63 Sixty Three

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We watch as Cerberus and Isabella play for a bit until we decide to join in as well. I pair up with Persephone, Nova and Karma, Hades with Karai and Cerberus with Isabella. We get a lot of fun done and we forbid the use of aura so Isabella has equal chances. At one point she comes towards Hades and she smiles at him before she scores a point to herself as she gives him a touch on his chest and I can hear her laugh as she goes back to her place. Afterwards the guys decide to make a match of strength with Cerberus, Hades and Karma against Karai, Nova and Persephone. They get tied up and just as they're about to finish up Isabella runs towards them and asks to join the game as well.
I-Can I play too?
Ka-Can you lift that?
I-Why couldn't I lift it?
We all laugh at her innocence and Cerberus comes to help her.
C-Here, I'll help you with that.
She smiles at her father helps her with the bat in the best position to get the best swing and then he gets on one knee behind her and then she swings and she does an entire turn and we see as she hits Cerberus right on the face with the bat.
C-Oh, ho ho.
Ha-That hard?
He nods and Hades smiles as Isabella hides behind his leg ashamed.
Ha-What's this? What's wrong?
I-Does this mean I'm a bad person now?
Ha-You a bad person? That's impossible.
I-But I hurt daddy and only bad people hurt other people.
We all have the same thought and Cerberus kneels in front of her offering his hand to her. After a bit she takes it doubtfully and he takes her up on his arms.
C-You are not a bad girl. I promise you that.
I-Pinky promise?
C-Pinky promise.
They link their pinkies together before he comes back to the picnic and we eat the last round of sandwiches. We pass them around and as they bite down we hear as Isabella screams.
I-Hot, hot, hot.
Hades gives her a water bottle and I check her sandwich and I see she took mine by mistake.
-No wonder, you have my sandwich.
I-You eat that?
I nod and she makes a face that tells me everything I need to know. We finish our picnic and as we get out we notice were missing two people.
-Hades, where are Karma and Nova?
Ha-They're, not here?
Our phones ring and is a message from them telling us not to worry about them that they're having a good time.
                      Karma POV
After getting bored on the picnic Nova and I decide to look for something more daring to do or something that only we can do. We get to the streets and get on a couple things before we get bored of that as well. After a while we see a bus with a bunch of teenagers and I point it out for her.
-Nova, look what I found. What do you say?
N-Wait here. I'll ask them.
She goes to the bus and she smiles at them from the windows and one of the guys get out at the door.
Guy-My my my, aren't you a babe? Are you lost? We have plenty of space here for you.
N-Oh, that's so nice of you to offer. I need to get away as possible from this part of the city and have a good time, do you think I can join you all.......
Guy-Say no more, you're in.
She calls me over and as I get closer to them I hear a lot of screams from the ladies on the bus. Even the guys like me.
Guy-Oh my, you didn't told me you knew the best racer of bikes that has ever lived. You are more than welcome to join us. Guys, look who's here to join the party, the best racer of the world, Karma.
I let out a sigh and I whisper on her ear.
-Maybe we should go to another place.
N-What? No way. We're going to party.
-Fine, just don't do anything crazy.
I whistle to them and they pay attention to what I'm going to say.
-I want to forget about bikes today because I want to be on party and enjoy my time with you and dear sister here, you all know her, without her I wouldn't be a champion so treat her nice.
They all confirm and as I help Nova up the steps into the bus and as we get seated they all hover around us and we get a lot of flirts here and there. We get to a party on a disco and we dance the night out with all of them and it ends up dancing together and I rest my head on her shoulder while we dance a slow song that makes me sleepy and I pass to the couch and see as Nova dances with other guys very sensually. I take one of the cheerleaders to dance and she wraps around my body turning me on and I have to struggle to keep my cool. Before long about three different girls are passing me around asking me to kiss them.
Staff-Now we have the kissing contest, take the first person you can find, guy or girl and kiss him or her until the bell rings.
The bell rings and I take the girl on my right and I kiss her deeply and with fiery passion and I feel as she wraps her legs around my waist and we stay kissing until the bell rings marking the end of the kiss. I turn to look for Nova but I don't find her. I turn to the guys and ask them.
-Hey, did you see where my sister went?
Guy-Yeah, she went outside with a guy.
He gets interrupted by the door creaking open as some guy gets thrown hard inside and when we look to the door we see Nova burning with rage.
N-Touch me again and you won't live to see another day.
I see as she gets inside and I go to her and I get her from behind covering her eyes with my arm while I soothe her with my other hand rubbing her body softly.
-Remember your mantra.
N-Let me go.
-Repeat after me, tierra mi cuerpo, agua mi sangre, aire mi aliento, y fuego mi espiritu.
I repeat the mantra a couple times until she calms down and repeats it after me. We keep on partying the rest of the night and we manage to have a good time before we have to go back home. On our way home I find a karaoke club and I turn to Nova.
-You should try and sing at least one song.
After a bit of begging she finally says yes and we enter. She asks to sing and as she goes to the stage I take my phone and get it to record her singing. She starts singing and I soon realize that she's singing in Greek and a sad love song no less. I see as she wipes tears away and she gets emotional because of the song. When she finishes everyone claps and I go to her and hug her tightly.
-That was beautiful, sad but beautiful.
She waves off and I get my phone from the table and we finally go back home. As we get home she gets on the couch and I get a sandwich for the both of us and when I come back to give it to her I find that she's asleep. I give her a kiss before I get a blanket and a pillow for her. I sit on the floor at her side and I rest my head on one hand while I keep an eye on her.
                        Hera POV
When I wake up the next morning I see that I'm not the first that woke up as I find that Hades is getting dressed in some jeans and a really tight shirt of short sleeves. I whistle at his good looks and he laughs and smiles at me before he gives me a kiss.
I ruffle his hair a bit and he smiles at me.
Ha-Really? I just got it done.
-Then do it again.
He does it again while I get dressed and as we go get breakfast we see Karma and Nova asleep on the living room. We look at them for a moment before we wake them up. Hades gets Nova and I get Karma. When they don't wake up I get Karma's hand out of place making his face fall flat on the table hard and waking him up which in turn wakes Nova up.
Ka-That hurt, you can be a bit more gentle you know.
Ha-We went gentle but you didn't woke up so you got hard.
N-Come on, let's go change.
They turn and go change as I make breakfast with Hades's help. When they come this time around Karai is with them deep on her phone.
K-Dad, listen to this.
She gives him an ear bud and he seems to enjoy what he's listening to.
Ha-What's this?
K-I made it. Like it?
Ha-You made this? Why?
K-I was wondering how I can get something old along something new with a touch of tradition so I got a good song and I translated it to Greek. I have lots more.
Ha-This is great, you are really smart.
K-I got it from you.
We all sit down to eat and we speak and have a good time in family when Nova's phone rings. She looks at it and she sends her reply to whoever it is before she turns to Karma.
N-Karma, can I use your bike? From seven until midnight. Pretty please.
Ka-Anything for you.
She gives him a kiss and a hug before she stands and as she starts to go away.
Ka-You said seven, where are you going?
N-I have to get pretty, clothes, makeup, hairdo, beauty takes time and I want to look, breathtaking.
She turns to the bathroom and we hear cabinets opening and closing before she goes to the room and she gets some underwear and gets it to the bathroom as well before she goes to the closet and she groans and calls Hades with a scream.
N-Can you get me that over there? I can't reach it.
He gets it for her and she gives him a quick kiss before she locks herself on the bathroom and puts the music from her phone at the loudest. She stays there locked up all day until is three hours to seven, she comes out and to her room with only a towel around her body and she gets Karma out of there locking herself alone on the room. She stays there for a long while and when she comes out she doesn't even bother in looking at us as she makes her way out of the house. She takes the keys of the bike and disappears.

 She takes the keys of the bike and disappears

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He gets to the couch and let out a sigh as he gets comfortable. I watch as Hades goes with Karai to help her with translation. I take a book from the bookcase and start reading it while listening to music. After a while I fall asleep just like that.

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