111 Hundred and Eleven

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At lunch I notice that neither Angel or Calix touch their food and she looks at her phone while he taps his fingers on his angrily. I'm about to snap at them when his phone rings and he smiles wickedly.
C-Told you they would call.
A-Thank the gods.
C-Bless them.
He smiles and he turns to answer the phone in a cold demeanor I never heard from him before. Like, ever, but then his expressions turns to disbelief and I know something's up when he turns to dad.
C-Dad, make sure Angel stays here. Do not follow me.
Ha-What happened?
He turns to go away but Angel stops him.
A-You are not leaving me here.
C-You're too exaltated to reason with.
She grabs his arm hard and he curses in Greek.
C-Fine, dad, come with us, might need you there as well.
With that they all go away to earth.
                   Hades POV
I drive the car down to the hospital and as we enter through the doors we hear CJ screaming for his brother.
CJ-Avi! Avi Jamal!!! Avi. Let me go! Avi!!
C-I know, I know.
-I'll ask, stay here.
He nods and I go ask for what the situation is. As soon as they tell me everything I inform Calix about it. We hear as CJ keeps shouting for AJ. When I finish informing him Angel is in tears by the news and he tries his best to comfort her. We keep hearing CJ once more.
CJ-Let me go! Tell me where AJ is, AJ!!! AJ, Ahhh. AJ!!!!
We hear him scream for his brother again and again but the doctors don't tell us anything more or what happened with AJ. Angel falls asleep and Calix asks me to take her back home and I do it in a flash. I leave her with the ladies and take Karma with me. When we get back to the hospital Calix is desperately trying to get to see CJ to calm him down.
C-No, you don't understand, I have to go get him back on his senses. Calm him down.
Doctor-You can't go in there right now. He's dangerous.
Nurse-Do we have to call security to take you by the force?
He takes a step back and he is mad at hell as he throws a vending machine down with a kick.
C-Damn it!
Officer-You need to calm down.
C-I'm calm. I'm calm but touch me and, gods help me.
Officer-Do you need anything, can I help in anything?
C-Only if you have a way for me to go inside that room.
The officer negates and goes away and I see as he reclines against the window and he starts tapping the wall endlessly. I go towards him and soothe him a bit. When he gives in he turns to hug me tightly and I hear him cry on my shoulder. I tap his back softly.
-There there, they will be fine. Calm down. Now, now, I'm here, I got you.
C-They won't let me be with either of them.
Ka-I got this. I know how to get information.
C-They don't tell me anything. What makes you think they will tell you?
Ka-Give me some credit. I have my own way of doing things.
He goes away and he talks with a nurse for a bit and then he comes back to us smiling.
Ka-Car accident.
Ka-That's not all. It seems that AJ was already unconscious before having the car accident and he was driving while CJ on the other hand although he flew straight out of the window because of not wearing his seatbelt he was either asleep or unconscious as well. AJ has internal wounds and well you know how CJ is. Screaming for his brother all the time he's awake.
-Any physical injuries?
Ka-CJ has minor cuts and such and AJ has a scar on his left side, face. Although they don't think is from the current accident.
Calix stands from the seat and starts to pace now more anxiously than angry. We wait for a bit more and we keep hearing CJ screaming and crying. This is the first time I'm happy they don't have their full power on them and just as some doctors turn to try and calm him down again we feel a sudden aura outburst and we all look at each other as we know what's about to happen. We all stand and then we see the doctors flying across the hallways and to the rooms before we see CJ raging on his aura glowing furiously around him.
C-Dad, this might even require more than just us three.
-I know, let's try us first.
He nods and as CJ turns to search his brother Karma makes vines to hold him for a bit. He has a hard time holding him down and I hold him by the back of his arms as Calix comes calmly and hugs him and he whispers some words on his ear as he soothes him down. After a bit he calms down and he turns to cry again but a lot more calm.
C-I'm here, I'm here. Come here.
CJ-I'm sorry.
C-Shush, shush now. Calm down, I'm here.
I let go of him and Karma does as well and he just turns to hug his dad. I turn to a doctor and ask him to let them go see AJ. He nods and takes us to see him by a window. CJ cries and sobs hard as he sees his brother at the other side.
CJ-This is my fault. I should not let him drive or had called to come back another day when we were well rested. Is my fault.
C-Not your fault. Not anyone's, accidents happen. To anyone anywhere. He will wake up soon enough, you'll see.
He leans on his father crying as he keeps watching his brother inside. After a couple of hours he falls asleep and he's taken to a room where they finally manage to treat his wounds properly. The next morning AJ finally awakes but they still don't let us see him until is late night. We get inside and Calix take this hand on his.
C-Hey, how you feeling?
AJ-My head, it feels like is going to explode. Especially my left side.
AJ-Not really just, tired and sleepy.
C-Must be from the medicine they gave you.
Suddenly he opens his eyes wide and he tries to get up and groans in pain as he starts to bleed from some wounds again. Calix and I both pull him back down.
-Easy, heal first.
C-Rest a bit more.
AJ-Where is CJ?
C-He's on his own room. Want to be with him? Get him here with you?
Calix looks at me and I make the arrangements for it to be done and the doctors approve. They bring both brothers together and in their own beds and is clear they're much calmer just being with each other again. They smile at each other and get their hands together linking fingers.
CJ-Never letting you drive again.
AJ-Hahaahh. I agree but you won't drive either.
Calix smiles and finally relaxes as he sleeps a bit as I keep watch over them just in case. Karma goes to tell everyone everything's fine now. I see as the two brothers keep talking and I make myself just like my name suggests, invisible.
CJ-What hurts the most?
AJ-The thing from the beginning of the training.
CJ-You mean the on left of up of vision place?
AJ-The very same. Is been hurting since I got it.
CJ-How come I didn't knew? Why didn't you told me?
AJ-I didn't want to worry you or bother you. Sorry.
CJ-Hmm, next time, worry me and bother me all you want. I'll listen if it's you. You're my baby brother.
AJ-Baby brother? Ugh, ridiculous. You're crazy, you know that?
CJ-Isn't that why you love me? Come on, who's your buddy? I'm your buddy. Say it. Who's your buddy?
AJ-You are, you're my buddy.
CJ-You know I'm the best brother you have.
I hold a laugh at that as they keep speaking.
AJ-What do you mean best brother? You are my only brother.
CJ-Precisely my point.
AJ-I don't get it.
They both sigh at the same time.
They laugh together and I just shake my head at their chatting. I almost scream when they call me.
AJ & CJ-Grandpa.
-Yes. What can I do for you?
They smile at me and move synchronized again. It gives me the chills.
AJ-Pull the beds together?
CJ-Pretty please?
I pull their beds together and they get closer together carefully not to hurt each other. They thank me and the next morning as they eat their first breakfast and they enjoy it truly.
AJ & CJ-Mmmmm.
AJ-Never knew water could be so delicious. Mmm.
CJ-Yeah, mmm, it feels so good. Refreshing.
They eat together and as they finish eating they turn it relax a bit when the door snaps open and I see Angel come in.
A-AJ, CJ. Are you fine? I was so worried about you both. My babies.
She kisses them each on their faces and they sigh accepting them without complaint as they understand her worry. She keeps babying them for a bit more until she sits down looking at them closely. Then she stands and pulls hard on their ears and cheeks. They grunt in pain and rub their faces where she got them.
CJ-Ouch, that hurted.
AJ-What was that for?
CJ-Aren't we wounded enough?
A-That's for worrying me. Why didn't you called us?
AJ & CJ-Sorry for worrying you so much.
A-At least you're fine now. Now then, AJ, how did you got that scar?
She touches his scar and he turns ashamed a bit.
AJ-Would you believe shark attack?
She frowns at him and he fidgets with his fingers not knowing what to say.
CJ-I did that to him. I was making a demonstration and I didn't calculated the distance well and well, there you have the results.
A-Is that true?
They shake their heads and bow down their heads in shame.
C-Speak. What happened to you?
They look at each other and nod and they speak.
CJ-It was half my fault actually. I was indeed doing a demonstration but with Zeus and not him. In a moment he attacked with his aura included and as I barely dodged I didn't realized it until it was too late.
AJ-His attack hit me and well, I got this scar as a result. Ever since then I've been having lots of headaches but none was as strong as this last one that is the reason that I lost control and we had the accident and got well, here as we are.
I step in angry but calm.
-Zeus did that to you?
AJ-I'll get him back and get even with him someday. I might not seem strong but I do have my own strengths.
I get back with his comment and I smile at him as I ruffle his hair a bit.
-I'm sure you have your own method, a way you feel comfortable with and I am also pretty sure you are strong enough as any of us here. Maybe even stronger than any of us so, cheer up will you and I'm already looking forward to what you plan out for brother but now honestly speaking, that scar, it looks good. I can train you if you want, both of you.
I pat CJ as well and they smile already imagining the exercising they can do with me. I laugh and as I go step outside I turn to them.
-I should tell you beforehand, I will not go easy on you.
They smile as they nod at me agreeing with me on that point letting me know that they won't forgive me if I did anyways.

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