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                   Karma POV
I catch Nova as she falls unconscious from the hit I just got her and I give ehr a kiss on the forehead before I run back home. I reach the house and I knick on the door. Dad opens me and he's more than surprised to see me like that. I pass Nova to him and he takes her.
Ha-What happened?
-Later, now I'll go get Chimera.
I take my jacket off and put it on Nova and I run off to get Chimera. I know where he lives but I don't care about anything right now. I reach his house and I see that his house is no more than a mere pile of rubble. I start to dig in and I find him under a pile of rubble stuck to a wall. He has a stick on his arm and one on his leg going through his lower leg. I groan and I take the sticks out of him and check if he's alive. He is, I rip my shirt off and make a knot to stop the bleeding off of him. He opens his eyes and he mutters a word out.
He falls unconscious again and I take one of his shirts and rip it off making a knot on his other wound. I take him on top of my back and carry him out of the wreckage. I run my way home and as I open the door I get a slap on the face. I turn to see that Nova is awake and angry.
She lifts her eyes to me and I can see the anger and sadness on her eyes before she realizes what I'm holding.
N-You, you, you went back for him?
-He is your boyfriend. I can't just let him to his luck when I can do something for him.
I put him on the couch with dad's help and Nova hugs me crying a bit.
N-Thank you. I'm sorry.
I can't help a smile as I pet her a bit comforting her. I take her away from  Chimera as dad treats him. Not long after Nova falls asleep and I get her on her bed. I go back towards where dad is treating Chimera and I use my aura to get out all of the water and dirt and everything I can find that is not from his body. I made them come out of his body and he coughs a bit his breath coming back to normal. Dad looks at me quizzically and I answer him a secret.
-I've been practicing with Isabella on how to use my aura for healing too. I go every time that Nova's with him on a date or not with me.
Ha-Well, he's fine now. Only his physical injuries remain.
Suddenly we hear a scream.
K-Heads up!
We barely have time to duck as someone crashes on our balcony. We smile a bit as we realize is Karai with other four people.
K-Ha, ha.
Ha-What did you do?
Still on the floor she looks at us and smiles.
K-I'm fine, just, exhausted.
Cerb-Well, you are strong.
Ha-And why did you carried them all the way here?
K-They were evacuating the people as the storm gets into the city. I helped for a bit and I kind of offered them to come here. Sorry for not telling you beforehand.
Ha-No matter. Come here.
He gets her on the other couch and acomodates her wings behind the couch gently. He takes a chair and sits on it behind as he starts cleaning and massaging her wings. I get blankets and some pillows for Cerberus and his family.
-Here you go. One for Cerberus, one for Persephone and one for Isabella.
I-Where is aunt Nova?
-Resting, and the last one for you Karai.
K-What a bother, bothrer, brother? Ah, thank you. Karma.
I shrug with indifference and I use my aura to clean them of the things I can and I throw everything by the window. I go to the kitchen for a drink and I take a can of beer that I had hidden on there. I go back and sit by Chimera's side.
Ha-How is it that you have a beer? Where do you hide it?
-Well, I hide them because I don't want some people to throw them away. Not to worry, I don't drink them so regularly?
I take a sip and is hot so I use my ice breath to cool it. I take another sip and sigh relieved.
-So much better.
K-You know that's awesome. Being able to cool your drinks or warm your food just with your aura.
I-Can I take a sip?
-If you're referring to the beer, no. Is all mine. Sorry kiddo, maybe another time.
Persephone and Cerberus both smile knowingly at me from behind her and I take another sip from the beer drinking it whole.
K-Well then, so, what's the deal with him?
She points to Chimera and I smile as I look at him still sleeping.
-Well, I guess now is a good time as any. I went to look for Nova, she wanted to look for him, I gave her a knockout, got him here, went back for him and got him here for her sake mostly. Also, he might have to stay for a while.
-His place, the house is no more. Just a pile of garbage and wreckage.
Ha-Well, this should be interesting.
He stops and everyone snaps to attention as we hear a scream from the room. I recognize it as Nova and I get there. I see her panting and crying on her bed.
N-Is Chimera okay?
-He's sleeping. Are you okay?
N-I, it was a nightmare. A really vivid nightmare.
I sit at her side and I hug her caressing her hair softly.
-We're here for you. So, we have some guests. Can you help me make some food for them and us? Take your mind off of things.
N-Sure. Let me change first and shower.
She gets some clothes and goes to the bathroom and I get her sheets to clean them. I get them washing and I take a new set from the lower cabinet of the closet and as I get up I hit my head on the low part.
-Ah, fuck that hurts.
I take the set again under my arm as I rub my head with my other hand. I get her bed ready and I change my clothes as well to clean ones. I go to the kitchen to cook and as I take the things out an idea ocurres to me. I go to the bathroom and I knock.
-Still there?
-Taking much longer?
N-As long as my hair requires.
-Are you dressed?
N-Of course I am now leave before I blow you away with a kick.
I go to the closet and I take out a fake spider. I show it to everyone and get them to be silent. They keep silent and I slide it under the bathroom door for Nova. She's muttering one of her songs when suddenly she screams and I hear a lot of breaking noises.
I fix myself before I open the door.
-Anything I can help with.
N-Kill the spider.
-Do you mean, this spider?
I take the spider and lift it moving its legs as if it were real. She suqeacks and I laugh.
-Is just a spider. What harm can it do?
N-Don't you know about the black widow or the tarantula? Or the one that's skinny and long.
I pull it closer to her and she gets back. Having another thought I grow it at her and she sprints out of the bathroom.
N-Get it off, get it off, get it off.
I can't contain my laughter anymore and I have to recover for air. I hold her by the waist and take the spider from her.
-Calm down, is a fake. See?
She touches it hesitantly and when she confirms is fake her hair turns red as she gets angry but she takes a breath and it goes back to normal. She turns to me.
N-I hate you.
-I love you too.
I hug her calming her for a bit and as I follow her to the kitchen dad calls me out.
Ha-Karma, come here.
Ha-Turn around.
I do and I put my hands in my pockets. I jump when I feel him touching the back of my head just where I hit myself earlier.
-What the? Why you do that?
Ha-You're bleeding.
-Am I?
I touch the back of my head and check and I am indeed bleeding. I take my jacket and clean the blood off for a moment and dismiss it as of no big deal.
-Is no big deal. I'll treat it later.
Ha-Keep it checked.
By now everyone is sleeping but as I make breakfast with Nova everyone wakes up by the smell. The ladies sit at the table while the boys remain standing. Only Chimera is missing.
                    Nova POV
I take a dish and I go take it to Chimera. I sit on the floor by his side and I wake him up.
-Chimera, wake up.
Ch-Mmm, Nova?
-I'm here. I got something for you.
He starts getting up and as he takes his surroundings he turns a bit confused.
Ch-This is not my house. What?
-You're safe cutie pie. At my house and with me. Here, have some breakfast.
I help him to sit up and I feed him his breakfast. After he finishes I put the plate at the table and I treat his wounds that healed over night. After that I sit at his side and I hug him dearly.
-What for?
Ch-I'm supposed to protect you not the other way around. Not that is not nice but I feel so useless and weak.
-You are not weak.
I turn him to face me and I give him a kiss on the lips when I hear both Isabella and Karma singing the song of boyfriend.
Ka & I-Nova and Chimera, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
They laugh and I can't help but do as well.
I-Uncle, remember the first concert I did with her? You made me a heart thing.
Ka-What about it?
I-Do something similar for them. I still have mine.
He starts doing one crystallized heart and he makes it like box shaped. With water inside and he puts lava hearts inside floating in the water along with some shaped with our initials.he makes a border of lava details along the edge and when he's satisfied with it he gives it to us.
Ka-For you.
-You are talented when it's love related.
He blushes and I laugh a bit at his embarrassed face.
Ha-Maybe is because deep down he still is a romantic.
He-Do you know how handsome you are.
Ka-You're both exaggerating things.
Pe-No they're not. Don't you know? Like father like son.
At that both he and dad blush hard. We all laugh a bit and before long everyone goes to their respective rooms except for me and Chimera. We stay on the couch and cuddle together and he falls asleep and I do as well on his arms.

Five years after
I am having a romantic dinner with Chimera and we are sharing kisses and hugs between bites. When we finish I wait for him to come back to the table as he went to pay. He orders a champagne and I open it. As I serve the drinks I hear a romantic song that I love. After a bit he takes my hand and he speaks.
Ch-Nova, I love you so much and we've been together for six years now. Now that everything is back to normal that I have a new place to live in and a good job I want to, I believe you're the girl for me. The woman that I want to see every time I wake up and last I see before I sleep and that's why I want to ask.
He gets on one knee and I know where this is going now. He takes a small box and opens it revealing a ring with blue tiny diamonds.
Ch-Would you marry me?
I take a hand to my mouth tears forming in my eyes and I pull him up kissing him fully.
-Yes, yes I want to marry you. I love you.
He smiles and he laughs holding me up and giving a twirl before he puts the ring on my finger. We share another kiss and we're interrupted by clapping around us. We separate and I notice that everyone else in the restaurant is clapping at us. I smile and I clean my tears away.
Ch-There is one more thing. I asked this on our first year together but I'll ask again. Come live with me?
-Gladly. I will always be with you. I am your fiancee now soon to be your wife.
We finish our food more happy than before before he takes me back home.

To be continued..........

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