36 Thirty Six

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-Yes, if we haven't controlled the situation by sunrise you can join us again.
He nods and I give him a kiss before going back out. I go towards the throne room to check there as well. Suddenly an idea strikes me and I text all the gods my idea. I save my phone and head home instead. Over there I find Persephone searching the perimeter of our house. I go over to her and tell her my thoughts.
-Persephone? Can I ask you something? It is important?
Pe-Sure. What can I help you with?
-I just realized, remembered that we can control Karai without using force on her.
Pe-Her aura has gone crazy but, what do you suggest?
-Auracuffs, that should hold her down for a while. Does Hades have a pair for emergencies or something?
Pe-He used to have a pair, maybe he still has them. It has been millennia since he had to use them. Come, I'll show you were they are.
She gets me through her room and she laughs happily when she finds them. She gives them to me and we hear Karai howling. We try to ubicate where the sound is coming from taking a few guesses. We both head first to the throne room, then we go to the offices and then when the sunrise is at the sky and starting I text Hades to meet us at the infinity pool. When we get there we get at the same time. I look at Hades and he gives me an apologetic look.
Pe-Hey uncle, feeling better?
-No sign of her yet? On your way here.
He shakes his head and I feel my heart sink and break in million of pieces as I start to get anxious and desperate and more worried by the second. He must realize it because he comes and gives me a big, comforting hug as he passes his hand through my hair. I hug him back in silence until I see a shadow approaching the pool, I look closely and I realize is Karai. I nudge Hades to the side and get him to be silent as we look at Karai as she rests with her front paws on the water. We get close in silence and I'm about to get the cuffs on her when all of a sudden a lightning bolt scares her away putting her on high alert again, she runs off yet again and I hear Zeus's voice at my side.
Z-Ups, my bad, sorry.
I crack my teeth together keeping myself from screaming at him and I take Hades with me to look for Karai again when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I turn on my feet throwing a punch directly at his face. I break his nose and make him bleed a bit before I take him by the neck of his shirt and lower him to my height.
-Keep away from me.
I throw him backwards and I go look for Karai with Hades. We find her under a tree behind some bushes lying down. She seems exhausted by the way she's lying down and at her reaction when we get closer. She only growls at us and we keep our distance.
-At least she's not running away anymore. I'm not going to use these anymore.
I put the cuffs away and I look at Karai as she just rests there.
-This situation is very stressing.
Ha-We have to try and solve it fast. Or else she might get worse.
He looks at me and then at Karai again before he speaks.
Ha-I don't want that.
-Me neither.
At that moment we hear groaning and when we turn we see that Karai is shifting back to her old self. Immediately after she changes back the first thing I notice is that she's half naked and I look away and at Hades and I see as he has his eyes closed and he's taking his jacket off.
Ha-Here, you can use this to cover her up.
I take the jacket and get it on Karai to cover her up and I check her and she seems fine, exhausted but fine.
Ha-Did you cover her up? Can I open my eyes?
-Yes you can. I don't know why you feel ashamed, you have seen her naked before.
Ha-As a baby, now she's a grown woman and well......
-Say it.
Ha-She needs her space and I respect that.
-Good, let's go home. I'll call everyone that we found her.
He picks Karai up and we go back home. Some gods are on our living room already and when they see us they all stand up and I see as they look from Hades to Karai and then at Hades again.
Po-How is she?
Pe-Is she fine?
Ha-She is, exhausted but fine, she's not hurt or harmed at all.
With that he walks away taking her to her room. I dismiss everyone to their own homes and when they're all gone I go to Karai's room and as I get closer I hear a lullaby from her room. I find it strange so I look inside and I'm shocked as I see Hades singing a lullaby to Karai.

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