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When I wake up the next morning the first thing I see is dad's sleeping face. I smile and look a bit more before waking him up.
-Dad. Wake up.
He frowns a bit waking up slowly. He smiles as he sees me.
Ha-Morning. You're in bed rest.
-Ugh, don't remind me.
I roll over and out of bed. I take a T-shirt from the closet that I use as pijama and as dad goes to make breakfast I go to the bathroom. He helps me with the bandages again. Is a bit better as now I'm using a strap bra so he can be more comfortable.
-Can I run with you?
Ha-Not running today.
He keeps patching me up and then we go eat together.

A few days later I am alone at home just resting when the pain becomes greater. I squeeze my arms as I know what's going to happen. My wings are growing back. I have to bear with it. I am shaking and finally, after fifteen agonizing minutes the wings finally grow back but I am too exhausted to enjoy the moment as I fall unconscious to the floor. The next time I wake up as I get up I hear the door opening. I see as mom and dad come in.
I nod but before I can get up both of them are helping me up. I get up with a laugh and dad offers me a drink. I take it and I feel so much better. I flap my wings a bit testing them. Checking that they're all good.
Ha-So, is everything fine?
Dad as usual gets behind me and massages them. Mom goes to the kitchen to cook dinner.
Ha-We're going back to Olympus tomorrow. Nova is still interrogating Helios. You better let Hydra know.
-Can't he come with us?
Ha-If he wants to he can come.
With that I send a quick text to Hydra with a kissy face emoji. He texts me back that he can't come but that he will come to see me before I go. Dad finishes up and I go after him to the kitchen and we have dinner together before we go to bed.
Around three in the morning I hear a knock on my window. I wake up and I open to check. I don't see anything to the sides but when I'm going in I hear him.
Hy-Up here.
I see Hydra on the corner above. I get him in my room out of danger of falling.
-Are you insane? You could have fallen.
Hy-It was worth it.
He gives me a deep passionate kiss before separating.
-Worth it.
He smiles and gives me a short kiss before hugging me.
Hy-Nice wings.
-Thanks. Why are you here?
Hy-I promised I would see you before going to work.
-Is three in the morning.
He shrugs and we sit together on my bed where I fall asleep on his arms again.
When the sun wakes me up later at early morning I see that Hydra isn't there anymore and he left a note.
-Had to go. Love you and be careful up there.
I get up from bed and prepare to go to Olympus.
As we go I wrap my wings around me like a cape so I can fit in the elevators.
As we reach Olympus dad goes to the dungeons while me and mom go to the offices to work.
                          Hades POV
I go to the dungeons of Olympus. The last place I would go unless absolutely necessary. I reach the cell where we are keeping Helios and I see Nova resting from an exhaustive interrogation. She is asleep so I take her on my arms and as I go out I hear him speak.
Helios-All of you are going to die by my hand for what you did to her.
I ignore him still but his words hide a promise of revenge. He must feel the death of his sister. I have to warn Karai to watch her back. As I get Nova back home I put her on her bed on her old room and after tucking her in I go to Karai's. I knock on her door.
-Karai? You here?
No answer, I enter the room and I find her playing with her electric guitar with her headphones on. The music is not audible for me but for her, is all she can hear. I take off her headphones and she is scared then angry and then laughing.
K-You scared me.
-I figured as much. Anyway, I came to warn you.
K-Warn me?
-Of Helios, Selene's brother. He knows you killed her and he wants revenge. He'll probably come after you.
K-Let him come, he'll suffer as much as she did.
I sigh crossing my arms in front of me before I hold my hand to the bridge of my nose.
Κ-Δον'τ ςορρυ. Ι'λλ βε φινε.
K-Don't worry. I'll be fine.
I put my hand on the side of her face.
-I just don't want you to get hurt. Again.
She steps up and gives me a kiss on the cheek before she turns to hug me.
K-I'll be fine dad, I will be prepared in case he decides to sneak up behind my back. After all, I doubt he will be successful at all. You did taught me every fighting skill I know.
I laugh as I take her hand and get her to come with me.
-Let's have lunch together.
With that we go eat together happy.
                      Sora POV
I am on my bed wondering how are things going for Selene. Did she already confused to her love that she loved her? Is she doing good? Is the love mutual? That and other questions flow to my mind and I smile a bit hoping for the best. I'm almost asleep when my phone buzzes then rings. I pick it up.
Helios-Sorry, no.
-Helios? What happened? How are things for Selene?
Helios-She.........Selene's...... She was killed.
The last word comes in a crack of his voice like he's trying to sound strong. He sniffs and clears his throat.
Helios-I have something I need your help with.
He tells me what I have to do and explains how I have to do it and I agree.
The next day by sunset I have everything ready to help him sneak out of the prison. I get out of the house to get the first instrument and most important one. Hades's helmet of invisibility. Is on the agency on earth lucky for me. I sneak in the building cautiously. There are just a pair of officers every door. I take the somnifers from my bag and I blow them to the guards making them fall asleep instantly. I cross security confident that everything is going as planned. I go by the doors for each god.
-Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, aha, Hades, found you.
I look through the window of the door and I see the invisibility helmet amongst other things that make him the wealthiest being on existence. I go back to my task and I take the keys and open the door. It opens and I check the traps. It has a laser light labyrinth trap. I take the bag and leave it on the floor by the door. I jump across the lights. I silently thank mom for getting to practice ballet and gymnastics since a young age. I reach the helmet and I take it fast. The alarms blare off and I run back taking the bag with me. I put on the helmet and become invisible to everyone. I get in the security cameras room and erase all the tapes that show me on the building. I know this is risky so I take every precaution. I use gloves so I don't leave fingerprints or anything at all. As I go out of the room despite being invisible right now I still go the less concurred way and I go by the fire stairs to the last floor up. Then I go to the gate and go up to Olympus. There are two other with me but they don't feel me there. Being human and invisible is a really good thing. We reach Olympus and I take the map out and follow the trail Helios marked for each place with instructions. I make a face as the road is hard. I have to wait for a god to go there. So I wait by the edge waiting for a god or goddess to come.
                       Hades POV
I am watching as Karai flies above the infinity pool enjoying her wings again now that they grew back when my phone rings. I answer and I almost get deaf from Alex's shouting.
-Alex, calm down, what happened?
AC-Ok, someone broke into the agency and stole a divine artifact.
-Which artifact?
There is a long silence before they speak.
AC-This is something that need to be discussed with the other gods. I can't share that information by phone. We will be there as soon as possible.
With that they hang up and I'm left with a bad feeling.
-Karai! We're going.
-You are coming with me.
With that I run with her flying behind  me. I go to the offices and I take two bracelets that make aura invisible and I put them on Karai's wrists and ankles and on her neck.
K-What are you doing?
-To protect you. I have a bad feeling.
She rolls her eyes and I get her covered.
-Hide your wings. Be human, no divine, no wings, no aura, no nothing. You are in danger, I'll call you when everything pass.
She does getting them as it were a cape and I take her to the agency with me. I take the bracelets off of her.
-Don't reveal who you are with anyone. Go where Hydra is, only he and I can now where you are or better yet, only he but do call me when you get with him.
She nods and goes away to get with her love. I turn to get inside the agency and as I go towards the gate I breath easy as she's safe for now. As I enter the gate to Olympus I am joined by Alex.
AC-Hades! We managed to get a talk with all of you for tomorrow early morning.
-Any clues as to who did this?
AC-No, no fingerprints. No forced entry, security tapes all erased and the guards were drugged to sleep with powerful gas. The can was also taken away so we don't have anything at all.
-Any suspects at all?
AC-It has to be a human that knows about the agency. No aura and it knew where everything was.
-What was stolen?
They fall silent again and they don't look at me in the eye. I roll my eyes at them and I get out after them as we reach Olympus. They go to Aphrodite and I go to the dungeons to question Helios a bit more.
I reach there and as he sees me he smiles wickedly.
Helios-Is only the beginning of your suffering.
-What did you do?
Helios-Me? Nothing. I was locked here all the time.
I growl in my mind and I go away to take a run and relax for a bit. Try not to think about it.
                        Sora POV
I wait until Hades is gone and I undo Helios's chains. He gets up and I open the cell for him. He helps me get out of there through the shadows. When we are back at Olympus he turns and as the titan of the moon he has some power over the moon. He makes it so it doesn't shine so much making everything go dark just the light of the houses of the gods. We keep holding hands so we're both invisible. He takes me to Hades's estate, his private house. We search all of the rooms which are mostly empty. We are searching for her, I know how she looks and he has the power to defeat her or hurt her at the very least.
-She's not here.
Helios-Plan B. Still thinking about it.
He takes me to the doors to the throne room and we wait there patiently for a whole day and a half. Gods come in and out and demigods too. Suddenly he snaps silently with a plan. Everyone is inside talking and we hide behind some bushes.
Helios-Give me the helmet. We're hurting him. Weakening him.
He takes an arrow and I give him the helmet. He looks t me and he smirks proudly.
Helios-For Selene.
-For Selene.
He sticks the arrow on the helmet silently and it cracks a little.

To be continued............

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