118 Hundred and Eighteen

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The next morning everyone is feeling a bit better and we have breakfast together. Karai touches her tired wings between bites, Karma eats slowly a bit bored as he eats the soup I forced him to get for him to feel better and Nova eats one as well as she comforts him. I check my phone to see if the gate is fixed when I hear a knock on the door. I go open thinking is Calix but when I open the door I see someone unexpected.
We stand there awkwardly when I hear Nova behind me.
                      Nova POV
I see as dad talks to someone on the door and when I check who it is I see my boyfriend there and I run to him ignoring dad completely.
I hug him tightly and he hesitates a bit before he hugs me back.
Ch-Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Please say no.
-Please, don't be silly. I appreciate your concern though.
Ha-Ahem. Why don't you come join us for breakfast? Come on in.
-Come on.
I pull him in and I hear dad laugh a bit as he closes the door. I get Chimera to the living room and I give him another kiss before I go get some breakfast for him. When I go back dad is glaring at him seriously and I laugh a bit. I give Chimera his food and I sit at his side comfortingly. He doesn't eat so I ask him.
-What's wrong?
He signals to dad and I get it and I let out a chuckle.
He nods and I give him a kiss on the cheek before hugging him. I whisper on his ear.
-Don't worry, he doesn't bite. Eat.
He eats slowly but he keeps a shy demeanor as dad keeps looking at him. When he finishes I take the dish and I give it to dad. He smiles but still goes to wash it leaving me alone with Chimera. I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck smiling.
-I love you.
Ch-I love you too. I was so worried when I knew you were at the volcano while erupting.
-Aww, you're so adorable.
He blushes and I laugh as he does.
-You're my cutie pie.
Ch-And you're my queen.
We laugh together before we press our cheeks together in a side hug. He doesn't kiss my lips as he's afraid of what might dad or my brother do to him. With that I change positions and lie my head on his lap. I smile at him happily and I take his hand with both of mine and put them over my heart and I close my eyes a bit more calm and relaxed than before.
Ch-I'll take care of you. I'll protect you even after death. I promise you that with me, even the bad moments will seem happy. I love you.
-I love you too.
He gives me a kiss on the lips sealing his promise to me.

A year later
I'm doing my last concert and my last interview about that. This time however I have both Karma and Chimera with me. I finish singing my last song for the public and I give the speech I prepared for them.
-Now then. I want to thank all of you for your support and for just being such exceptional fans.
They cry and say I love you a bunch of times. I smile and I walk by the edge of the stage shaking hands and receiving farewell gifts. I take pictures with some and sign autographs as is my last time with them.
-Now, this is my last concert but, but, is not the last of me. I will just do something else. I will tell what I'll do on the interview today. Well, see you all soon. Peace, out.
I go backstage and they cheer me on and I can't help but feel a bit sad. I turn to both my boyfriend and my brother are and I smile. They smile back at me and I jump into Chimera's arms. He holds me and I give him a soft kiss before I turn to hug him. I get off of him slowly and I turn to Karma and give him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek. He gives me my drink.
Ka-Yes. Just like you like it.
-Strawberry and mint with Oreo crusts and sparkles.
I give him another kiss before I turn to drink it whole.
-Ahh. Tastes great. As always. Thank you.
With that we all go out and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the fans that want to chat with me. Karma tries to stop them but I stop him.
Ka-Everyone step back. Let us pass please.
Ch-I got you.
-No wait, Karma. How long until the interview?
Ka-The interview is tomorrow evening.
I nod and I sneak out of his reach and I turn to my fans and take silly pictures with some of them. I take video for some others and I give all kind of attention and details for them.
I make puppy eyes at him and he smiles. I take Chimera's hand and link fingers with him. After a bit I keep going and we all go home as I start to get tired. When we get home I turn to sleep with Chimera at my side and he hugs me protectively kissing me softly. Before long I fall asleep on his embrace.
The next morning when I wake up I search blindly for him but I don't find him. I sit up and as I stretch I notice my clothes have changed and I get up to go to the kitchen and find the boys talking together.
Ka-Look who decided to wake up.
-Who changed my clothes?
Ka-I did.
-Of course you did. Thanks.
I turn and I give Chimera a kiss before I steal a piece of bacon from him.
-How long until the interview?
Ka-Two hours.
-I'm going to get ready.
I do and leave them alone. I dress up and I do three different hair styles mixed together. I make braids at the side and the edges and leave it loose at the center like a river flowing and then I make a ponytail with a bit of the center and let it loose after double checking it for confirmation. I leave it at two only. I make my way with the boys and we go to the interview. As is the last one they're allowing both of them to sit with me on the interview. We get there and we each take our seats. I take their hands on mine and the nervousness win a bit. With that the interview starts.
We speak at the same time.
Lady-Now, Nova, who are these handsome guys at your sides?
-Here is Karma, my twin brother whom I can't live without and at my other side is Chimera. My boyfriend and love of my life.
Lady-A boyfriend? We'll be back to him later first, tell us about why are you not singing anymore.
-Well, I don't feel as inspired or motivated as before. I want to try new things, other things.
Lady-Like what? What will you be doing now?
-Free diving but I'm seriously reconsidering changing that to climbing mountains instead.
Lady-Interesting, now, about your boyfriend. You had it all very well hidden. Wait.......
Some other reporters give her some papers and she smiles looking at me and Chimera.
Lady-New information, let's look at the screen behind us.
We all turn and a slideshow appears and I blush as they are of me and Chimera together for the last year. There are at the park and random like they saw, took the picture and posted it.

After a bit they take the pictures down and I know I'm blushing hard as so does Chimera

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After a bit they take the pictures down and I know I'm blushing hard as so does Chimera. Karma smiles and chuckles a bit.
Lady-I guess everything's good between you two.
I nod and Karma speaks for me.
Ka-They are good indeed. At first I was a bit jealous and a bit too protective towards her but now, I have him as a best friend. He makes her happy and that's enough for me.
Ch-She's the reason I smile everyday, my queen. She's everything I didn't knew I wanted until I got it.
Lady-How did you meet?
-Work. I never talked to him personally because every time he was near I got nervous and I couldn't speak properly.
Lady-And you?
Ch-The first time I saw her, I fell in love with how she treated people with respect and kindness and I fell in love with her. At first since she never talked to me in person I thought she didn't liked me back so I just kept admiring her from afar until one day she just called me to meet her. Since then we've been together.
Lady-How is your relationship with her family?
Ch-Is going smooth but I'm still afraid of her dad.
Lady-What about him do you fear?
Ch-Just knowing he's there. I feel like he's going to kill me if I dare touch her in any way.
Lady-All dads are like that, especially with their daughters. I can assure you he's happy for you both.
We are interrupted by the reporter that says something to her and she smiles and before I can ask what's happening I hear dad's voice.
Ha-Nova? Chimera?
Lady-Sir, are you her father?
Ha-Yes I am.
Lady-Have you been watching the show so far? The interview.
Ha-Yes I have.
Lady-Well then, what do you say to them about their relationship?
Ha-I know she knows this but I'll say it. I approve of them being in a relationship. I always had. There is no reason for Chimera to fear me, it is true that I love my daughter with my soul and I would do anything for her to be happy but I also understand that at some point kids grow and they will have a boyfriend or girlfriend. That's just the way things are and if Chimera makes her happy then what can I do other than let them be happy together.
I cry a bit and I bury my face on my hands.
Ha-Nova. Don't cry. Smile, you're supposed to be happy.
-I love you dad.
Ha-I love you too baby girl. Now tears off and smile for everyone.
I clean off the tears and I give a smile of my best and I swear I can hear him laugh and maybe even a sob. Chimera takes my hand comfortingly and I smile at him.
Lady-Well then, why don't you give him a kiss to close up the interview.
I laugh and I look at Chimera. He gives me a knowing look and we share a kiss and the interview ends as we keep kissing. When we separate we hug tightly and we laugh together as we go away at last holding hands intertwining our fingers tightly together.
Ka-Told you he approved of you and Nova being together.
-You were just being silly back there you big cutie pie.
We share another kiss before my phone buzzes with a message. I take it out and I see is from dad.
Ka-Nova, you fine?
Ch-Who was that?
Ka-What does it says?
-It says, good kiss and he wishes me luck with my new career. He says that he loves us and he approves of me and Chimera being together.
With that we go back home but as we get dinner we talk about things.
Ch-I need to ask you something alone but he can hear if you want him to stay. I understand.
-Say it. All together.
Ch-Well, I've spent last week thinking about something. I want to invite Nova to live with me.
We look at him and he clarifies.
Ch-Not right now of course but in a future. I can get a nice apartment or a house of your choosing once you get used to the idea.
-I do spend most nights with you at your place. I have no problem with that. Is fine by me.
Ka-If she's fine I'm fine.
With that dinner arrives and we eat in silence and tense. After a bit we go to sleep to our respective rooms and I give him a kiss goodnight before I turn to sleep again.

To be continued..........

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