119 Hundred and Nineteen

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The next morning we have breakfast together and we just goof around cracking jokes with each other. After a bit we go to the hotel's spa and I give them each a kiss as is separated by gender. I get on the treatment and as they do it I feel lighter, relaxed as all the tension goes away. I stay there a bit longer than I should and afterwards I go to the pool to take the sun. Not long after I fall asleep and when I wake up I'm covered with a towel and in a moving motion. I pay no mind to it until I hear Karma and Chimera speak.
Ka-Where do you want to take her? What are your plans?
Ch-I want to take her somewhere close to her current house so she's still close to her family, you and everyone else.
Ka-Don't you think you should ask dad and her first.
Ch-Obviously but, I have no idea how to do it.
I smile and I speak up.
-I'll do it.
Ch & Ka-Nova.
-I'll do it don't you worry about it. Where are we going?
Ka-Home. We're on our way to the airport right now.
I start changing clothes while we get there. When we get there we get off and as we wait for the flight to come we eat lunch and joke for a bit and I let them play together as I fix Karma's next race. We are called to board the plane at last and as we do I can't help but notice that Karma is unfocused and looking with a wicked smile on his face. I know what he wants as I see the girl in front of him. I laugh to myself and let it slide as he deserves a little fun for himself. Surprisingly, he doesn't get her and ignores his carnal instincts of having sex with anyone. As we get home I see dad with his back to us working on some papers. I sneak on him and I cover his eyes with my hands. He laughs and I do a bit.
-Guess who.
I give him a kiss on the cheek before I turn to hug him happily.
-I love you so much.
Ha-Love you too. When did you got here?
-Just now. What you doing?
Ha-Is not important. So, Chimera, do you still fear me?
We all laugh and I let go of him so he can stand. He takes my hand and then he takes his and he gets them together.
Ha-Does he make you happy?
-Very happy.
Ha-Then do stay together. I officially give you my blessing to be together.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and hugs me close before he turns to look at Chimera. He gets behind me with his hands on my shoulders.
Ha-You, I'm trusting you with her. Do not, I repeat, do not hurt her in any way.
Ch-I won't hurt her. I love her. You can trust me.
With that he pulls us together and takes a step back. He gives a nod of confirmation and I cuddle on Chimera's arms hugging me as I hug him as well. With that we go get dinner together and I ask. Where are mom and Karai?
Ha-Your mother is working with some interviews. Karai is just taking a flight enjoying that she's able to.
Ka-I thought she always flied when you were around.
Ha-That was while she got used to them. Now she can use them as weapons even.
-What about Calix and his family?
Ha-Last I knew AJ and CJ were going to train for the military and they were going to the Himalayas to hike and climb the mountains.
-Wait a minute. Are you referring to the same AJ and CJ that play jokes on everyone like is a daily thing?
Ha-The very same.
-To the army and that kind of stuff?
Ka-I'm worried about the army guys.
Ka-Yes, knowing those two, they might turn the army soldiers into a bunch if crybabies before the middle of the first day.
-Right, the time that Zeus asked them about that assignment where AJ got the scar.
Ch-They can't be that bad. They're your family aren't they?
-Precisely because they're my family that we are worried about them. I'll explain with details later.
He nods agreeing with me and I give him a crushing hug almost getting his bones crushed. When I let go of him he takes a deep breath and the boys laugh a bit. He turns to them.
Ch-She's strong.
Ha-Of course she is. What did you think?
Ka-She's not a damsel that needs anyone to rescue her.
-I might need help from time to time but I can handle on my own. Oh, that gives me an idea. Dad, can you lend me a hand and allow me to do a hand to hand combat with you?
Ha-A hand to hand combat? You and me? Sure, why not?
I smile clasping my hands in front of me and giggle maliciously at the thought. After a bit we go to the training grounds and we get into position. We leave Karma and Chimera at the edge and we start the duel.
Ka-Ready? Set, go!
I throw a fast kick at his face and he blocks it smiling as he always does.
Ha-Right to the face, so predictable of you to start with a kick.
I smile as he tries to give me a kick from below but I duck it getting a jump back taking impulse from stepping on his chest. He gets pulled back a bit gasping for air. We fight for a bit until we are both exhausted.
Ha-Is that enough of a match for you?
-Without auras, yes it is. Thanks for helping me out.
Ha-Is a good exercise besides, is just practice.
We hug for a moment before Karma and Chimera joins us.
Ka-You didn't held back. I'm surprised at how much you've improved.
Ch-You are amazing.
I smile and we share a deep kiss before I turn to hug him tightly. He hugs me back lifting me a bit before he puts me back on the floor. We go back home and Chimera leaves for his but I stop him at the door. I close the door to the condo and turn to Chimera.
-Can you stay a bit longer?
Ch-I wish but I have to keep this work. I only asked for a vacation to be with you at your concert but now I have to go.
-How about a see you later kiss then?
He laughs and he presses me closer to him, I laugh and he joins me.
Ch-Come here you. I'll give you a kiss you won't forget for the rest of your life.
With that he gets his other hand behind my neck and gets me closer to him giving me a full deep passionate kiss. It makes me melt as our tongues explore each other's mouths thorough. I get my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss getting it a bit more rough as we keep kissing until we have to separate for air. I smile and chuckle a bit before I turn to him.
-So vigorous. You're quite the good kisser. Next time, I'll get a tasty lipstick for you only.
Ch-Tempting. What flavor?
-Kiss me next time and you'll know what flavor it is. Now go or I won't be responsible for what happens next.
He gives me a short kiss before he goes away. I watch him until he disappears and I get inside again. I close the door and I go to the kitchen to eat a snack before bed. I almost shed my skin when Karma speaks up.
Ka-So, how was the kiss?
-By the gods Karma, don't scare me like that.
Ka-I see you're still living the kiss.
I blush and I cover my face a bit. He laughs and I run to my room almost bumping into dad as he comes out of the bathroom. I twirl acting fast and I enter the room closing the door behind me as I try to compose myself from the blushing I did just now with Karma. I lock the door and I take out a bag from the locker that I got below the bed when I started feeling attracted to boys. I have used two or three times in the years but this should do. I take it out and I check that everything's working before I go out to a hotel to be alone. I stumble upon both Karma and dad and I rush past them a bit ashamed at what I'm about to do. I go to a hotel and rent a room for a night. I thank her and go in the room. I shut the door and all the windows and the curtains leaving me with only the phone lighting me up the room. I put the bag on the bed and open it letting out a sigh.
-Finally, just me, myself and my soul.
I take out one of the vibrators from the backpack and then I put it on the bed with all of my other sexual toys and then I turn myself and get naked and step into the bed. I start touching myself and I get excited as I rub my fingers on my pussy and my ass. I cum about three times before I have to recover my breath.

I masturbate a bit more and my thoughts are going wild as I think if Chimera and imagine him fucking me until my phone snaps me to reality again. I stop and answer it.
Ka-Are you fine?
-Yes, why do you ask?
Ka-I felt your aura alshing out a moment ago.
-Oh my, sorry. I'll be back shortly, wait for me and don't worry, I'm fine. Wait for me there.
We hang up and I take a shower and get dressed again. I take my toys and go away. As I get out and step onto a rainy night I protect myself with my aura so I don't get wet. I look at the hotel and I can't help but look back at my bag and doubt.
-What am I doing? This is not me. This is not me at all.
Furiously I step hurriedly into an alleyway full of dirt and abandoned park. I dig a hole on the ground getting my hands dirty and I bury all of my toys there. Not anymore, I will not ever do such indecent things again. I bury the bag nice and hidden on the ground and I step up angrily making sure is not noticeable. I take a step back and run away scared of those indecent things. I run and run and I don't stop running even when I'm losing my breath. I feel tears flowing down my face and I frown at my weakness. I clench my fists at my side before I get angry. I wipe the tears away and I send a quick text to Karma saying I will not be back until tomorrow to go to sleep. With that I walk down the street in anger and I feel my feet hurting for too much walking. I look up at the moon on the sky and I take a sharp breath as I wonder about everything. I think about my past and the things I have and my future and what I want. The rain gets louder, stronger and heavier but I don't really care anymore as I keep walking down the street lost in thought. For a moment I think I'm imagining things as I hear someone call my name. When I realize is real I stop and I look around searching for the source.
I realize is Karma and when I turn to see him I find myself being hugged by Karma and I'm left in a state of shock for a minute before I hug him back.
Ka-You got me so worried. Come on, let's go home, there's a storm approaching from the north.
-From the north? A storm?
Ka-Yes now come on. I have to get you to safety and away from the storm.
I nod and I take his hand in relief. Suddenly a sudden realization comes over me and I stop.
Ka-Why are you stopping?
-The storm comes from the north you said?
Ka-Yes, and it will hit hard. Now come on.
-Wait, Chimera lives over there by the north.
Ka-He can take care of himself, my main priority is getting you safe.
I try to break loose one last time before he knocks me out with a gentle touch on the back of the neck. I see a tear roll down his face before I blackout completely.

To be continued.............

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