35 Thirty Five

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Next morning when we go in the morning towards the throne room I notice Karai is a bit stressed and we stop to talk to her.
-You feeling fine? We can always get you back home.
K-No I'm fine, is my problem after all.
Ha-We can always come another time when you are more relaxed.
K-And go over the trouble again? Hell no, let's get this done as soon as possible.
We nod but I still have a feeling that something's going to go bad. We enter the throne room and we sit on our respective thrones and Karai stands by her father's throne at his side. The meeting lasts a while more than expected as usual as there a few more announcements to do and by tradition Zeus always goes first, then Poseidon and then Hades. I notice that Hades is as irritated as I am by the way he grabs the arm of his throne. I look at Karai and I see that she's not well. When she sees me she stands straighter and tries to fake that she's fine but she gives in to pain and she frowns and rubs the bridge of her nose. Thankfully, Hades is keeping a watchful eye on her and he smiles at her as he kisses her hand calming her down for the moment. They turn again to pay attention to Zeus as he keeps talking and I see Karai rolling her eyes at how much he speaks. She checks her phone and she types something before she slides it in her pocket again. I feel as my phone vibrates and I read her message and I smile a bit trying to hold back a laugh.
-•He really likes to talk. Seems he forgot that I'm stronger than him.•
I'm about to save it when I receive a message this time from Hades. I read it and I look at him afterwards.
-•She's right you know? He never goes to the point.•
I smile at them before I let out a sigh and I start tapping my fingers against my throne. When is finally Hades's turn to speak he goes straight to the point with as few words as possible.
Z-Hades, brother, what is your problem?
Ha-Karai is unable to control her aura fully.
Po-That is impossible, you're joking.
Z-It surely is a phase of growing up. Everyone here knows that of all the gods here besides you, she is the best controlling her aura.
We hear a couple words of agreement from he other gods but they don't sound so sure as they are both right. My worries grow when Zeus asks me what I think about it.
Z-What is your position on this Hera?
-She has indeed lost control of her aura. Not completely, just for periods of time.
Po-What was the worst she did while out of control?
Hades and I exchange looks before he gets his hand at the back of his head and he shows his now bloodstained hand to the other gods. Everyone gasps in surprise before someone gets him a tissue and he cleans his hand.
Ha-I have to say, the newfound ability she showed last time while fighting Zeus. That is the most likely state in which you will see her if she loses control again. Hopefully, she will not.
Po-How do you manage when she loses control?
Ha-I try to immobilize her without hurting her.
Z-Does she responds?
-No, she attacked us as well. She wore down my aura and I wasn't able to call back my aura to help him.
Z-How do you feel when this happens?
K-I don't remember almost anything. Is like going to sleep only that I'm not asleep.
I see as Hades stands and gets her seated in his place. No one says anything but I know they're surprised by his action.
Po-Is there anything you remember? At all, even the smallest detail.
She rubs her forehead before she answers him.
K-I get a feeling as if a wave of power comes through me and then nothing until I wake up the next time in a completely different place.
Z-How do you feel when you wake up after each event?
K-Confused, lightheaded, scared, a lot of negative emotions come over me until I manage to calm down enough to think coherently.
Ha-Karai, are you feeling fine?
Karai shakes her head as she pulls him down to whisper something on his ear. He nods and after excusing himself he gets her and walks out of the throne room. I stay to hear what can we do with Karai when all of the sudden Hades comes flying through the doors breaking them down and he lands on top of Zeus on his throne before he falls to the floor in front of him. Everyone jumps to attention and I hear Zeus screaming orders.
Z-Olympians, weapons in hand, we're under attack.
Ha-No.....we are not, is not an attack.........it's Karai.
Po-Karai throwed you? She wouldn't hurt you.
-I told you she doesn't recognize anyone when she loses control.
We all look as Karai appears at the entrance of the throne room with Hades's suit on her mouth. She seems vicious with the same bloodthirst she had before. She growls before she comes to attack Hades and he meets her halfway as he holds her pushing her mouth upwards away from him as he grabs one of her front legs. I jump in to help him but I end up on the defensive almost immediately. I see as some minor gods who try to help are thrown out of the room and at the end there's only us three with his brothers along with Hercules, Persephone and Aphrodite helping us and even with them helping us is not enough to get her down. In a moment when we have her surrounded she growls at us ferociously and she starts sniffing the air and her eyes lock on me. As I realize what's happening is too late to evade her attack when suddenly I'm pulled away and when I see what happened I see that she's boring down on Hades's arm and shoulder and I see him grunting in pain before he passes out and she grabs him by the neck of his shirt and she takes him away with her. I try to follow but she's too fast for me or any of the other gods. I don't believe what just happened.
-I don't believe it.
Po-Me neither. She is stronger now and Hades lost the fight.
I turn to Zeus and I grab him by the neck of his shirt.
-You are going to organize a search party for them and nothing, NOTHING, comes before them, you hear me? Olympus is on lockdown and nothing, absolutely nothing gets done until they're both back safe at home. No one rests, no one stops looking for them and no one comes in or out of Olympus until we ring them. My husband and my daughter are your priorities right now, do you hear me?
Z-Poseidon, get the best trackers to look for them.
I let go of him and I turn and go out of the throne room and I go look for them everywhere at Olympus. Int he end the only places that we haven't searched are the states of the Top Tier Gods and the cells and the dungeons. We search Zeus house first, then Poseidon, and then the others and they're not anywhere to be found. Not even their auras. We search the dungeons and the cells and they're not there either and I start to worry when the sunset begins.
Pe-We searched twice and nothing of either of them.
Po-Perhaps she went down to Earth.
-She can't open a portal yet? Hades is the one that opens them when we go between earth and Olympus and oh no, that's why she took Hades. She wants to open the portal and she needs him.
Z-He has to be conscious to open it and he's unconscious.
Aphrodite-But he will wake up eventually.
-Then what are we waiting for? Everyone will search the earth and even the Underworld if necessary to find them. Move out, Poseidon, Zeus and Aphrodite come with me, the rest keep searching.
                       Hades POV
I wake up in front of one of the portals and I try to get up but I'm pushed down by something, I look and I find Karai keeping me down on the floor with one of her front paws. I notice that she's asleep and I try to slip away without waking her. I use my aura to put it where I am as I slip out of her hold and I back down and away from her until I'm far enough to get away without her reaching me. I make my aura disappear and I go away with tears on my eyes. I hope she doesn't notice I'm gone too soon or at least until I find everyone else. I focus on tracking Hera's aura and I sense that she's closer than I think. I turn a corner running and I almost bump on someone and when I see who it is I hug her tightly.
                          Hera POV
I'm so focused on finding my family that I almost bump into someone in a corner. In a fraction of a second I'm enveloped in a tight hug.
Ha-Thank the heavens I found you.
-Hades? Where were you? What happened? Where's Karai? How did you got away from her?
Ha-Calm down.
He looks behind him towards the portals and I look at him expectantly.
Ha-She still doesn't know I'm not there.
We hear a loud howl and I look at him worried.
-Well, now she knows. Come on, let's get you treated. Poseidon, Zeus, a bit of help please.
They nod and they get Hades from me and towards the infirmary at Olympus I get Aphrodite and as I walk away I hear Hades speaking.
Ha-Wait, she has to be alone, as long as she's alone she can't use the portal so don't engage her alone under any circumstances.
-We figured that much already. Go get patched up. This time, I'll bring her back.
Ha-She's stronger here than on earth, you do realize that, right?
I nod and he walks away with his brothers. Aphrodite and I go to the portal and we see that Karai is growling like caged tiger around the portal. We watch her for a couple moments and we see as she crawls at the portal frantically and sadly and I'm about to step back when I hear something behind me. I look and there's nothing and when I turn to check on Karai again I see that she's gone and I curse under my breath for losing her. I get ourselves out of there with a sense of defeat overwhelming me as I walk back to the infirmary to see how Hades is doing. When I get there I hear pained muffled screams and when I get inside the room pushing everyone away I find that Hades has a big bite wound over his shoulder and a lot of bruises over his chest and back.
As soon as he sees me he smiles but I shake my head at him and his expression saddens. Everyone else leaves us alone and I go over to his side on the bed. He takes his shirt and he puts it on. He steps up and comes towards me.
Ha-Shall we go.
-I'll go, you'll stay here a bit more.
Ha-Do I have to?
-Yes, if we haven't controlled the situation by sunrise you can join us again.

To be continued from here next chapter.......

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