184-Evzen Time

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Ten years later
Evzen POV
I wake up happy as is my sixteen birthday. I am going to pick up my sister from the airport today. She was riding bulls or horses or that sport she likes so much. She has been on that for five years now and she is one of the most elegant performer they have there. I on the other hand, am an actor, I do romance stories, action movies, double for dangerous situations and such. I get up from bed and I go get ready for the day.

I go get myself breakfast and go get her. As I wait I scroll through my phone and send a love poem to every girl I can before her voice calls out to me.
R-Evzen! Little brother. Over here.
I save my phone and I smile at her widely. We get each other on a hug and she laughs.
R-I missed you.
-I missed you too. How was your trip? Tell me everything, you won?
R-Yes I won. I actually got something for you. Here.
She gives me a frame and I take a look at it. A picture of her in her uniform with her trophy and some other pictures of her just randomly doing different stuff.
-For me?
R-Yes, you told me you lost the one I first gave you so now you have several with the best moments we have spent together and apart.
I hold it tight and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

When we get home she goes to sleep and at last she realizes the sad truth for her.
R-Did you got taller?
She shrugs before she goes away to sleep and I go have something proper to eat.
M-Look who's awake.
S-My sweet little boy.
Mom turns to pinch my cheeks but I back away.
-Ah mommy please. You're wasting me.
S-He doesn't love me anymore.
She mimes a wounding heart and I get her on a hug.
-Waste me.
Dad laughs as I let mom treat me a bit until she just ruffles my hair and goes back to cook.
M-So, how's Robin?
-As usual, she won. Look at what she got me.
I give him the album and he turns the pages gently.
M-I remember this one all very well.
-Which one?
He shows me one where is one of the firsts things I really outdid myself. I am trying to cook for her. My face and hands are all dirty from cooking ingredients. I laugh as I remember it.
-I remember I burned it.
M-But she still ate it.
-She was just being nice. It must have been awful. Burned.
M-If it was she never showed it.
We chat for a bit more before I have a crazy thought.
-I wanted to ask something but.........
I flinch a bit before he urges me on so I speak.
-I wanted to move out.
I see as his eyes widen in surprise.
M & S-Move out?
-Not now but sometime. If I may have your blessing.
S-Is it safe? Close by? Big, small, shared, alone, public, private?
-Wait one second, I'm not gone yet.
She turns to hug me tight her arms around my neck as she holds me a bit too tight.
S-My baby boy wants to go away from us. How will you survive without your mother there to protect you?
I tap on her arms a bit.
-Mom, you're choking me.
She let's go of me and I let out a sigh.
-Is really no big deal. I just want my own place. Like the triplets.
M-What triplets?
-You know, CJ, AJ and Xena. Since they're always together I just call them triplets.
M-That is actually a good idea.
S-She is kind of a female version of them.
The doorring resonates through the house and I know who it is.
-I got it.
I flash to the door and there are my other young companions with their respective scripts. All ladies.
-Molly, Polly, Holly, Dolly. Come on in. I was waiting for you. Are you hungry? I can get you a place.
Molly-That is so very kind of you.
Polly-Thank you.
Holly-Yes please.
Dolly-Did you practiced your lines?
-Course I did.
They come inside and I lead the way to the kitchen where mom and dad are. When dad turns the girls giggle a bit.
Girls-Oh my god. Ahh.
Molly-I can't believe it.
Holly-Ev, you didn't told us about him.
Dolly-Is this for real?
Polly-Is truly him.
M-Evzen, what is happening?
-These are Dolly, Holly, Molly and Polly.
Mo-We are your biggest fans.
Ho-Your skills for dancing and singing are amazing.
Do-Why did you stop singing?
Po-Could you give us your autograph?
S-Don't dissapoint them.
M-I suppose I can give them something. Let me get them, I'll be right back.
With that he goes away to get the gifts. They turn to me again and calmer now we turn to practice one last time before the debut of our novel.
-Ok so, we are on scene twelve, third act, last try. The dance.
They giggle as they all want to dance with me even if neither of them have to but my charming personality has them at my feet begging for it.
-Dolly, may I have this dance?
Dolly-Please do.
I take her hand and putting on the music we get back to back and link our arms together at the sides and we start moving in perfect harmony. Not long I have already danced multiple times with each of them and I go solo for them to be on equal ground as they see me doing the dance.
Just like that we keep practicing together. After dinner they eat and go back home after dad gives them each a bag with signed things and some things he found on the basement. I stretch and go to my room to make the plans for my house. I know exactly what I want. The whole sky for myself. I plan and choose colors, before I fall asleep with the tablet on hand.
A few weeks later the movie I just made a few days ago is published and is airing today at three. Since is the debut is going to play twice just in case. I get everyone up and get them all in the living room in front of the TV.
M-Evzen, what is it?
-You got to see this, all of you. Is my movie.
S-A movie? Really?
-Is not just any movie, just watch it.
I storm to the kitchen and after I get everyone a snack that last the whole movie I slide in the couch and turn on the TV on the movie channel and it starts. They watch intently and I can't help be anxious.
TV-Now, tonight we have a action romance movie airing for the first time. Is surely to be an experience to everyone and the actors really outdid themselves in this megahit. Let's start,-The introduction starts playing-In a distant future, in a land where fear and chaos reign and you can't take a blink without fearing for your life, a group of heroes will arise from below and return the world to it's former glory. Will they succeed on their mission and be happy or will they fail and submit to a punishment worse than death.
I shake in anticipation, acting it is so cool but seeing the actual movie running takes my breath away. They slowly show the pictures of the group that will save the world and they appear in combat uniforms that make them look sexy as well. Molly is the villain, Holly is the traitor, Dolly is the nice friend while Polly is the girlfriend and the lover of the main actor being, me. I appear on screen and I instinctively jump out of my seat excitedly. They laugh and cheer on.
N-You are acting in the movie?
Not able to talk I motion for them to be silent and look at the movie. No one knew about this movie yet so they don't know how dangerous it really is or how thrilling it can be.
On TV-Movie
At the beginning it shows a group of kids protecting each other from the bigger threats as they stick together. With no family or anyone that comes to help them they only have each other.
E-Stay back! Don't you dare touch them or I will rip your head off your body.
Man-What is a kid doing to me? You are just a novice trying to act grown, why don't you go play a sport or study for when you are adult.
Evzen keeps his fiery look holding both knifes on his hands menacingly.
Men-Tell you what, since you made me laugh I'll give you half of what I got. See you around.
Evzen stays still as the man throws a piece of his food and coins to them and runs away. Once the man is out of reach he relaxes and takes the cake and divides it for them getting the smaller piece for himself.
Holly-I don't like this.
Polly-You should eat better.
Dolly-Take a bite from here.
E-I am fine with what I got. You need it more than I do.
Dolly-I hate this life, we deserve better.
She pushes the food away disgusted and he hugs her and feeds her.
E-Don't worry, it will get better. I will do everything in my power to get you out of this miserable life. For now, let me protect all of you, I promise I will find a way out of here and I will take you with me.
He gets on the center and they each give him a kiss earning a smile from him. They laugh together for a bit playing around until they each throw themselves on top of him making him fall to the floor. He puts them to sleep afterwards and gives them each a kiss goodnight but when he turns to give Polly hers he hesitates and he instead kisses his fingers and get them on her lips.
E-Sleep well my precious diamond.
Forward in the story
Evzen is on the edge of a building top with only one of them with him.
Dolly-We will save her.
E-How did I failed to see the signs. How could she betray us like that?
Dolly-Ed, take me home. Where is safe. We'll get them tomorrow.
He nods absently and he takes her home and puts her to sleep. After a bit he goes by himself and with a tear on his eye he clenches his teeth.
E-Sorry but I have to fix this as soon as possible.
He gets out the window and secures the place tightly. He runs through the streets with deadly determination impulsing him. He stops at an alleyway and he gets from his backpack a lot of weapons and hides them on his body and on his clothes until he turns to hide the bag below ground. He slides through the shadows killing security guards along the way silently. He snaps necks and gets them in a position that it seems they're just asleep on their posts. He gets a grenade and he bounces it on his hand twice before he throws it to a building.
E-Three, two, one.....
The grenade explodes and lots of people run away and amongst the confusion he slides in the building almost unnoticed. One guard sees him and not just any guard, is the right hand man of the most evil person there. Evzen doesn't know but when he notices his cover is blown is too late as every exit has been locked trapping him inside. He turns into defensive pose and a door opens and it shows the traitor. She has a uniform of them on and she's ready to fight.
Holly-You are so predictable, rushing in to save what you hold dear and closest to your heart.
E-Why? Why did you betrayed us?
She laughs coldly.
Holly-Betray you? I was never on your side, I was a spy there to keep an eye but now, you are just useless and the only thing you can do now to help is to die and leave us alone.
E-I raised you, I saved you, I protected you.
Holly-No, I lived with you, I studied you and I let you fight for me. You can't seriously tell me you never noticed I was slipping information to them, why we never got to settle on one place longer than a week. It was me studying you and how you fought in every environment and with every enemy we throwed at you. The food, that was because of me, they kept me alive so I could deliver this information.
E-You are still in time to come back, come back with me and them and help me save them. Is not too late.
She laughs again.
Holly-There is nothing to save, what you want to save never existed in the first place and the first thing you have to do to save the world as you put it is kill me. If you manage to kill me you have two options, either be worst or be the savior but you won't be able to handle the pain.
She throws a knife at him and he barely evades it as it makes a cut on his cheek and he bleeds. His surprise is evident but he still doesn't attack full sternght just blocking her hits. In a turn he grabs her by the neck from behind and with tears he holds tight with her until he gets her own blade through her chest from behind.
E-I'm sorry. I love you.
And with a single tear he sticks the sword through her body piercing her heart. He puts her down gently and he closes her eyes and with a small prayer he storms away and sword still in hand with a scream he cuts the wall off and with a kick the wall goes flying away crushing some guards that were outside. He steps through and flies upstairs to the top. He hopes to find her there but they're already gone. He finds a note and reads it, he crushes it with his hand and he looks thought the window. He sighs and knowing there is nothing to do at the moment he goes downstairs again and getting her dead body on his arms he turns to run away but some security block his way. He takes a step back and making a split second decision.
E-Try and catch me assholes.
He turns and jumps through the window out to the sky. In the middle of the free fall he gets a weapon out and he shoots a wire that clinges to the ceiling holding him up. He swings to the other rooftop and as he lands on a window frame he gets his weapon again and saves it. He takes a deep breath and looks at the other building's window and he smirks at the security unable to follow.
E-Watch your every step for I will follow you like the air you breathe.
He goes away and using the shadows of the buildings he makes his way to a beautiful place that simulates a green forest.
E-You should rest on your favorite place of all. Amongst a beautiful forest.
He digs up a grave for her and buries her there and for a moment he just sits there until he turns to go back home with a silent promise.
Our heroes are trapped and Evzen is being for the first time on the losing side and losing his composure as he screams powerfully and painfully.
E-Come back here you bastard. Your reign is over. Your time making the world miserably ends here.
Boss-If you insist, I'll make a deal with you. As I understand, you are infatuated with this lovely woman right here.
E-So what if I am?
Boss-Here is the deal. A fight between you and me and my people. If you win I will let you do the honor if killing me, however, if I win you die and she is the first to die after you.
He frowns and get in position of fighting.
E-Bring it on. I can kill you with my bare hands.
Boss-Careful, you might regret those words soon enough.
The boss takes off his heavy expensive clothes and taking a stance they throw themselves into a deep fight, at first is equal but soon Evzen is losing ground and strength and he is losing. With a kick to the ribs he goes flying back, he manages to recover himself but he is hurt badly and his reaction is none as he gets another kick and this time he bumps his head on the wall coughing a bit of blood as his head hangs.
She screams for him to move but he doesn't.
Boss-Let this be an example of those who dare defy the natural order of things. Follow me and you will have what you want. Defy me and you're dead like....
He gets interrupted by him.
E-Like who? I just needed a bit of a break but now I feel, powerful and ready like I haven't felt in a long time.
Boss-How can this be, you're supposed to be dead. How can you still stand?
He cracks all of his bones and stretches himself before he powers up immensely. He smirks at him his chin raised high in superiority.
E-You better run, this is new for me so I don't control it that well just yet.
He takes a couple steps back and he runs away but he follows close behind his laughter and power lashing out before he finally caught up with him and grabbing him by the ankle he smacks him on the floor. He throws him up and he gives him a high kick that breaks his bones and he gets enveloped in blood.
E-Is time you pay for your actions.
Boss-I have nothing to regret.
He spits on his face and he strangles him to death slowly but surely. When he's dead he gets him on his shoulder and climbing to the highest peak he ties him up there like a hangman from his neck with a rope of clothes. With his knife he writes on his chest, dead evil, and he let's himself free fall to the ground landing smoothly on his feet. When he looks up everyone is already on a happy mood like he hasn't seen before.
People-Our savior, our hero, he cane to save us from evil.
Someone runs up to him and enveloping him in a big he finds himself in a kiss deep on the lips by Polly.
Polly-I knew you would win.
E-We will get a better world now and restore humanity to it's former glory.
E-Together. I love you.
Polly-I love you too.
He take her face on his hands and kisses her again with passion and the movie ends there.
Them again
To be continued..............

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