27 Twenty Seven

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Hades takes his brothers with him leaving me and Karai with Aphrodite. We spent a couple of hours chatting between ourselves. Mostly Aphrodite talking about her many lovers and we giggle about clothes and makeup. Aphrodite takes a bag of makeup out of I don't know where and turns to Karai excited. She gets to apply some on Karai and she struggles to not get any.
K-Aunt Aphrodite, I don't like to apply makeup on myself.
Aphrodite-Don't be silly, what girl your age doesn't apply makeup? You will be radiant, now your lips come on.
K-No, I don't like it, is not comfortable for me.
At that moment Hades enters with his brothers and Karai turns to him.
K-Daddy, help me please, get her off of me. She wants to put makeup on me.
Ha-Oh my, let her do it.
Aphrodite-See? You'll be beautiful.
Hades smiles and he takes Aphrodite by the waist and lifts her away.
Aphrodite-Hades? What are you doing? Get me down.
Ha-You heard her. She doesn't want any makeup.
He puts her down on the farthest part from Karai possible and he sits at her side.
Ha-Happy now?
K-Very. Thanks. I can barely wait to recover.
-You have to RT first.
-Recover and train.
K-Train, of course. I won't forget. I'll be out of here by my birthday, you'll see.
She calls Ian to her side and pets him for a while until he falls asleep.
K-Is a shame.
Ha-What is?
K-Giving Ian away. He's getting too big to keep around.
Ha-You could keep him, as a sparring partner.
K-We play not fight. When I recover, before the fight I'll give him to the zoo myself.
Hades looks at Ian yawning as he rubs his head on Karai's chin. She laughs a bit before she hugs him tightly.
K-I'll miss him.
Ha-You can always visit him.
The doctor comes in and he sighs as he sees the tiger again on the bed. He doesn't gets as scared as the first time but I can tell he's still nervous with Ian's presence there.
Doctor-Can the tiger move as far as possible from the bed please?
Karai nods and she gives a kiss to Ian before she pushes him to the side towards Hades. He takes it and gets it away from the doctor. The doctor gets to Karai's side and checks her.
Doctor-How are you feeling today?
K-Much better.
Doctor-How's your voice coming along? Any pain?
K-No pain. Can I go home now? I want to go home.
Doctor-Not yet but I like your enthusiasm. You'll need it for this next part of the recovery.
The doctor acomodates her so she's sitting on the bedside with her legs hanging. The doctor treats her legs thoroughly before he writes down on his notebook. He stands and gets her.
Doctor-First let me congratulate you because, thanks to being a healthy young lady and being obedient as well I say this, your recovery might take less time than originally anticipated.
K-So I'll be out of here before we initially thought?
Doctor-Indeed, keep following instructions and you might be granted permission to go home as well.
I can see her eyes gleaming with joy and happiness as the doctor says basically that she will not be here for much longer. She smiles to us and we smile back at her.
-Just keep being a good girl and you'll be home in no time.
K-I have... I have various reasons to get better and back home.
Ha-Such as?
K-I will be health at a hundred percent. I can get to fight uncle Zeus again and this time beat him up, I can dance again, be back at home and rest on my bed. I want to exercise, I want to be there, I want to get out of here but above all, I want to be with you both by my side at home.
-Oh sweetie.
I go and hug her happily and I see Hades smile from the side a bit embarrassed in front of his brothers and Aphrodite as well. Karai stretches her arm out.
K-You won't get out without giving me a hug. Come here and give me my hug.
He squeezes her hand with a smile before he kisses her hand. He goes back but Karai shakes her head. I step back a bit for her to give the punishment.
K-Oh no, you're not getting off that easy. Hand.
He gives his hand to her and she pulls him towards her really hard and into her arms. She catches him easily and as happy as she can be and hugs him tightly.
K-Ah, this is a real hug. I love you.
Ha-You can let go now.
K-Not a chance.
K-Never. This is my happy place and you're mine and no one else's.
Aphrodite-What about your mother?
K-Maybe once or twice.
Aphrodite-Each day?
K-Each year.
I let out a gasp and the others laugh softly at the comment.
-Oh my, and what days are those?
Ha-Yeah, which ones?
K-Mmm, her birthday and the wedding anniversary. Any other day you're either mine or mine.
Ha-Okay, that's enough of that. Let go now.
She let's go of him very slowly and he gives her a kiss on the cheek before he exits the room.
Ha-Love you. Be right back.
He goes away and we are left alone. I turn towards them and I give them a look.
-Everyone out.
Aphrodite-Why darling?
-Oh no reason at all, is just, Karai needs rest, I do too, the room is suffocating me already with so many people in here.
Po-But we don't take much space and we are standing too.
-Perhaps Aphrodite doesn't takes much space but you two are too big and voluminous to be in here for so long. Now go before I hit you three back to Olympus in a single punch.
Z-Ok. Were going, we are. Bye Karai, see you at the fight.
They bid their goodbyes and go away and as soon as they're gone Hades enters the room again.

Five months later
The doctors approved of Karai coming home to feel more comfortable while doing her exercises and we've been at home with her for a month now. She's "dancing" with her father but he put her that her feet are on top of his and she has one hand on his shoulder and the other linked with his hand as his other hands practically carries her from her lower back to keep her up. Every time they have a mistep or a mistake I laugh at them.
Ha-How does dancing again feels like?
K-Aww, dad you know that I'm mostly just hanging here. You're practically carrying me.
Ha-I have to make the most fun out of this or you'll get sad, very sad.
K-You spoil me.
Ha-I have to spoil you, you're my princess.
When the songs ends he charges her over his shoulder and she laughs a lot at that and he keeps her there for a moment until she calms down.
Ha-Are you having fun back there Karai?
Ha-You want me to put you down?
K-Yes. Please.
Hades puts her down a bit but before she can touch the couch he lifts her up again before he puts her down for real.
K-Can I tell you a secret?
K-You're crazy awesome.
Ha-I know, I know.
Karai opens her arms inviting him to a big hug and he happily gives it to her. He smiles as she hugs him laughing.
K-Aww, mom look, doesn't he look adorable.
-Very adorable.
K-This is why we love him so much. This is why we love my dad so much.
She gives him a kiss before she let's go of him. When he goes back up and sits she rests her head on his lap.
K-Pet me.
Ha-There you go. Happy? Are you sleepy?
K-Maybe. Just a bit. I wish I were a little girl again so I can crawl on your bed with the both of you. I miss going under the blankets from your feet all the way up to be between you. Ugh, I'm such a crybaby. I love you.
Ha-I love you and you're not a crybaby, you just love us a lot and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to sleep with us when you want to.
She groans and hides her face with a pillow. Hades smiles at her.
Ha-I love you.
K-I love you too.
She rests there a bit more while Hades pats her head gently until she falls asleep. He picks her up and gets her to her room. I go to the kitchen and start getting the food when Hades hugs me from behind.
Ha-Good, your cooking. I'm hungry.
-No you're not. You just ate a couple minutes before. This is for me.
Ha-Aww, don't be like that. You know you love me. I want a bite. Hungry.
-But you already ate, I'm sure you're still digesting your last food.
Ha-But you didn't cook that and I want something you cooked. It tastes better.
-Ugh, fine, you can eat some.
Ha-I knew you would let me.
-Why do you have to have the last word?
Ha-You always get to be the one that's right so why can't I get the last word on food topics.
-You're adorable. I love you.
I take a piece of a toast I just made just before he turns me around so we're facing each other. He gives me a kiss before he let's go too.
Ha-I love you too.
For a moment there I forget everything as I get lost under his purple gaze. I rest my head on his chest and that's when I remember the toast I still have on my hand and I laugh at that.
-You're bad.
Ha-Why bad?
-I forget everything when I'm with you.
I take a bite from the toast and I give it to him so he grabs a bite as well.
-Mm, grab a bite.
He laughs before he grabs a bite for himself.
Ha-This is delicious. Divine. I love you so much. Can I say something?
-Spill it out.
Ha-Well, before, when I was with Karai, she said she misses when she used to crawl with us, under the blankets and between us and I thought, what can I do to compensate her for that? I just want to make her happy and for her to feel secure. That no matter how old she is she will always be my little girl.
I hug him and I rub his back gently.
-She's happy, you'll figure something out. We will get an awesome idea for her.
Ha-Yes. What can we do. We could offer her to get a new pet to sleep with. She's a bit down since she got Ian to the zoo. Perhaps a bit of time away from everyone will be good for each of us.
-Or perhaps, you know her favorite singer, dancer, actor is? Perhaps you can get her to meet him in person that can sure make her happy.
Ha-That would be a great idea if the singer was a woman or female or a gay boy. But is a boy and I don't like boys.
-But she does. You seen her when he gets a new movie or CD or anything new published out. She gets all crazy and she screams and she laughs and cries. No matter where she is she sees it. Last album she waited a whole week out of the store waiting to be the first to get it and buy it.
Ha-She's a fanatic.
-So, what do you say to that?
Ha-You can take her to that one.
-I could but I won't, because it would mean a lot more if it comes from you, and I do mean a lot more.
Ha-Is easy to make her happy but is hard to be super happy. I know what to do now, thank you. You're an angel, what would I do without you?
-Depress in a hole probably.
He laughs and gives me a kiss before he goes out of the house.

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