37 Thirty Seven

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The next morning when I wake up Hades is already preparing himself for his morning run. He gets to my side and he gives me a soft kiss.
Ha-Good morning my love, I love you.
-I love you too.
As he starts to get away from me I pull him down to the bed with me keeping him on top of me and I hear as he laughs a bit before he speaks.
Ha-You can come with me, you know?
I wrap myself around him not wanting to let go.
-But I don't want you to go.
Ha-What do you want then?
-I want to stay here, with you, all day.
Ha-We can find something in which we can do together.
He starts kissing me slowly and I laugh as he looks at me like he wants to eat me.
-Is that a promise?
Ha-Only if you wish to continue.
Without another word I kiss him desperately and is not long before we end up making love multiple times until we're exhausted and we lay down in bed together. We give small kisses to each other.
-I love you.
Ha-I love you too.
-I'm hungry, should we go get something or should I just be lazy or stay here?
Ha-I can get something fast for you if you like.
With that we both get out of bed and we go to the kitchen to get something to eat. We find Karai eating a full breakfast and when she sees us she smiles and get her food a bit to the side.
K-Morning sleepyheads. I got some breakfast for you as well.
She points to the counter where we see two healthy breakfast waiting for us. Karai keeps eating her food and I ruffle her hair a bit before I get my own with Hades following close behind me and he stretches his arm from behind me and takes his plate from the counter in front of me and I groan a bit at that.
-Nothing, just, why do you have to be so tall?
Ha-Because you're already short.
I give him a playful stove on the side and we all laugh at that when all of a sudden Karai speaks.
K-Do I really have to stay here? Can't I go down to earth even for an hour at least?
Ha-Sorry, but until you regain control, you have to stay here.
-Otherwise, your influence on earth would cause storms and unbalance everything there.
K-Then I guess I'll work hard to regain control as soon as possible.
Ha-Do you want to train alone or with someone? Several gods asked to help you regain control. I think they want to keep an eye on you or have a chance to use their aura or just spend time with you or give us a break. Maybe even all of them.
Karai yawns a little and she gets the dishes cleaned up before she bids us farewell.
K-Well, now that I've eaten, I'm going to crash the bed. You choose with whom I will train. Night.
She yawns and goes to sleep to her room. We look at each other and we shrug. I give him a small hug before I take the dishes away and wash them. We go back to our room and we just lay in bed comforting with each other's presence.
-So almost everyone wants to help Karai.
Ha-Yep, I was thinking on getting her two only, but I don't really know who to choose.
-Someone strong and someone calm.
Ha-At first, I thought my brothers would be a great choice because Zeus is strong and he can help go to the maximum of her power and Poseidon can help her calm her mind and keep balanced. Then I thought I didn't want her to spend so much time with them but what can I do.
-I think is a great idea. She had fought with Zeus before and Poseidon is a god that is easy to get along with him. She will be fine.
Ha-Then she can go train with them with no problem.
-You better call them and let them know.
Ha-Yes, I'll do that, eventually. I'm too happy right now to bother.
-You're happy?
Ha-Yes, with you here with me.
I laugh as he kisses me along the neck and the shoulders.
-Are you not satisfied yet?
Ha-Not a bit, perhaps it would be a good idea that she goes and live with her uncles for a time, that way we can take time for ourselves. Are you satisfied?
-Not even close. We can go away and escape from everything and everyone.
Ha-Is a pretty good idea.
We both nod and we once again start kissing each other slowly and we fill the moment with whispers and caress that hide a fire hidden deep within ourselves. I feel as the list and the love clash together as we start to make love once more and he kisses me and touches every part of my body not wanting to let me go. I laugh as his grip on my hips tighten as he pulls me closer to him. I feel as he bites on my shoulder with a soft growl and I moan in pleasure as we both reach the climax together. After that we keep going at it until late at night when we are both satisfied. Just before going to sleep I take him and I position ourselves so he's with his head resting against my chest and my legs wrapped around him by his waist as he hugs my waist tightly. We go to sleep just like that without giving a care in the world.
The next morning we wake up to a knock at our door and I answer a bit sleepy.
K-Can I come in?
Ha-Sure, come in.
Karai come in and Hades tries to get up but I don't let him.
Ha-What did you wanted to say?
K-We have guests.
K-Zeus and Poseidon.
That catches Hades's attention as he rolls over and checks his phone and he curses under his breath.
Ha-I'll be right there, go and chat with them a bit until I get there.
K-Sure, it'll be fun making fun of them and tease them a bit.
She goes away and we laugh a bit at her enthusiasm.
When we are both ready we go join Karai and we inform them of what's happening. They agree to help us and they start practicing since day one. We only see Karai either when she's eating or when she's sleeping. Hades and I have a second honeymoon and after a year she is finally able to control her aura fully and she can do as she pleases. The next morning when we're eating Hades is the first one to speak.
Ha-Karai, as a gift for finishing your training successfully we have decided to let you go to a concert of your favorite singer that is happening this weekend all weekend, since Friday night until Monday morning.
K-Do you really mean it?
Ha-Yes, you always go to their concerts but since you couldn't go to any this last year I thought you would like to have a private concert, more or less because is still a concert after all.
K-You said Friday night? But, today's Thursday and that means, is tomorrow night, by the gods, I have to pack my things and get everything ready.
Ha-Everything is ready and down on the hotel we'll be staying at during that time.
K-You're kidding me.
-He isn't, you deserve it after working hard all this time.
Karai turns and she hugs us tightly together in a group hug. After dinner we go down to earth and as we go down the elevator I feel a bit lightheaded for a bit and I rub my hand on my face a bit when I feel Hades pulling me close.
Ha-Are you feeling okay?
-Yes. Just a bit dizzy, nothing to worry about. Thanks for worrying anyway.
Ha-That's because I love you with all my life and more.
I cuddle under his arm and I keep there until the elevator's door slide open again for us Karai dashes off and Hades goes after as he stops her from running off and I laugh a bit but when I cross the doors, all of the sudden I feel strange. The room is spinning around me, I'm dizzy and I feel like my head's going to explode with pain. I try to call for Hades but my voice doesn't come out. I feel my legs crumble beneath me but before I can fall I feel as someone catches me with a firm hold and I grab to the first thing I find with my hand.
Ha-....ra,.......wrong? How......you feel?
I hear as Karai calls me too.
K-Mom?......ther, mommy!........
I try to speak but no sound comes out of me and I hear as their voices sound even more distant by the second before I can't hear them anymore and suddenly all the pain and the dizziness and everything is gone and I just feel at peace and relaxed.
I enjoy every moment of the peace that surrounds me and I just let it flow through me. After a while I feel as if I miss something and I see as everything becomes darker and sadder and I start to get scared and I close my eyes and when I open them again I'm lying down on a bed in a very illuminated room and I look around as I start to take in my surroundings. I lift my hand and I feel a painful sensation on my hand and as I realize I can't move I start to freak out and I hear an alarm that makes me realize that I'm in a hospital and I get even more scared as I feel trapped on that room. Suddenly I hear footsteps and the door opens and a couple of nurses enter and they get me a medicine to calm me down. Just before I pass out I catch a glimpse of a doctor speaking with Hades just outside the door.
The next time I wake up I feel a bit calmer and as I try to take the oxygen mask off I feel Hades stopping me before speaking.
Ha-Don't worry, you're fine now.
I hear as he says something else but I don't understand him so I stick with the best answer I got for him. I lift my mask off a bit before I speak.
-I love you.
Ha-I love you too. Now get that back.
He puts my mask on again and I look at him sadly and he laughs at that before he gets closer so our foreheads touch.
Ha-I have news for you but, it can wait a bit more. How are you feeling?
I shrug my shoulders as I sigh a bit easier now that he's here with me. I lift a hand and I cup his face on the palm of my hand. He takes it and he kisses the palm of my hand sweetly and I give him a small tilt of my head with a smile. I sit up on my bed and I hug my knees looking at him. I take the mask off and I speak to him calmly.
-I want to go home.
Ha-I can ask if we can get you home. Should let you go tonight.
-Where is Karai? Did she went to her concert in time?
Ha-She did indeed. I assured her you would be fine and you are.
-What happened?
Ha-Not sure, the doctor said it could have been due to the change from Olympus to earth. Like instead of your power influencing earth, earth would influence you.
I nod and I look at my feet deep in thought when I remember what he said before. I look at him curiously and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.
-You said you had some news for me. Do tell me what those news are.
His face illuminates with joy at the reminder and is so contagious that it makes me smile back at him.
Ha-You're amazing.
I notice he's obviously evading the question and I give him a questioning look and he sighs as he struggles to find the right words.

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