28 Twenty Eight

22 1 0

Later that night I'm playing a game with Karai and I hear the door opening and Karai calls out.
K-Dad!!! Is that you? Come on here.
Hades appears on the doorway and he enters the room smiling and he's so cheerful it creeps me out as hell as he hugs Karai and kisses me.
-Why are you so cheerful? More than usual.
Ha-I'm not cheerful.
-Yes you are, you're creeping me out. You never smile that much or like that that much and is seriously creeping me out.
K-Aww, dad doesn't scare or creeps out he loves and cares.
-Well anyway, where were you? We missed you a lot.
Ha-Ah, I missed my women too but I won't tell any of you what I did.
Karai and I groan complaints to be caught trying to get him to tell us what he did. I know probably what he did but I wanted to make sure if it was what I thought.
-Ok, now then, let's go sleep, is late and I'm tired and we all need to rest.
Ha-And how do you know we need to rest?
-Because I'm tired, can you charge me back to the room and tuck me in? I feel lazy tonight.
K-Charge her, do a piggy back ride to her.
-Oh, good idea Karai. Hades, please.
I bat my eyelashes at him blinking a few times until he charges me piggyback. I laugh and I rest on his back as he exits the room.
-Bye Karai. Good night.
Ha-Good night Karai.
K-Night mom, night dad.
We go to our room and he gets me to the bed. When he comes at my side I look at him defiantly.
-So, did you do something with her favorite singer?
Ha-I have no idea what are you talking about.
-Oh, come on, I know you were getting the artist to meet her in person.
Ha-Finding him was not that easy but make him to agree to come, that was a lot easier than I thought.
-How did you ask?
Ha-Seriously with a handshake.
-Then he probably got scared for his life.
Ha-He will be here for her birthday. Good night.
-Good night babe.

A couple weeks later is Karai's birthday but she still sleeping and we let her so we don't ruin the surprise. I'm finished doing breakfast when we hear a knock on the door.
Ha-I got it............Welcome, I'm glad you could make it. Come on in.
-Hades, who is it?
I go to see and I see a couple of bunch of singers come into the condo.
-Hades, you told me you got one only to come.
Ha-Is her birthday and I got the very best for her. There are over forty singers here.
-Hades did you kidnapped them?
Ha-No I didn't. I just got a struck of luck. Now then, Jennifer, Pablo, Chayanne and Ricky, with me. The rest on the living room.
He goes to Karai's room with me and the four artists following behind. He sits on the bed and pokes her.
Ha-Karai, wake up. Is your birthday.
K-Ugh, fifteen more minutes. Please.
Ha-No, wake up.
Karai groans and covers herself with the blankets a bit more.
K-Ten minutes?
Ha-Come on, get out of bed.
K-Five more at least?
Hades takes Chayanne in the room and he whispers something on his ear and he nods before he starts singing one of his songs.

Karai sits up sleepily her eyes still closed.
K-I like that song.
She yawns and when she opens her eyes she smiles and she puts her hand to her face.
K-Dad, you.
Ha-Happy birthday Karai.
K-How? When?
Karai gets out of bed and she hugs Hades tightly almost crying.
K-I love you, you're the best. Thank you.
Ha-Don't thank me yet, there's more.
Ha-Yes, so go get dressed. We'll wait on the living room.
We do exactly that and in the living room he starts working on the TV connecting cables and devices to it. He tries out checking that they work until he's satisfied. He gives each of them a bottle of water and a bit of food for them to eat. After a while Karai comes through the hallway trying to finish her hair. When she looks up her surprise is evident on her face and her expression.
Ha-Do you like your surprise?
K-How can I not? Did you kidnap them just to be here?
Ha-What is it with you and your mother thinking I got them here by kidnapping them?
K-Nothing is just, so unlikely to see them all together unless is the hall of fame, the red carpet or events like that.
Karai walks over and shakes hands with everyone. She hugs and kisses some of them.
K-So, you invited fifty singers to my birthday party and I still have no idea where is going to be or what it is.
Ha-Pretty much.
K-Where is the wine?
Ha-Where you can't reach it.
K-Come on, is a party and a party has drinks.
Ha-I was talking about the place. We are going to a stadium. The other thing will be a surprise. There are a few calls I have to make before we go.
K-Okay. Then while you do that, who needs refills?
All of them show their empty bottles and she smiles. She takes the trash can and put it in the center.
K-Let's get this fun. You all are going to throw the bottles here and by each bottle inside the can I'll answer a question for you. Throw and think hard about the questions I'll get the new bottles.
I can see Hades smile at me and I stick my tongue out at him. I get the new water bottles for them and give them to Karai. She throws them to them each.
K-Shakira, water catch it.
-Karai, that's not how we do things. Go there and put them in their hands.
K-Mom, I'm not going to walk over and over and over to give each their water bottle, I prefer to throw them besides. I can call out their names. Look.
I look as Karai takes two water bottles and looks at the artists.
K-Elmer. Catch. Yankee, catch.
They both catch their water bottles and Karai laughs. After a couple more bottles when everyone has a new water bottle Karai gets herself a juice and she goes and sits on the floor.
K-Well, let's see how many questions I have to answer. Well it looks you got lucky. So, I'm going to start from the left to the right.
Shakira-What is the worst thing that has happened to you?
K-The worst, last father's day, the day after we went snowboarding and I went down with them and then by myself the rest of the time. The last jump I made that I said one more and I go back with my parents I don't remember what happened but the next thing I know is that after hitting my head with something trying to escape an avalanche I blacked out and then I am under the snow completely. I could move my upper body but not my legs and I got my throat that I couldn't speak and I spent four months in a hospital and the other few until last month recovering here. So that was the worst, not being able to walk, dance sing, scream. That's the worst. You are a great dancer by the way.
I drink and that's their cue for another question.
Luis Fonsi-How old are you? Turning today.
K-How old do I look?
Luis fonsi-Eighteen?
K-Plus four. Thanks for making me younger. I like your songs, great voice.
Daddy Yankee-What do you do on your free time?
K-I boss my dad around? No, I do that all the time. It depends on how I wake up and dress and stuff, sometimes I just want to stay at home in my bed, other days I can have a fight with my uncle and others I just do the first thing that crosses my mind so by now I have done pretty much everything I can do. Something new each time I get up. I really like your music, the rhytm especially.
Chayanne-Do you have a pet?
K-Had. His name was Ian. I gave him to the zoo last month.
Chayanne-The zoo?
K-Yes, he was getting too big to be in here or sleep with me.
Chayanne-What animal are we talking about?
K-A tiger. Real tiger, got it as a cub and raised him until last month, he got too big so I got him to the zoo.
They all keep talking and talking until Karai's phone rings with a scary ringtone of a woman screaming loudly.
-What is that?
K-My phone, sorry.
Ha-Nice ringtone.
K-Hello?......He's here but he won't answer.......Because today is only for me, see you tomorrow.
I watch as Karai listens with indifference at her phone. She rolls her eyes a couple times before she hangs up.
K-And that's how you get rid of annoying people.
Ha-Time to go people.
We all go to the limousine downstairs and we all get inside together. I'm amazed that we all fit in here being as many as we are. We are not even squished together.
K-So, where are we going?
Ha-You'll see.
Karai groans as she looks at them beggingly. They all shake their heads and Karai goes desperate. She gets her phone out and she takes a selfie with each one of them. After an hour of being in the car Karai asks impatiently and repeating herself over and over again.
K-Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we......
Karai smiles as the car stops in place. She tries to peek at the place when Hades closes the window so she doesn't look. She groans a bit before she gets smiling again. We all go outside and I see as Karai smiles as she sees the waves rolling in the sand.
Hades takes her hand and leads her to the very front where there is a humongous birthday cake and as she steps closer all our family comes into view.
Ha-This was your mother's doing. Here is her gift.
K-A swimsuit. Figures. I'm going to change.
She goes change and when she comes back everyone looks at her making her blush. She tries to hide it with a smile as she comes for us. She is the very first one to step into the water. Everyone follows her towards the beach and she hangs mostly alone just swimming free. She calls to us and waves before she goes underwater to enjoy the underwater world.
                         Karai POV
I go underwater and I enjoy the sights of the ocean with joy. I go a bit further and deeper away from the guests and I go up a bit to take some air. I look at the horizon and I spot a super high rock. I see it a bit and I know I have to jump from there. I swim to where the rocks are and I start to climb them to the highest point. I step on the edge and I look down and let out a whistle as I see the water roll deep down there. I walk back a bit before I jump out of the highest rock with a scream. Before I hit the water I can hear someone call out for me. I reach bottom and when I touch with my feet I stretch my legs pushing me up and to the surface and as I get out I take a deep breath and some of the gods are here around me.
-That was so awesome. I'm doing it again.
Everyone smiles and some come with me to jump again. We jump a couple more times and after I get them distracted by it and they get to caught up on the game I slip away from them and go to open sea to swim with the animals there. I swim with dolphins and sharks and I caress some turtles and take some crabs and look at them closely. I imitate a couple of different fishes on their way of swimming or how their eyes look or how slow or fast they swim. After a moment I sit on a rock that escapes barely from the sea. I look at the peace of the ocean stretches far deeper on the horizon. I stand and inhale the fresh air deeply as I put my hands on my hips. I exhale and I sit again and admire the ocean's beauty.
K-So calm and beautiful.
Po-Come back.
I look at uncle Poseidon besides me on the water and frown.
K-I'm going to stay here a bit longer.
Po-Hades says to come get you.
K-If he wants me to go back either he comes himself or let's me go on my own. Otherwise I'm staying here.
Po-But you're already to out in the ocean and.....
I take him by the neck and lift him up higher above me while standing.
-Leave me alone. I'll go back when I want to. Tell him that.
I whirl around and throw him to where the others are. He lands on the beach and dad looks at me with an eyebrow raised before he nods agreeing with me. I nod back at him and sit on the rock and meditate. When I calm down enough I go back to my party and I let the bigger waves pass through me. I go underwater as I see a giant wave close in on me and when I go back out I yell for Poseidon to stop making the waves so strong. He makes one final wave before he goes away. On this wave I don't have time to evade it and is too strong and I close my eyes bracing for impact and when it hits me I feel a bit lighter and when I open my eyes I see the top of my bikini floating away to the beach. Such is my luck that the one that sees it is dear uncle Zeus and he picks it up curiously. I see him laugh as he holds it in both hands and he wants to show it to his brothers. Already dying of embarrassment I go underwater and I escape behind the rocks. I go to the surface and I look over the rock and I see that there is a fight between dad and Zeus with that taking him by the neck. I wait for them to finish their argument and I see that looking for me and I raise my hand above the rock so he can spot me. When he spots me he speaks on signs and I reply easily that is indeed mine. He takes the top from Zeus's hands and he gets into the water to come to me. I look as he stops on the other side of the rock and he gives me my top with a smile.
Ha-Lost something?
-I'm going to beat him up for making fun of it. Help me tie this up.
Ha-This was Poseidon's fault.
-The wave was too strong and I can't make the best laces or the strongest ones.
Ha-Remember that your fight with Zeus is tomorrow. You can beat him there.
I groan as my top comes undone again and again. Dad takes off his shirt and gives it to me to put on. I slide it on and it gets me a lot bigger than I thought.
-I think this is maybe a bit too small for me.
He pats my head a bit before he offers me a piggyback. I climb on his back and we go back to the party where I quickly go change my clothes. When I get out of the bathroom I sneak behind Zeus and I pat his shoulder. When he turns I kick him right on the face and put him down with my feet pressed down on his neck.
-First and last time you make fun of me. You'll regret making fun of me on our fight tomorrow.
He looks at me a bit angry and amused and scared of what I'm going to do. I let go of him and I don't talk to him for the rest of the day and enjoy the party with the others. When the sunset starts the singers dad got for me each sing a song for me and they dance with me each and I go from dance to dance until they are all worn out and out of breath. But I'm still too fired up to stop so I dance alone some of the other dances. Some of the younger gods join me in the dance and we move together in perfect synchronization with each other. By the time we stop it was only me, Persephone, Aphrodite, Cerberus and his brothers. We pair up and dance all together until is only Cerberus, Persephone and myself left dancing. After that is only Persephone and myself and we make it a competition and of course that I win the contest. We hug each other happily and jump together in joy before we fall on over the sand. We dust the sand of ourselves and we sit and laugh together as dad comes and helps us up to our feet. After a wild party we all go back home and I dismiss the singers to their respective homes. I fall asleep as soon as I sit down.

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