38 Thirty Eight

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Hades stands from his seat and he turns his back to me and he starts to pace the room frustrated with himself. I watch him smiling to myself as he keeps pacing the room. I hear him mumbling things before he steps out of the room with a quick apology and I'm left alone in the room by myself.
                          Hades POV
I go upstairs and step onto the roof. I curse myself for fleeing on Hera like that but, this feeling, is too new for me. Is weird that I have to tell her that we're having another baby when I'm the one that has to tell her and not her telling me. I pass my hands through my hair and my face before I walk over to the rail on the edge and grab it leaning against it as I keep cursing my fears and my cowardice. I don't understand why I feel so afraid, it had happened before with Karai so why am I so nervous now. I'm snapped out of my thoughts and back to reality as I hear Cerberus talking to me.
C-Something troubling you?
Ha-Is it that obvious?
C-Pretty much. Want to tell me what's wrong?
I search on my suit on one of the inside pockets and I get the letter out and hand it to him without looking at him. He takes it a bit hesitantly and he opens it and read it and I can tell he's surprised and I take a few steps back turning my back on him. I put my hands in my pockets and I look at the sky as I let out a sigh. I feel as Cerberus puts his arm around me and hugs me tightly.
C-Have you told anyone?
Ha-Only three people know, you, me and the doctor.
C-When are you going to tell her?
Without a word he pulls me back downstairs and just as we reach the door he stops and then he turns and hugs me tightly again.
C-I'm happy for you. Now then, go in there and tell her.
He pushes me inside with a big smile and goes away wishing me luck. I stand straighter and fix my suit before turning to face her once more. She's eating lunch that the nurse must've got for her now that she's awake.
                        Hera POV
I watch as Hades is pushed into the room and I pay no mind to it as this is a bit common for us. I can't help but smile as I see him fixing his clothes and his posture. He turns and looks at me a bit ashamed.
Ha-Sorry for running off on you earlier.
I smile at him reassuringly and I stretch my arms to him.
-Come here.
He takes my hands and I pull him down with me in a tight hug. I feel as he slides something on my lap. I give him a kiss before he accommodates himself at my side on the bed. He slides an arm around me and he takes the letter and he puts it in front of my face in a tempting way.
Ha-Ready to get the news?
-Are you going to keep torturing me or are you going to show me?
Ha-My, shat an impatient woman.
We laugh at that and he starts opening the letter for me and as I read it I almost don't believe the words that I read. I look at Hades and he smiles at me a bit flustered and shy. I hug him tightly as I feel tears falling down my face.
Ha-Your thoughts?
-Is been a while. I'm happy.
Ha-Me too. I love you.
-I love you too.
He lifts my chin up and kisses me sweetly. We are interrupted by a knock on the door and when we look up we see Karai peeking her head through the edge of the door.
K-Hey, I got a break and they drove me here. Are you okay mom?
-Couldn't be better.
She comes in and she hugs me softly and I notice her lack of clothes almost immediately. She hugs Hades afterwards before she sits back down. She directs her attention to Hades and asks him.
K-Is she really okay?
Ha-Yes she is.
-How was your surprise? Did you like it?
K-You'll see how it went. Excuse me for a moment.
She stands a moment and when she comes back she is searching through her phone and she shows something to us, a video. We watch in the video as Karai and the lead singer are like mirror images in the movements and the singing. When the video ends I give her the phone back and she smiles expectantly.
-Seems like you had fun.
K-Since either of you couldn't go I asked someone to record it for you and also for me to keep.
Ha-You were really into it.
-Care to share how you did it so perfectly?
K-Basically, I was still worried about you but I also promised that I would had fun so, I thought, if they can't be here to see me then.......
She shows me her phone smiling and I shake my head.
-You really are more like your father each passing day.
We all laugh and smile at that before I turn to Karai and speak in a serious voice to her.
-Care to explain your clothing.
She smiles innocently at me before she speaks.
K-Is the last one I used, on the last performance of today. Didn't change because I just jumped from the scenery to come here.
Ha-Here, take this.
He stands from the bed and takes his suit jacket off handing it to her. She takes it a bit annoyed but despite all she smiles. She stretches out a bit before she speaks.
K-Have they told you when you're getting out of here?
I look at Hades and he makes an apologetic expression that tells me he didn't ask.
Ha-I'll go ask right now.
He goes and Karai slips in the bed with me and hugs me tightly and fifteen minutes later he comes back smiling and he only smiles more when he sees Karai with me on the bed.
Ha-How do you feel?
-Excellent. Can we go home now?
Ha-Only if you feel fine. Your choice.
-I really want my bed.
He smiles and after a while we are back home and we eat and we decide to tell Karai that I'm pregnant.
Ha-Karai, we have something to share with you.
K-Do tell.
-You are going to be a big sister.
K-You mean?
-Yes, I'm pregnant.
She stands and she hugs us both tightly.
We keep talking and I don't know who is more happy and excited by news. If Hades, Karai or me.

Time passes and as my pregnancy progress I'm almost doing nothing as they both want to take care of me to the fullest. One night I'm eating a dish of sushi and shrimp with hot sauce and wasabi and they both sit by my side.
K-Do you like it?
-Mmm, delicious. Thank you.
Ha-Do you want anything else?
-I'm good.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and he feeds me one of the shrimps and I eat it gratefully.
K-When can you tell if is a baby boy or a baby girl?
-Pretty soon, next time that I go for my check up perhaps.
Ha-Is hard to tell sometimes.
-What would you prefer? A brother or a sister.
K-I don't know. I guess either is fine as long as is healthy.
Ha-Do you want to go with her next time?
K-Don't you want to go instead?
Ha-Yes but you can go if you're both fine with that.
-I don't see why not.

The days pass and the day of the appointment arrives. Hades drives us there and he stays on the waiting room as Karai and I go inside. As the doctor checks I notice something and I ask him as normal if everything's fine with my baby.
-Is the bay ok?
Doctor-Yes the baby is fine but, there is something you must know.
Doctor-You are very fortunate. You are expecting twins.
K-Do you mean two like two, two? One and one, double.
The doctor chuckles and she nods at us, she clears her throat and points to the screen.
Doctor-If you see right here you can see how they separate and over here you can distinguish one head and if you go to the other side there's another head lopping out. You can distinguish it if you look closely.
K-Wow, that's so awesome. Is adorable even.
-And when can I know their gender?
Doctor-Maybe next time, they are not cooperating today. They are ashamed perhaps or being mischiveous. But everything's fine and there is no problem.
-When would my next appointment be?
Doctor-In six weeks.
She goes away to schedule the next appointment and I turn to Karai with a smile.
-Don't tell your dad is twins. I want him to find out later on.
-Yes but still telling him before they're born.
K-I swear I won't tell.
We laugh and the doctor comes in with my next appointment and we go off. Hades is gentlemanly waiting for us in the waiting room reading a magazine and I decide to sneak up on him.
-What are you reading?
He looks at me and immediately he turns his attention from the magazine to me.
Ha-What did the doctor told you?
-Everything's fine, growing fine, strong and healthy.
Ha-Did you ask what gender is it going to be?
-Yes but she couldn't see it clearly enough to be sure.
Ha-Maybe next time. Do you want to come next time too Karai?
K-Not really, I'll let you do it next time.
We keep talking about the baby/babies and when we get home I ask him for names.
-So, Hades, is there a special name you have for him or her.
K-I want to know too.
Ha-Actually, I thought maybe you would choose this time, I mean, I named Karai maybe I should let you name this baby.
Karai turns and hugs him softly.
K-Aww, isn't that adorable? He's so nice and considerate.
-Yes he is. He's perfect.
K-And we love him so so much.
Ha-So, what name would you like?
-I always have this names that you can use for both boy and girl equally but now I'm not so sure.
K-Ugh, come on, tell us.
-Well I had, Alexandra and Alexander or Raphael and Raphaela. And that's about it for now.
Ha-I like the way you think.
K-Yeah mom, they're good names.
-What about you? Do you have any ideas for names or so?
K-I don't think I should name the baby.
K-I think is supposed to be the parents naming him or her and not anyone else.
-Oh come on, you must have thought at least once or twice.
K-Maybe the thought crossed my mind for a second.
Ha-Are you sharing them?
K-Well, I thought maybe if is a boy it could be named Karma or Fang.
-Those are actually cool names. I liked Karma.
Ha-Maybe we'll name him like that.
They hug each other and we go to bed as it starts getting late.

Three months later as the due date is nearly upon us I ask Hades to give me a foot massage and he does clearly happy to assist me.
Ha-Is this fine? How does it feels? Are you ready for the babies to come and be born?
-Can't wait to hold them and meet them.
Ha-Any day now, any day.
-Where is Karai?
Ha-She said she wants to give you a surprise and took off.
I nod and he keeps massaging my feet with a hard gentleness that even to this day amazes me. A few minutes later Karai comes in and she has a two gifts on her. She comes and say hi to the both of us before she goes save the gifts where I don't see them. She comes and sits at my side carefully.
K-Can I?
I nod and she sits more freely. She starts braiding my hair in a braid to the side.
K-You'll see, you'll look so cute. The babies are going to be born and when they see you they're going, my mom is so cute.
-Aww, you're so sweet.
Ha-You're looking good.
K-Thank you.
-Thank you.
He laughs and stands putting my feet aside. He takes my hand and kisses it gently.
K-So, did you decide on the names for the babies?
-Yes, but one is practically you naming it so is for you. I chose Nova and of yours, Karma.
K-I like them.
Ha-And they're going to be welcomed with all the love we can give.
We stay there a couple more minutes and Karai finishes doing my hair showing it to me with her purse mirror. After a while we go to sleep and everything seems fine until a pain wakes me up early in the morning before sunrise.

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