53 Fifty Three

16 1 0

We see as Karma loses control and he lands on the ground and we see as the bike crashes against him a couple times before it goes completely still. He turns to his knees rubbing his chest a bit before he takes the helmet off and the mask and he throws up right there. He tries to get up leaning against the wall and he falls to his knees and before long Nova is at his side checking him.
N-Is fine, is fine. I'm here, where does it hurt?
Ka-My sides hurt. My left arm as well as my right leg.
N-Lie down here, I'll check your leg right now.
He lies down and she slowly and carefully gets his boot off and she rips apart the leg of his pants and she gasps as she sees a very noticeable broken leg.
N-There is a broken leg right here. We have to take you to the hospital.
Ka-What about when they announce the winner?
N-You can't in your condition.
The ambulance arrives and he's taken away obviously and for not being able to be on the rest of the presentation. Nova, as cheerfully as always devises a plan so he can be seen there. She turns to the stage and she connects her phone to the back screen on the stage and she calls Karma on video chat and as he answers he smiles as she turns the camera so he can see every racer. We turn to her and Hades asks.
Ha-What exactly is this?
N-Since I'm not allowed to go with him to the hospital right away I figured I can make him at least see the whole ceremony by a video call on live.
We kiss her forehead and she smiles as they get to announce the top three places.
Staff-On third place we have number seven, riders number seven come on up.
They give them their medals and awards and same stuff to second place and then they announce the first place.
Staff-And on first place we have, no surprise here, rider number two.
He turns to the screen and waves at the camera at Karma and he waves  back at him smiling. He gives the prizes to the rider and to Nova so she gives them to him afterwards before he turns serious.
Staff-Now if you may, I have a few questions for Karma. Do you mind if I ask?
Ka-Not at all, go ahead and ask away.
Staff-Well first, we have someone who wants to thank you before that.
He gets the rider that he saved at the beginning of the race and he recognizes her quickly and smiles at her.
Ka-Hey you, are you better now?
Rider-Thanks to you I am. They told me how you saved me and they showed me the playback as well. Thanks for saving me and sorry you're hurt now.
Ka-Not your fault, it was trouble with the bike.
We see him shrug and they wave goodbye at each other and they turn to ask again.
Staff-Now, we are all curious as to what were you thinking when you rescued her.
Ka-I was thinking that I couldn't just let her at her luck in danger of the other riders accidentally hitting her or anything like that. It was more out of pure reflex and instinct than a thought planned out carefully. I just saw her there in danger and got her back to safety.
Staff-Well, that was a good act of kindness towards your fellow rider. Now for the other question, what happened with your bike that caused you to crash?
Ka-When we made the last switch, he warned me to be careful at the turns, I didn't realize how bad it was until I fell to last place. I did manage to recover but at a high cost. Besides not wanting to turn the brakes stopped working so there, crash and broken leg.
Staff-I saw when you got your helmet and mask off and started throwing up. Can you tell us what were your thoughts at that?
Ka-Honestly, at that I was more worried about my sister there than myself.
N-Me, but you were the injured one? And the one that crashed.
Ka-Were you worried about me when I crashed?
N-Of course I was.
Ka-Precisely my point. She gets too worked up when I get hurt. I do as well when she gets hurt but not as much as she does. Overprotective.
We hear as the doctor speaks to him through the screen and he waves goodbye at us before he hangs up. They all turn between themselves before the staff asks for attention.
Staff-We have one last thing to give out before we finish this event and go home.
He steps out of the stage and he takes Nova with him back to the stage. He takes a bouquet of flowers and he hands it to her.
Staff-For one of the best people we have seen on this circuit in a long while now. I'm not ashamed when I say that she outsmarts me because everything she does, is truly an act of kindness and as pure as it can be. I give this bouquet of flowers to her. May the young rise and shine even better than we did before them.
Everyone claps at her and I see a tear appear on her eyes and she blushes as everyone congratulates her. She steps off the stage and we all go to the hospital where we are taken to where Karma is now sleeping peacefully. We enter silently and stay with him for the night. In the morning Hades goes home and gets us an entire set of clothes for all of us. We all change clothes and I keep watch over Karma while Nova changes clothes. A bit after he starts to wake up and he covers his eyes sleepily.
Ka-Mm, turn off the lights, they're too bright.
I do and he smiles still with his eyes closed.
He nods and he looks at his right leg and his left arm lazily. He turns to look at me.
Ka-Where's Nova?
I point to the bathroom and he let's out a sigh. He smiles and I smile at him knowingly.
-What are you thinking about?
Ka-In how awesome I am. I mean, managing to win with a damaged bike, you got to admit, that's pretty hardcore and cool.
Ha-Not if you get hurt.
-He's right.
Ka-I know but I got first place. We have to party that.
We laugh at him and he does too before I hear as the bathroom door opens and Nova gets out and we see as her face lights up in happiness as she sees Karma awake.
Ka-Hey you.
N-Karma, you big idiot. How can you be so reckless?
Ka-Is not that bad, worrywart.
N-Me, a worrywart, oh you wound me.
She mimicks as if she was insulted by it before she laughs softly and she comes to his side as well. She rests her head on his torso and he pets her softly shaking his head a bit as she smiles pleased. She looks at his leg for a moment before she turns to him.
N-Does it hurt?
Ka-Not anymore. Or at least not as much as it did yesterday.
She looks at his leg once more before smiling devilishly.
N-Say dad, do you have a pen or something I can use to write? A marker perhaps.
Ha-What for?
N-You'll see.
He gives her one purple marker that I gave him on our last anniversary and she starts drawing something on the bandages on Karma's leg humming happily and then when she finishes she smiles and gives the marker back to Hades.
N-There, now it looks better.
She takes her purse and she gets out some other markers of different colors and she keeps drawing on it.
Ka-Nova, what are......
She shushes him before he can finish speaking putting a finger to her lips as she turns to draw again.
N-Wait for it, now let me finish.
I see as she uses gold, purple, black, blue and silver over and over again. She starts humming a song as she keeps drawing and when she finishes she saves all the markers and smiles widely.
N-Now, isn't it beautiful?
He takes a look at her drawing and his expression turns from curious to surprised before he smiles slowly.
N-Like it?
Ka-You know I do. You know, you have talent, doing that much detail in such a short time. That's skill.
N-Is not that good.
Ka-Dad, look at that and tell me, is she or is she not talented?
Hades looks at the drawing and he looks at her before he nods.
Ha-I have to agree with Karma this time. You are a pretty talented little artist.
Ka-Told you so. Now, as much as I like to be in this cozy bed, I want to be on my own bed. Dad, can you ask if I can go home already?
He gets out of the room and before long he comes back smiling and he nods at him. When we get home he gets on the couch and he stretches out on it relaxing fully. After a couple minutes we see as he tries to stand up and Nova holds him down.
N-And where do you think you're going?
Ka-To get a snack.
N-You will stay here, I'll go get it.
Ka-But I can do it. I want to.
N-Stay there, stubborn.
He tries one more time and she frowns calling forth her aura and he sits back in surrender and she smiles and nods approvingly. She gets him his favorite snack and a glass of milk that he drinks in a single sip. He eats his snack calmly as he keeps admiring a book that he just downloaded on his phone. Karai goes to her room and she puts some music as she starts drawing on a notebook she has under the bed. She sings loudly a couple of the songs.

On one she laughs loudly with a scream and when I look at her I see as she rolls on her bed and then she falls to the floor on her back and grunts a bit.
N-Ugh, that hurts.
We laugh softly at her before she goes back to bed and sits with her legs crossed and she keeps drawing a couple more things before she starts to doze off yawning a bit. At first she fights it before Karma calls her to his side. She does so not putting much of a fight and she keeps drawing even then until she falls asleep on top of him. After a moment Karma tries to take the notebook away but she wakes up and takes it back from him and speaks sleepily.
N-Hey, I'm using that. Give it back.
Ka-Really? You're more asleep than awake right now.
Hades takes her on his arms and to her bed and then he helps Karma as well. When he is about to get him on his bed he shakes his head.
Ka-With her, please.
Hades puts him by Nova's side on her bed and he smiles and thanks him before he turns to sleep and Hades comes with me back to the couch.
-How is he?
Ha-He feels vulnerable. He might not show it but I know by the way he speaks. He asked to sleep on the same bed with her.
-He did?
He nods and he hugs me gently before we go to sleep as well. I check on them one more time and I see them hugging each other gently and it reminds me when they sleeped together as babies. I go to bed and I wrap myself on Hades's body before I fall asleep right there.

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