs and comes towards dad.
Z-You got all beaten up.
I get Nova on my arms and I notice she's shaking.
-Nova? Are you feeling fine?
N-Yes, why?
-You're shaking.
I put my hand on her face and I feel she's burning hot with a very high fever.
-And you have a very high fever.
I curse under my breath and I get dad's attention and he understands almost immediately. Zeus helps him up and I get Nova towards Poseidon. They start to go away and as I turn to follow them dad stops me.
Ha-Karma, stay here.
-But I, Nova.....
Ha-She will be fine. Stay here with your mother and sister.
I look at Nova before I turn my back to them and then I just hear them leave. I go towards mom and my sister and they look at me for a moment before they hug me. I cry on my mom's arms as she hugs me gently. After a couple minutes we go to the infirmary all together and I can hear Nova screaming from the outside of her room. When I enter I see that she's cuffed to the bed with multiple aura cuffs and her aura is still flowing out of her savagely. I get out of the room and I close the door behind me as I can't tolerate seeing her like this. I go to see my dad and I open the door slowly. I see him sitting on the bed with an IV on him.
-Hey dad.
Ha-I told you to stay with them.
-They came with me, they're with Nova right now.
Ha-She's not poisoned anymore but the amount of stress is more than she can handle at the same time. Too much, too fast.
-Why couldn't I protect her?
Ha-What do you mean? You couldn't have known this was going to happen.
-But I could have done more. I noticed things a few days ago with her. She would get mad for no reason, she had nightmares frequently, she was acting weird and I didn't bother to ask if there was something wrong. This is all my fault, is my fault she's like this right now.
Ha-Don't say that. Tell me something, did you want this to happen? Did you want her to get hurt?
-Of course not, I only wish to protect her but I'm, not good enough.
He gives me a hug and I try to not think about anything for the rest of the night. When morning comes a doctor comes in and dad asks about Nova first.
Ha-How is she?
Doctor-There were, complications. We did manage to stabilize her but.....
-What happened?
I don't realize I'm up until dad pulls me back with him. He nods for the doctor to keep speaking and he does.
Doctor-As I was saying, we manage to stabilize her but we had to put her in an induced coma.
Ha-I understand.
The doctor excuses himself and goes away. Shortly after mom and Karai enter with a set of clean clothes for each of us and by the looks on their faces I can tell they know about Nova's condition. My parents share a kiss and a hug and Karai tries to comfort me but I stop her as I don't feel like speaking with anyone at the moment. I stand and I storm out of there and I go to my special place far from everyone.
Hera POV
I look as Karma storms out of the room and I turn to Hades.
-Will he be fine?
Ha-He's just hurt.
-He and Nova are as close as they can be. Now then, do we know anything else about her condition?
Ha-They think that with time she will wake up on her own.
I sigh and we stay silent for a while before we go see Nova. When we get there we hear Karma speaking to her.
Ka-Please wake up, you have to get better. We still have lots of things to do and I promised I would take you to the beach so you have to wake up so we can go together. Please. I need you baby sister.
I put a hand on his shoulder and when he sees me he turns to hug me tightly. He cries and I rub his back gently until he falls asleep on my arms.

Time pass and Nova is still in coma and Karma is always with her. One day I'm getting him his dinner and as he eats I hear my phone ringing. I answer and I look at Karma closely and after I hang up I turn to him serious.
-That was your promotor. They want to make sure you haven't forgotten about the fall race.
Ka-Excuse me. I'm not going to go to the fall race. I won't move from here until I'm sure she will be fine and completely recovered.
-Karma, you have to get out of this room. You deserve a rest.
He looks at me for a moment before he speaks.
Ka-Actually, that might be just what I need. I'm going to race and I'm going to win for her. Just one problem, Nova is the one that always makes sure everything's ready and working so I worry only on winning.
-I got that fixed.
Ka-You're going to do it?
-Oh no, not me. I will stay and take care of Nova with Karai and you will go race with your dad.
Ka-With dad? Are you sure he can do it?
-He can do anything especially when is for his children.
He nods and he gives me the empty foodbag.
Ka-Can you pass me that book?
I hand him the book and he starts reading it for Nova.
Karma POV
A couple days pass and is the day of the race and I am getting dressed to go and as I'm about to go I turn to Nova and I give her a kiss on the forehead before I go away to my race.

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