45 Forty Five

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The next morning we wake up to Nova and Karma pulling the sheets off of us as they cheer excitedly. Hades wakes up but I stay in bed pulling a pillow over my head. I feel as they take the pillow away and I cover myself with my arms.
Ka-Mom, wake up.
N-We have to go.
-Too sleepy to move.
N-Come on.
Ka-Get out of bed.
-Five more minutes?
N & Ka-No.
I sit up in bed and I stretch a bit before I get ready. When I'm ready that I'm still sleepy I see that I'm the last one to be ready. As soon as they see me we go all together to Astoria Park. When we get there I sit under a tree while Hades explains to the kids the basics of fighting and then he demonstrates various styles with Karai as they watch paying them their full attention. I battle my sleepiness away as I want to keep watching them train but unfortunately I fall asleep faster.
The next time I wake up I notice that I'm being carried and I squirm a little yawning. I rub my eyes and I hear Hades speak.
Ha-Morning sleepyhead.
I giggle a bit and as I look over his shoulder I see that the twins are following behind him talking between them and then I see Karai behind them looking at her phone intensely. I tap Hades on the shoulder.
-Hades, what is Karai looking at?
He looks at her still on her phone and he makes a face at me.
Ha-Don't know. But I can ask her if you like.
-Is fine. Is not that bad. How was training?
Ha-They are surprisingly good if you take into account they have yet to awaken their aura.
N-Dad, can we go eat?
He looks at me and I nod and he turns to them smiling.
Ha-Yes we can. How about the seafood downtown?
She looks at Karma and they nod at each other before they turn to us and nod in unison smiling.
Ka-First one there decides the dish?
N-Is on.
                      No one POV
They start running ahead of their parents jumping over things and evading persons as they go. In one turn on a corner Nova stumbles and almost falls to the ground if a man hadn't stopped her from falling all the way to the floor.
Man-You're welcome miss. Oh, how beautiful you are.
N-Um, thanks?
She tries to walk away but the man holds her by the arm tighter.
Man-Why the hurry? Stay here a bit, let's talk.
N-Let me go.
They struggle for a bit until the man is pushed away by someone.
Ka-Didn't you hear her? She said let go.
Man-Stay out of the way boy, this doesn't concern you. Now, girl, come here with me.
He reaches for Nova and he gets pushed again by Karma and he jumps on top of him and starts punching him on the face hard.
Ka-You. Don't. Get. To. Touch. My. Sister. Stay away from her.
He keeps punching him and the people starts gathering around them urging them to fight more.
                        Hera POV
I see as a lot of people start gathering in one place and I point it out to Hades and he puts me down and as we get to see what is attracting so many people and we are surprised to find Karma hitting another man like he wants to kill him. We see the people cheering on to keep fighting and some are even taking video with their phones, I see Nova watching everything with tears and as I go to her Hades goes towards Karma and stops him.
Ha-Karma! Stop yourself.
He takes him by the wrist and wraps his other arm around his waist pulling him away from the man. I see as he struggles to break free and he starts breathing heavily.
Ka-Let go.
Ha-Not until you calm down.
I see as he struggles for a bit before he gives in falling to his knees and Nova runs to his side hugging him softly.
Ka-He didn't hurt you did he?
N-I'm fine, thank you. But are you okay?
He nods and rests his head on her shoulder calmer now. I see as Hades helps the man up and after giving him a couple bills the man goes away shaking and bleeding. By now everyone is gone back to their own things and we keep going towards the restaurant this time walking with Karma and Nova in the front leaning against each other with me and Hades following close behind keeping an eye on them and with Karai following behind us. Once we get to the restaurant Hades asks for an ice pack and he gives it to Karma.
Ha-Here, use this.
Ka-What for?
Ha-Your hand.
He takes it and gets it on his hand that is now with all the blood dry.
Ha-So, explain yourself. Why did you resort to violence?
They look at each other before he clicks his tongue annoyed.
Ha-Karma, answer the question.
N-He was protecting me. The man......
Ka-He tried to manhandle her.
Hades and I look at each other and I know we're thinking the same thing.
-You don't resort to violence. Is nice that you wanted to protect your sister but that's not how your father and I have taught you to solve any situation.
Ha-I thought I teach you better than that.
-That's not the example we've given you.
Ka-I did try to talk but he kept ignoring my warnings and kept on and on until I just, lost control.
Ha-Can you identify what you did wrong there?
Ka-Not killing him was my mistake.
We all call his name and he lifts his head smiling.
Ka-That's what I would've wanted at the moment but the right thing to do as much as I don't like it was to keep him at bay without resorting to my fists.
Ha-Good, and what was the good action.
He laughs and smiles.
Ka-I protected my sister from harm and she didn't got hurt in the end and that's what really matters. I love you sis.
Nova hugs him tightly and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
N-I love you too.
Ha-Now that that's solved, go get that hand washed up while I order the food.
He nods and he gives the ice pack to Nova to hold and he goes to the bathroom to clean himself and when he comes back he jokes a bit with Nova while we wait for our food. After a couple of minutes the food is ready and Hades goes gets it and as he gets everything to everyone respectively when he's about to give them theirs he switches them around.
Ha-Is the same so, it doesn't matter much which you take.
They laugh and take their bags respectively and we start eating everything as educated as ever but I notice as Karma plays with his food for a bit. I don't pay too much attention until I notice that his hand is shaking and I hold him and touch his forehead.
-Do you feel bad Karma?
Ka-Mom, I'm fine. Is nothing, nothing you should worry about.
-Are you sure?
Ka-I'm perfectly fine. Please. Excuse me.
He stands holding his hand tightly as if it would fall if he doesn't. He takes barely a step when he collapses to the floor panting and sweating. We all react at the same time calling out to him and almost immediately Nova starts holding her head painfully.
N-Karma, ahh.....
Ha-Nova, what's.....
She covers his mouth silencing him before she winces in pain again. Hades turns to Karma and he takes him on his arms as I help Nova up with Karai's help. We all transport together to the agency and we go up towards the infirmary and they take priority over everyone else and they get separated into different rooms to check on them but as soon as they are out of eye range from each other there are two explosions, one for each and then they appear each with an aura of their own flowing from them and out of control. They walk towards each other like magnets and they stand in front of each other and they lift their hands each and as soon as there is physical contact they fall unconscious to the floor. The doctors take them once more but this time they keep them together just in case. After waiting for a long night we are finally able to see them and take them home if we want. We go inside and they seem as calm as if nothing happened.
-They look so peaceful when they're asleep.
Ha-Indeed. I should've known that they would awaken their aura at the same time.
-Are we going back to Olympus or......
I get interrupted as they start to wake up.
-Oh, you're awake. How do you feel?
They both call for each other at the same time and when they see each other and realize what just happened they giggle at each other.
Ka & N-Awesome.
They giggle a bit more and they reach out to hold hands and I smile resting against Hades.
-I guess they feel fine.
Ha-If they can laugh and share conversations then yes. We're back to normal.
We give them each a hug and a kiss and they smile at us like always.
N-Can we go back home?
Ka-Home at Olympus.
Ha-Only if you want.
They nod and we all laugh at that. Hades helps them out of the beds and gets them their things and we go out to the portal towards home. When we get home they go change clothes and when they come back they sit at the table with us to wait for their food with us.
K-So, you have your aura already? Cool. I can help you train if you like.
N-We thought we could train alone.
-What do you mean?
Ka-Only us two.
Ha-Are you sure?
They nod and he taps his fingers against the table.
Ha-Give me one valid reason to let you train alone.
They look at each other and they talk in whispers with each other and then they shrug together and turn to him again.
N-We don't really have a good reason.
Ka-Is more that we want to surprise you all.
Ha-That's a good reason but you do know you have to show your abilities to all of Olympus to decide your place amongst the gods.
They nod and I start serving the food so they can go to bed. We eat in silence and they go to bed happily and Karai gets herself on the couch looking at her phone once again. I go behind her and I try to check what she's looking at but she hides it from me hurriedly.
K-What are you doing?
-Just checking. What were you doing?
K-Nothing. Night.
With that she goes to her room and goes to sleep. Hades and I go to our room as well.
-He's strong and he really loves his sister.
Ha-Yes, we have to celebrate that they have their auras now.
-Along with their birthday, is pretty soon.
Ha-Yes, we can ask them what would they like tomorrow. Now we are going to sleep.
-Love you.
Ha-Love you too.
He gives me a kiss goodnight and we go to sleep happily.

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