159-Valentine Special

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I am home now and I just wake up from being all day yesterday with my super horny girlfriend. I decide to get something for her so as everyone is at the beach I go to the kitchen after dressing up a bit. I get my ear buds and play the music on the loudest. I decide to bake a cake of the finest. I take all the things I will need out and get all the flavors out. Cherry, strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, etc.
-Oh, is a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day.
I prepare the flour and get just two of each, one for her one for me on my mind. I sing and dance in a very cheerful mood as I prepare everything. I use the spoon as a microphone at some points. I am waiting for the timer to get ready and I use two spoons and some sartens as a battery and as I wait I use it savagely. So savage that I break one of the spoons if metal. I hear as everyone comes in and I keep singing just giving them a look. AJ and CJ turn to bother but is no use I'm too happy. I hug them both sideways from their necks.
-Don't bother trying. Today, nothing, nothing you do will ruin my good mood. Now go bother someone else.
Just then the oven beeps and I get the cupcakes out. I smell them deeply and I sigh happy. I get the frosty to decorate them and I cautiously and slowly decorate them while I sing some of my songs with a mini dance. I put the ones that are finished on the table and work on the next batch. I see as Yuki looks at them wanting and I sigh whispering to her.
-Sorry kiddo, these are for my girlfriend. I'll make you one when I get back and you can help me do it.
I give her a big hug before I let her go and she runs to watch her favorite show. I keep decorating the cupcakes and separate them in different boxes. I end up with six boxes full of cupcakes. Once I deem them finished I turn to wash everything and saving them as I get to make myself a proper breakfast for myself. I end up making a toast with ham and eggs and bacon and each egg is different, one is fried, another one is boiled and so on. When I finish I sit down to eat at last. I get a call from Sora and I answer more cheerful than I meant to be.
S-Babe, morning. I just woke up. Sleepy.
-Happy love day.
She laughs a bit.
-So, what do you feel like doing today? I am all yours.
S-I just want to stay in bed and sleep after last night. Oh you're good.
-What can I say? Is part of my natural charm.
S-Last night, can we repeat it?
-Of course, would you like a side dish with it?
S-Maybe we can shower on a fountain of white chocolate. What would you do? When you get here.
I look at my family and get a bit apart.
-I hug you, and kiss you and everything else.
She moans at the last argument and I laugh as she does.
S-Are you coming over today?
-Of course I am, besides, I do have something for you.
S-Can you give me a heads up?
I think about it.
-Is something you like. Very much.
S-Is it you? On the bed, with me.
-Amongst other things.
S-Do I have time to sleep? Can I even sleep a bit more?
I laugh out loud.
-Of course you can. In fact, I recommend you sleep as much as you can because you'll be awake all night.
S-Before I go can you give me a feedback about what will you do?
I think about it for a moment considering my words.
-Let's see, it will be just you, me and only the sky as our witness. Can you get, the thing?
S-The thing?
-Yes, that I got you when you were sick, after the concert.
S-You naughty boy, you're a bad boy did you know that?
-I know, isn't that why you like me so much. That with a touch of delicacy that only you can get.
She screams loudly almost getting me deaf and I have to get the phone away from my ear. I curse smiling.
-Sweet Jesus, I'm deaf. I'll be there shortly after either three or five evening.
S-Love you.
-Love you too.
With that we hang up and I check the cupcakes one more time checking they're safe. I get them with my phone and I storm upstairs to get ready for my date. I dress with some ripped jeans, a long white sleeve shirt and a short sleeve on top black with a fire heart on it. I get my lotion on and my cowboy boots on. I get a sleeveless jean vest on and I get my necklace on me and the accessories. I shave my facial hairs leaving it smooth as a newborn. I get my hair combed up in the front and down on the back. I get my money and storm down stairs. I call my cousins.
-AJ, CJ, come here. Help me get this on the car.
I get them the cupcakes carefully.
CJ-Why us?
I know how to get them around to do what I want.
-I'll pay you.
AJ-How much?
-A thousand each. Fifty each if you touch the cupcakes in any way.
They accept it as a challenge and I smile getting the heavier box myself and taking the keys of my convertible. I get the boxes carefully in the car's trunk and they go away as soon as I pay them their thousand dollars each. I get in and get the roof off and I get it out of the garage. I'm almost about to go when I realize I'm mossing two thing. Her teddy bear and my phone. I storm inside and get the bear from my room and the phone from the kitchen.
-Did it rang?
I sigh in relief and give him a hug as thanks and I slide by the capo of the car to the driving side and get inside and I get the seatbelt on and the teddy bear secured and the music to the loudest and drive at top speed through all the traffic. I maintain a pace and I encounter some problems on the road. The train got over by a car and they're holding everyone down. I get off of the car and ask if is going to take long. They said yes and I search for an alternate route. I find some possibilities but they would take a three hour delay. I sigh but take the closest one anyway. Being who I am it takes me a bit less than anyone else and I'm thankful for that.
When I finally arrive is six. I turn away and I buy her a dress, chocolates of every kind and a large bouquet of flowers also of every kind. I go back to her place and with the chocolates, flowers and teddy bear in hand I knock on her door. She takes a while in opening but when she does I smile widely and she takes all the things from me. We get inside and once everything is on it's proper place I pull her to me in a deep kiss. Slowly she kisses me back melting on my arms.
-I missed you.
S-It was less than a day.
-For me it was years of torture.
She laughs before she pulls me down for yet another kiss. When we part she gets ready to come with me and I take her to a secluded space in a forest just outside the city. I give her the cupcakes and she looks at me knowingly.
-I baked them this morning. For us.
She takes one and bites it. She clearly enjoys it and I Stella some of it from her mouth. I get the rush and I gasp getting back.
-Ah, I, I need to make you mine once more.
S-Here? What if somebody sees us?
-Not to worry, this place is pretty isolated. But if you want to do something first.
She pulls me down to the grass hard and I smirk at her. She takes the lead slowly getting her hands through my body under my clothes. I do the same as well teasing her a bit. It doesn't take long before we are making love without a care in the world.

We roll over together taking our time in each movement, each caress, each kiss. Just her, me and the love we have for each other. Nothing else matters, nothing else exits beside us. Just us together in our own little world.
When we are back home as I shower I hear some music from outside the bathroom. I get out and I see Sora dancing with a frilly little dress.

I chuckle a bit and she stops looking a bit embarrassed at me.
S-Uh, how long you been looking?
-Enough to know the moves. Care to join me in the shower?
S-Tempting. Very tempting.
She comes and gives me a kiss before she turns away. I shrug and finish showering. When I come out an hour later she has a dinner on the bed for the both of us. She is wearing a semitransparent pajama that only covers from her chest to half her ass. I can tell that's the only thing she's wearing and I get to her side.
-What's this?
S-A dinner, is not much but you can eat it as you wish.
-What's on the menu?
I get on the bed behind her and she tells me everything.
S-We have strawberries in chocolate, banana in chocolate, grapes, chocolate alone, vanilla ice cream and of course, me as a side dish.
I growl kissing her arm from her wrist to her shoulder. She meets me halfway claiming my lips with hers. I turn so she's sitting between my legs and facing the TV. She feeds me from her hand as I keep my arms around her in a hug. When we finish I put the tray away and we cuddle together on the bed and as we both get sleepy I kiss the back of her neck slowly until we both fall asleep cuccooned together.

 When we finish I put the tray away and we cuddle together on the bed and as we both get sleepy I kiss the back of her neck slowly until we both fall asleep cuccooned together

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The next morning I awake as the sunrays shine through the window. I look a bit and close it with my aura and I yawn loudly getting the sleep away. She's still asleep on top of me now. I take my phone and I find I have at least a dozen missed calls from dad and my sisters. I call him back and he almost kills me through the phone. If he could.
Ka-Max, where are you?
-With my girlfriend, I got her a special day of Valentine's day. What happened?
Ka-We are at your concert.
-My concert, that's tomorrow, the fifteen of February.
Ka-That's today.
I look at the time and I'm very late.
-Oh my lord. You're all there right? Keep putting some of the recorded songs while I get there.
Ka-You will get punished for this.
-I know, see you there. Don't let them cancel.
Ka-I won't.
I get up and I get a cat shower and get dressed and run away to the car. Sora stays deeming that she will see it on live TV and I am happy for that. How could I forget my own concert. I speed on my car to where the concert is being held eating breakfast on the way. I get there and all the cameras are on me in an instant. I see dad and Hades come to my rescue with my stylists and they take me away from the cameras. I am not so late as I thought but somehow I managed to be ready for the presentation.

To be continued...........

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