44 Forty Four

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                        Hera POV
As I lie down on the bed with Hades's arms wrapped around me and our legs intertwined together we hear a couple knocks on the door. We ignore it for a bit before I groan and I get up and slide my dress pajamas on and I walk to open the door it starts knocking louder.
-I'm coming, wait a second. Geez.
I open the door and I see that Karai is carrying a lot of bags and stuffed animals while the twins eat a caramel apple each. I reach to help Karai with the bags and I call Hades.
-Hades, come give us a hand here.
K-Easy, please. I got sunburnt.
We help her inside and when everything is inside and we are acomodated I turn to the twins and look at them.
-Why didn't you help your sister with the bags?
Hades looks at all the toys and prizes they got and he laughs a bit.
Ha-So, why didn't you help her?
K-Because I told them.
We look at Karai and she explains herself.
K-I got them new swimsuits and we went swimming on the boat dad bought me some time ago and then at the evening I took them to an amusement park that was on the beach and I let them play until they got bored. I asked them to let me carry all the stuff, kind of promised them I would if they behaved well and they did. So they keep their end of the deal so I did as well.
Ha-Did you had fun? I know they did but you, did you?
K-Of course I did. I always have fun.
-How did you got burnt?
K-I fell asleep while trying to get a tan.
Ha-Take it off, your shirt.
She does and she winces painfully as she takes it off and she gives him her best smile but he frowns at her seriously and she sighs as she turns around revealing her burned back and I reach to touch but she backs away. Hades goes to the bathroom and I know what he's going to do when he comes back with cream and a lot of bandages.
Ha-Karai, come here. We are going to heal that properly.
K-Oh no, it will wear off with time.
K-It will hurt and ache. I don't like it.
Ha-Sorry but it will heal faster with this. I'll promise I'll be gentle but I can't promise it won't hurt.
K-Ugh, fine. If it can't be helped.
She turns to the twins and gives them a kiss each.
K-Are you happy? Did you enjoy your day with me?
They nod before adding.
Ka-Can we do it again?
N-This time with mom and dad too?
K-If they want to. I'm glad you enjoyed your day. Love you.
She ruffles Karma's hair and pokes Nova's cheek before she goes with Hades to her room. I go with them leaving Karma and Nova in their room first. I watch as Hades starts applying the cream on her back and she buries her head on the pillow muffling a scream. When he finishes with the cream he gets it bandaged throughoughly and when he finishes she looks like she has a white striped shirt on top of her bikini bra. I laugh at her and she looks at me smiling.
K-It bearable.
Ha-Then I can do this.
Hades pats her back a single time and she gets away from his touch.
K-Why you do that?
Ha-You said it was bearable.
K-Bearable not healed.
Ha-I'm just teasing.
He stands and hugs her sideways before he gives her a kiss on the forehead and we all go to sleep.

Five years later
I am speaking with Hades about Karma and Nova's latest behavior and I tell her my main worry.
-Hades, I'm getting worried about Nova and Karma. They still haven't awakened their aura and I wonder if there's something I can do.
Ha-Honestly, I've been wondering about that too. They're almost sixteen and still no aura. I can ask Artemis and Apollo about that, they're twins too. Would that give you peace?
-Thank you. Have I told you I love you today?
Ha-I can stand to hear it one more time.
-I love you.
Ha-I love you too. Now, I'm going to the agency. Maybe Alex knows where they are and I can pick up Karma and Nova while I'm at it.
-Be careful with their jokes. They are getting a bit extreme.
Ha-They wouldn't.
-I know but it doesn't hurt to be careful.
He nods and promises to be careful and then he leaves giving me a kiss before he goes.
                        Hades POV
I go on my car towards the agency and as I approach Alex's office I hear laughter from inside and as I turn the door open I see that Karma and Nova are playing chess with Alex and Aphrodite. I step in and they hug me tightly before I dismiss them outside to speak with Alex. I express my worries with Alex and they turn a bit worried and sorry.
Alex-We're sorry but, right now we don't have that information available.
-I promised I would ask, I didn't promise I would search for them.
We laugh at my point and then I turn serious again.
-Seriously now, is there anything I should know about. At Olympus or anything at all.
Alex-Let's see.
They turn to their computer and they check everything and after a while they turn to me.
Alex-Surprisingly, there is nothing that we can't handle. The underworld is receiving the average amount of dead souls, Olympus is surprisingly calm considering his temper and there is nothing out of the ordinary, everything's normal.
-Then everything's good.
Alex-Couldn't be better.
-Well, that's that and I have to go. One question, do you think they would play a prank on me?
Alex-If you mean Karma and Nova, I will go with no. They prank everyone except the gods. They prank demigods and monsters and humans alike but not gods.
I hum thoughtfully and as I open the door to get out, as soon as I get two steps outside the office I feel as something pours over me and even long after is finished I stay standing there still processing what just happened when I hear Karma and Nova laughing from a desk and they're looking at videos on their phones. I step closer and I clear my throat making my presence known. I see as their smiles turn to fear in their expression.
Ka-Should we run away Nova?
They turn to run but I grab them by the back of their shirts and I sit them down.
-Move and I'll break your legs.
N-It wasn't meant for you.
Ka-It was supposed to be for Alex.
I take their hands and I transport back to the house. When we get there I appear in the living room startling Karai and Hera.
                          Hera POV
I get startled as Hades appears in the middle of the living room with Nova and Karma on the brink of tears.
He lifts a finger silencing me and he goes away to the bathroom and I turn to the kids.
-What did you do to your father?
Ka-It was by accident.
N-It wasn't meant for him.
Ka-Is the truth.
N-We would never prank dad.
Ka-We play pranks but not on gods or family members.
N-You know we wouldn't.
They start crying and I try to comfort them as best as I can.
-I'll talk to him. Stay here with your sister. Karai.
They turn to Karai and she hugs them dearly as I go to the bathroom to talk to Hades. I knock on the door before I enter and let myself known to him.
-Is me. I'm entering.
I look at his clothes on the floor full of water and all sticky stuff and everything that is dirty and gross. I sigh lowly and let out a whistle.
-So, you got pranked?
He huffs in disgust before he speaks.
Ha-I can still feel and smell that thing all over me. Disgusting.
-On the bright side, you can get a new suit.
Ha-I guess.
-What are you going to do?
Ha-Nothing really, just have them apologize and forget it ever happened.
-I know I'll regret asking this but, are you not mad?
Ha-I'm furious, but then I think of them and I can help but feel happy again. I can't be mad at them for long and they're just, I just love them so much.
I hear as he sighs and then he sobs and I get inside with him and I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and we stay like that for a moment before we pull away.
-Do you want me to bring you some fresh clothes?
Ha-Please. Get yourself something too, I got you all wet.
I laugh and I give him a kiss before I go to our room for our clothes. When I come back with the clothes he's out of the shower checking himself on the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist. I close the door and he smiles as he notices me. He keeps checking himself and he gives the finishing touches to his hair and he turns to me. I ruffle his hair messy again and he laughs at me.
-You look fine. Don't sweat it. Here, I got you your jogging clothes.
Ha-I love you so much.
He pitches my cheeks before he gives me a deep kiss taking the clothes as well. I take my wet clothes off as well and change into my pajamas. When we go out to the living room we find Karai rubbing Karma and Nova's heads softly and we manage to distinguish some wet tears on their faces. Karai shakes them a bit and they look at her and she points her head towards us and when they see us, or Hades specifically, they make an hesitant move before they run and hug him tightly.
Ha-Oh dear.
N-We're so sorry.
Ka-We won't do it again.
N-Can you forgive us?
Ka-We really are truly sorry.
They cry and cling to him tighter and Hades picks Nova up on his arms and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Ha-Now, don't cry. Can you give me a smile? How about that? A smile for daddy, hmm?
She gives him a kiss and a hug resting her head on his shoulder and he chuckles a bit as he ruffles Karma's hair affectionately.
Ha-I can work with that, come here.
We all sit down on the couch and Hades turns to them once more.
Ha-How about I take you to train with me at the park tomorrow?
N-But, you're stronger than we are and.....
Hades shushes her lifting a finger.
Ha-Is only training and we will all go together as a family.
They nod and we laugh.
K-Can I fight Zeus? Soon.
K-To test myself. I haven't fighted since they were born.
N-Yes please.
Ka-She can show us some moves and different techniques.
They start asking him to let Karai fight too until he covers their mouths respectively.
Ha-Only if she wants to and doesn't have any other things to do. Karai?
K-I can teach them one or two things but can I still fight Zeus?
Ha-Fine, you can fight him but this time it will be only us and him along with Poseidon.
K-As long as I can fight him.
We settle the last details of our plans for tomorrow and we get everyone to bed and go to sleep ourselves as well.

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