117 Hundred and Seventeen

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I mark a perimeter around the village and then I go through he streets saving as many people as possible. Once I make sure everyone is safe and accounted for I get us all together at the center of the village. I ground myself and I take out four knives and turn them to be on the four cardinal directions. I connect them with aura and make a signal to Karai. She stops at my side and I speak.
-Take Nova from where she is and make her do a kind of ice or fire barrier on the perimeter to buy a bit of time while I recover some strength.
K-Got it.
She takes flight and I meditate concentrating my power on my hands and my feet. After a bit when my sisters come I nod and I take a deep breath before I reach for the skies to get power and I get as Mich as possible accumulated on the palm of my hands.
                     Karai POV
After a bit of flying we all gather together at the center of the village. We all watch as Karma turns the lava around trying to solidify it. He makes it but the process is slow and he's taking too much effort and energy. He starts to get tired and he screams in pain searching for more power to hold back the lava that keeps flowing out. I look at Nova and she's still in no shape to do anything. She's recovering still. I pass her to a villager and he takes her for a bit. I stretch my wings and I take flight just above Karma. I keep myself steady and I give powerful flaps with my wings keeping the air clean of smoke. After a bit I have to go back down as is not easy flying and they're heavy sometimes. After a bit I see some streams of lava coming down and as I look to Karma I see him on his knees trembling a bit and I get to him. I see his bleeding from the nose and sweating and panting. I decide to give him of my power by putting a hand on his shoulder. He laughs weakly and I smile. I grunt as my current power is not enough and I call for Nova as well.
-Nova, are you feeling fine? How is your strength?
N-Fifty fifty maybe a bit more.
-Good, I need that fifty you can give.
She stands and she comes at our side and share her power as well with Karma. With our three powers now combined we manage to solidify the remaining lava and save everyone. We let out a sigh of relief as everything is now over and calm but the happiness doesn't last long as Karma falls to his knees and he holds a hand to his chest coughing.
N-Karma! Hey, easy.
He coughs a bit more and then he starts coughing up blood as well. We are all exhausted but he took the worst.
N-Where does it hurt?
N-Karai. Can you take us home? Him?
-Sorry, my wings, they are too tired. I can't fly right now. I need to recover too.
I look as my wings are just hanging and I groan as I can't move them too much either.
                      Nova POV
I look at Karma as he groans in pain and I feel so useless. I take his hand in mine and he squeezes tight. Some villagers bring me some water and a couple of first aid kits they have. Is not much but is all they got.
Villager-Thank you for saving us. All three of you.
I give them a warm smile and she goes away respecting our space. I take the first aid kit and treat him. Suddenly I remember the healing song that Isabella taught me and I decide to give it a try.
-Flor que da fulgor, con tu brillo field, vuelve el tiempo atras.
I stop and wait for any signal but it doesn't work. I jeep treating him and I hum some of my songs to him to calm the nerves. After a bit he stops breathing and I turn to him as calm as I can. When he comes back to me he starts breathing smoke I recognize it as a bad sign and I take a sharp breath before I deliver him some CPR. I push the fire breath down and out as sweat using my ice breath as I deliver CPR at the same time. I press some nerves on his chest and I relax his muscles easing his pain. When I'm sure all the fire is out I get off of him and I take his hand again. I turn to Karai and ask her.
-Can't fly yet?
K-Maybe five more minutes.
She turns to massage her wings again and I get Karma's head up in my legs.
                        Karai POV
I massage my wings to accelerate the process so I can use them the sooner to get out of here. I finish and I give them a stretch testing them for a moment before I nod approvingly. I turn to my twin siblings and I get a hand on Nova's shoulder.
-I'm ready. Make sure they're safe before you come. I will come back for all of you. Wait for me here.
She nods and I take Karma on my arms princess style. I almost budge at how much he weights but I still manage. I stretch out my wings and soar the skies leaving Nova to take care of everything. I go to the agency and I land at the front door. I step inside and immediately there are agents on top of me asking how they can help. I give directions to them.
-I need clean clothes, someone call Hades and Hera and inform them about the situation, life or death, someone will send a helicopter to this address and someone to get a full first aid kit. Also, I need Alex Cyprin here right away. Go, go, go.
They go do what I asked for and as I step into the elevator I press the button so hard that I break it. I go up the stairs to Alex Cyprin's office and I lie Karma down there.
-Alex, take care of him while I go get dad and mom.
I go outside and I take flight toward Olympus where they are and I find that they're at a meeting in the throne room. I land at he very center of the room but I don't fold my wings. With two simple words I silence everyone.
Z-What is the meaning of this!?
-Life or death situation.
I take mom and dad by the hands and I grab them tight as I take flight again without a care. They hold on tight and I almost buck under the weight of three people but I still manage to carry them both all the way to the agency. I let them go on the entrance and as I land and fold my wings to enter when I remember something else.
-Go to Alex's office. I'll explain when I get back.
They both nod and I go get Nova. This time around she's alone. The helicopters came and rescued the villagers. I take her back to the agency and we go to Alex's office together. She gets to Karma's side and I fall on the other couch exhausted to the bones. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep just like that.
                     Hera POV
I watch as everything happens around me but I can't seem to process it at all. I remember the meeting, Karai flying us here, we see Karma in bad shape, then Nova comes in crying for her brother and Karai falls asleep exhausted. I look at Hades for support but he's in a state of shock. I squeeze his hand giving him support and he smiles at me at last before he speaks in a cold tone.
Ha-What happened?
N-Karma pushed himself too far while he saved a village from being destroyed by a volcano erupting. We tried to help but, it wasn't enough. We managed to save everyone but he took the worse of all.
Ha-Let me.
She turns to me and I hug her as Hades checks Karma over. He traces his hand by his body and when he reaches his abdomen Karma grunts in pain and Hades stops. Some workers come with first aid kits and he gets the things from them and dismiss everyone except for us and Alex. He starts treating him a bit cautiously and I treat Nova as Alex treats Karai. He opens his clothes leaving him shirtless and he cleans the wounds.
                       Hades POV
I clean Karma's wounds and he grunts in pain. I am almost done with cleaning his wounds and I get the bandages and as I start bandaging he screams in pain that I have to hold him down with my aura as well. I see him cry and I almost cry myself but I force myself not to. I calm him down and I fix everything I can before I turn to him. I pass a hand through his hair and I caress his face a bit before I turn to go away to wash my hands. I wash my face as well and I turn to look at my reflection and I finally let my tears fall. I sob putting a hand to my face and I wash my face one more time before rage burns inside me and I punch the mirror breaking it and with it the wall behind as well. I blink a couple times before I clean up my hand and I get it in my pocket. I go downstairs and go home and I get a set of clothes for my kids and I get one for me and Hera as well and get them inside a bag. I pay no mind to the people that look at me surprised but I keep going. I go back to the agency with the change of clothes and as I get there I go inside and I see that Karma is awake or at least not unconscious as he talks with Nova.
He tries to get up but I stop him.
-Don't get up. Rest, you need it.
He sighs but lies back down. I hang the clothes and sit to check on Karai and I massage her wings just the way she likes it.
-Cyprin, can you check if the gate is working?
AC-As you wish. Be right back.
That go out to check and I stay with my kids and my wife.
Ka-What's wrong with your hand?
He laughs but then he coughs a bit.
N-Calm down. I managed to get you a race.
Ka-When? Where? With whom? Will I ride a Ducati?
He-Someone feels better.
N-With all of you taking care of me, who wouldn't get better.
We laugh at his comment before Alex come on in. They negate that the gate is fixed and I sigh. Hera understands and we all link hands together and I teleport all of us to the house on earth. I get the kids to their respective rooms and then I go with Hera to our room. I fall on the bed exhausted and she sits at my side smiling.
I reach out and I caress her cheek fondly.I pull her down for a kiss and we share a soft kiss relieving some of the tension from the day.
He-Show me your hands.
I show her my hand and she frowns giving me a slap on the chest. I show her looking away from her and she gets off of the bed. She comes back with the first aid kit. She treats me softly and gently bandaging my hand after she cleans it. After that we finally lie down to sleep to get rest and relieve the tension. I wrap my arms around her and I give her a kiss on the lips already asleep and I turn to sleep as well.

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