161-Love Gone Wrong

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I clear my throat to let myself known to her. She turns and smiles, her beauty is amazing, even amongst gods.
Aphrodite-Is it me you wish to talk to?
-Ah, um, yes.
A-Here or somewhere else?
I look around and I gulp.
She nods and she takes me to her own house. I am stunned, even the house is as beautiful as the goddess that lives in it.
A-Welcome to my house. Now, what did you wanted to talk about with me?
-There is a boy I like but I don't know how to properly speak with him to know if he likes me or not. He is very popular so I don't know if he would even turn to speak to me. Do you have a potion that can help me so he at least speaks to me on how he feels with me? Like tell me directly how he truly sees me. As a friend, lover, sister or what.
A-I can help you know how he feels but I can't make him fall in love with you myself. If he loves you he will notice you but..........
She silences herself looking a bit sorry and apologetic.
-I just want to know so I don't make a mistake later and earn his hate or disgust.
A-I think I have something.
She stands and gets a bottle containing a pink liquid in it.
A-This is a mix of a love potion and a serum of truth.
I turn to take it and she gets it away from me.
A-Just a moment. This is a very powerful potion. You have to be careful. Only one drop will make him tell the truth for thirty minutes, two drops will make him be with you and talk with you for a bit and three drops will make him tell you if he loves you as a lover or as a friend. Be careful, do not get the entire bottle on him or something worse can happen. It wears off eventually or with a kiss from the one the victim truly loves and only that sole person. Please, use it carefully, is not a toy and it could be dangerous if not handled properly. Here, I hope you get what you want and with caution.
I nod and she finally gives me the potion. It doesn't smell at all. I give her a hug and go away. I run so fast that I forget where I'm going until I hit myself with someone.
-Ah, what?
He groans.
Ha-Who? Yuki?
He offers me a hand and I take it gratefully with a smile.
I look at his hand and see that he has the love potion from Aphrodite. I squeak and take it from him. I hide it in my pocket not daring to let go of it.
-Thanks for finding this for me. Where were you going?
Ha-To get your mother and grandmother. We are going together for the family reunion. Want to come with us?
I nod and I follow him closely. We get them and as we go down the gate I shift uncomfortably on the corner. Mom turned herself into the kitty so grandpa would charge her. I can understand what she says but I don't understand it too well. We arrive and I almost get out running if grandpa hadn't hold me back.
Ha-Wait. Stay within sight.
I sigh and relax my grip on the potion. He let's go and we all follow him to his car. I go anxiously as he drives off our summer family vacation. I groan letting my head fall against the back of Hades's seat.
Ha-Something wrong?
He-What happened with the thing?
-I'm fine, just bored. Is it going to be much longer?
He-You know you can fly there right?
-As if. I wouldn't fly ever. Nope, never.
Ha-You used to try to fly when you were five. You got flying with mommy here all the time.
He-Why is it different now?
I frown and cover myself with my wings going to sleep for a bit.
                       Hades POV
We see as Yuki closes herself behind her wings. I look at Hera and she looks back at me.
-Maybe is one of her monthly moods?
He-Probably, that and being a teen.
-She is so like her father.
We share a brief kiss before we go on our way again. When we get there Yuki wastes no time getting out of the car and running inside the house. Hera does as well and I turn to poke Karai.
-Karai, wake up, we're here.
She wakes up and turns to her old self.
With that we go inside the house as well. The only missing are Max and his girlfriend. After about an hour they arrive on his bike. Karma receives them at the door.
Ka-You're late.
M-Can you really blame me?
Karma shrugs smiling before he pats his hair nicely. I laugh as they are always respectful to each other on public but on private, let's just say they are kind of loud or savage on the moment.
-Max, come here a second.
He looks at Sora for a second before he comes up for a chat.
                      Sora POV
I see as Max goes to talk with his grandpa. He leaves me with the other ladies of his family and I feel like the odd one out. Even Yuki who is always keeping to herself talks more than usual. I try to pay attention but I am too focused on Max to think about something else. I find myself attracted to something that smells oh so good. I get up and kind of in a trance I follow it to its origin. It smells like leather and the sweet scent of nature like if I were surrounded by a forest or something of the sort. As I get closer my thoughts go even dirtier with my deepest desires and I find the source. I take the little red juice to my lips a bit afraid and I take a sip. Oh my, it tastes like chocovanilla. I crave for more and I gulp it down completely and when is over I look at the empty bottle in my hand and suddenly I start to feel the need to crave a very sexual desire and I feel hot. I know this is wrong but I can't bring myself to control myself. For a moment I am too zoned out to get ahold when a voice behind me snaps me out of my thoughts.
N-Hey, you feeling alright?
Not being able to speak I just nod at her. She takes me to the living room and I still have the feeling but is a bit more controllable for now. I sigh in relief but then it comes back way stronger when I catch a glimpse of Max.
                       Max POV
After a chat with grandpa on battle advice that I was afraid to get with dad we get out. I open the door and I see the girls chatting on the living room. I catch a glimpse of Sora and I smile at her. I'm about to thanks grandpa for the advice but as I'm about to do that I feel someone hugging me from behind. I look over my shoulder and I find that is Sora hugging me. I smile and what she says next is what makes my heart skip a few beats.
S-Want to cuddle?
At that moment I feel my body grow hot and her hands caressing my abs don't help in the least. She is never this affectionate when we're in public even less is the public is my family. She normally would keep to herself and then give me a very passionate time when we're alone at last. Not that I'm complaining but is at least a thousand times more embarrassing when everyone is watching. I turn to her but she keeps her face hidden from me. I check her forehead for any fever but she seems fine. I notice she has something in her pocket. I take it with my aura and she takes it away fiercely.
-You're acting strange.
S-No I'm not, I just want to be with you. That's all.
Just like that she turns to hug my arm very tightly. I ask for the bottle and she sighs giving it a bit reluctantly. I open it and I get angry as I feel traces of an aura from the interior of the bottle. In anger I call my cousins.
-AJ, CJ! Get here right now!
They appear instantly and I am a bit more certain of my suspition by their smirks.
AJ-Someone wants a good time.
CJ-Or had a good time.
I show them the bottle.
-Are you the ones responsible for this?
They shake their heads examining the bottle.
AJ-Not us.
CJ-Why must you think that is always us?
-Really? You are the main suspects because you are the pranksters here.
They shrug but reassure me that it wasn't them. I ask everyone else but no one gives me anything. I guess I have to deal with her affection for a bit. She is just clinging to me very sweetly and I can feel her burning desire. I get with her on the couch with the other girls and I get the bottle on the table exasperated at not being able to control her. She rubs herself on me and I can hear the girls giggle between themselves at the sight. I feel my cheeks grow hot with a burning blush and I am growing incredibly uncomfortable but I can't just walk out in the middle of the reunion.
Y-That is disgusting. So gross.
K-I think is adorable. I mean, look at how he's blushing.
I feel my blush get deeper and they all laugh at it.
B-And he blushes even more.
D-Wow, that is adorable.
Ka-Is she usually like this?
-Ah, yes, no, I mean, not in public.
The girls all woo me and I am growing more frustrated.
Ha-What got into her?
I show them the bottle and grandpa takes it as if knowing what it is.
-Do you know what it is?
Ha-No, but I think I know who does.
He shows her the bottle and she blushes, her eyes wide in surprise. I frown and give her a wary look.
-Is it yours?
She nods obviously ashamed but then it turns into a calm anger as she takes it and shock when she realizes is empty.
Ha-Well, what is it? Why did you pulled such a prank on him?
Y-It wasn't supposed to be for him or her but this, this is. A love potion and serum of truth mixed together. I remember there were some instructions but I can't remember them very well right now. I think it will wear off. You should be fine.
-You think? It should? Yuki, what were you thinking?
Y-As I said, it wasn't meant for you and it was not supposed to be the entire thing. Just a drop would suffice to get the desired results.
With that she shrugs and I sigh. Is dinnertime but I don't really feel like eating in family right now.
Ka-Come on, you should be fine as long as you let her cling to you.
-Well, she does seem calm right now. Maybe a couple bites.
I follow with Sora clinging to me silently. As we eat she is kind of easy just playing with my hair and giving me kisses on the cheek. I am utterly embarrassed but I am actually enjoying myself a bit. I have dirty thoughts with her and I can feel myself smile at the thought. I avoid looking at her so I don't lose control and just turn........horny. I always manage to keep collected very easily but with her I always am on edge. I look at her food and is untouched. Guess she is more interested on me than on her food. I get hers and mines together and as I start to eat them I have some desires that I never felt before. I get in a daydream on how I want to do to her, I would tie her up to the bed very stretched out for me as an offering and I would cover her with kisses and wrap her body in chocolate and travel my tongue all along her body.
I smiel mischievously to myself forgetting everything around me for a bit until I feel something tracing along my back. I get shovers and goosebumps at the feeling. I lose the feeling and it seems like only my mind is working. Bit working some very dirty thoughts.
                    Karma POV
At dinner we all see as Sora clings to Max silently. We all know what she wants but she is decent enough to keep it leveled. Max on the other hand, he is visibly struggling to keep his composure at the contact. We all enjoy the show together and we see as Max gets redder by the minute. He enters for a moment a trancelike state and as we watch him smile dad turns to me.
Ha-Do you think he can hold on for much longer?
-Of course, he is like that almost always. He must be thinking what he's going to do behind closed doors.
Ha-I am almost afraid at what is crossing that head of his.
-Honestly, I am a bit frightened myself.
We go back to eat and then I see as the twins whisper together. They smile and nod and AJ stands and when he comes back he has two bags of ice. He gives one to CJ and they start to throw ice cubes at both Max and Sora. Mostly Max. They throw the first one and as it lands on top of his head the ice melts fast by the heat of his body. We all laugh softly and they throw a couple more ice cubes at him. They melt at the contact and when they're done with the ice they are already planning something else. AJ thinks a bit while CJ waves his hand in front of him. He doesn't seem to notice.
CJ-He is either asleep with his eyes open or very very deep in thought.
AJ-He is out as a light. Uncle, has he ever been like this before?
-Not that I know but I think I know what he's thinking about.
AJ-Well, I'm going to wake him up.
CJ-Ultimate chill?
They nod but before I can ask what it means they turn away looking for something. When I see what they're doing when they come back I almost feel bad for Max but I don't say anything to stop them.
Their prank consists in tying a bricks above his head and a growing fire under his seat. They get out a match to turn on the fire.
-Wait, are you going to burn him?
AJ-Not really.
CJ-This is fake fire but it feels like the real thing. Everything except that this one being fake doesn't actually hurts the victim, the victim being Max right now.
Before I can complain they turn on the fire and at first he doesn't notice but when he notices his sudden awakening is very abrupt.
M-Ahh, ahh.
He stands up suddenly and he hits his head with the bricks. We see as Sora jumps back a bit frightened of him. He groans and curses.
M-Ah, sea la puta madre, ahh.
The twins laugh and he does notices by what he does next.
He stands and turns to hold them both by the neck of their shirts and he roars loudly his frown in a very deep anger. I notice his fangs grow exponentially as he roars to the both of them. After he finishes he shakes them a bit before he throws them to the floor and he storms to take Sora and go away speeding on his car somewhere else. I look at the twins in a state of shock before they turn to laugh very loudly.
-That was not very nice.
Ha-He could have killed you with all that anger in him.
AJ-That is what makes it so fun.
CJ-He was so angry, hilarious.
Ha-You have to apologize to him when he comes back.
They nod and they go away and we all go away as well. I keep awake for a bit longer hoping for Max to call or report but he doesn't. So I go to sleep at last a bit worried.

To be continued?
A/N-If you want to know what Max and Sora will do now after speeding away. Do tell that you want but be prepared, it will be very detailed or as detail as possible from my part. If you don't want it don't read the next chapter. It will be very, very heated up.

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