94 Ninety Four

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I get Karma and Nova to the infirmary in Olympus and as they treat them I take Selene to the aura chambers and I interrogate her.
-Where can I find the antidote?
S-I will never tell.
-I have ways of making you talk. Besides, we have a good healer and they are also questioning Helios as we speak.
We hear Helios scream and she tries to attack me.
S-He would never betray me.
I smile and then I give her a punch before I go away.

A week later
I am with Karma and Nova and I read a book on my phone as they are still unconscious from the poisoning Selene and Helios got them. The doctors managed to get an antidote themselves and they are out of danger. I hear a moan and I look up and I see Karma waking up.
                     Karma POV
I wake up feeling a bit dizzy and then I remember the race and I sit straight up fast.
Ha-Easy, you're both fine.
He points to my side and I see Nova on another bed with a mask to help her breathe. I turn back on the bed and I cover my eyes with my forearm as I start to sob softly. I feel dad as he gets his hand on my other arm.
Ha-She's fine and so are you.
-I couldn't protect her. I failed to protect her.
Ha-You most certainly did protect her. You kept them there while injured and not one but two opponents and without using your aura.
-If you say it like that you make it sound amazing. How long since then?
Ha-One week. There is something we should talk about together as a family when Nova wakes up as well.
I nod and I look at her again. I smile as she looks so much better than last time. I look at myself and I notice that I have different clothes.

-What did mom thought about this whole thing?Ha-She tortured both titans herself

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-What did mom thought about this whole thing?
Ha-She tortured both titans herself. I had to stop her from killing them and hurting herself as well.
We both laugh at that and I sit again. I stretch my arms and all my body and I check for any physical injuries and I feel lots of scratches on my back.
-Dad? Do I have wounds on my back?
Ha-Just physical wounds. Your uniform was soaked in blood.
I shrug and I step out of the bed and I go towards Nova. I sit on the bed and take her hand tightly. Dad leaves me alone with her. I look at her a bit sadly and I keep looking at her. When I start to get sleepy I get on the bed at her feet with my legs crossed under me. I rest against the wall and keep looking at her until I fall asleep on that very same position.
The next time I wake up is because I hit myself on the head hard.
I open my eyes and when I realize what happened I laugh and I take a chair and get it at her side. I yawn and I rest my head on her belly as I take her hand tightly on mine. I fall asleep again smiling.
                        Nova POV
I start to wake up and I feel something on my hand. I look and I see Karma asleep on top of my stomach while holding my hand. I smile and I take the mask off and then I rub his hair a bit before waking him up.
-Karma, Karma. Wake up.
He wakes up and I see his eyes glow with happiness when I smile at him. He rubs his face shaking the sleep away before he comes closer and we hug softly. I wrap my legs below me and I pat in front of me and he does the same. We link hands together and we play hand games together. We keep playing until we hear a knock on the door and dad enters with mom and our two other siblings.
C-I told you they were both awake.
Ha-Never doubting you again.
He comes and he hugs Karma and myself tightly. They all give us a hug each and we laugh together.
-Can we go home?
Ka-And eat something really good.
-And sleep on our own beds.
Ka-And take a nice, long hot bath.
Ha-You really are as cheerful as always.
I ruffle Karma's hair a bit more as I laugh.
-Calix, come closer.
He gets closer to me and I take his hair tie from him and I laugh as I see the surprise on his face as his hair falls down over his shoulders. I shoo him away and he does as I tie my hair in a big ponytail. Mom and Karai laugh and I smile as I keep organizing my hair.
Ka-Dad, you said you had to tell all of us something. As a family, what is it?
Ha-We have decided to punish the titans for what they did to you.
Ka-Good, nobody messes with us and gets off unharmed.
-Or unpunished.
Ka-Are you going to kill them?
Ha-We decided to leave the punishment for you to decide. You can choose not to punish them yourselves and decide to not do it yourselves or you can punish them as you see fit.
Karma and I get closer together and whisper on each other's ears a plan. We get away and nod at each other.
-We can punish them as we see fit?
-Even kill them?
Ka-Pulverize them?
-Torture them?
Ha-Anything you want to do you can do and they have no option but too accept their punishment for trying to kill a god is a the worst of crimes and two gods, even worse.
-This is going to be good.
Ka-For when can we do it?
Ha-When you get better.
Karma and I lift our left hands close to our faces and then we throw a punch to each other testing our strength. We nod and we look at dad and speak at the same time.
Ka & N-We are better.
They all laugh and dad produces two bags from behind him and he gives them to us. I get out of bed and I give one run around dad before giving him a kiss and I disappear in the bathroom to change clothes. I get dressed hurriedly and I look at myself in the mirror for a bit before I get out and I hug dad from behind happily.
-I love you. Thanks so much.
I tighten my grip on him and I feel a pat on my head from Karma as he goes change as well. I smile and hug tighter when I feel dad tapping my hands.
Ha-Nova, I can't breathe.
I let go and he sighs relieved as we all laugh at that.
Ha-You're definitely better.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and we wait for Karma to change. When he gets out I roll my eyes and I go help Karma with some aspects. I sit him down so I can reach him and I get his tie done neatly and his sleeves as well. He smiles as I finish up.
-There you go, now you look as handsome as always.
Ka-Thank you.
He stands and I look up at him pouting. Dad opens the door for us and I practically fly home as I'm happy to get there. When we get there I go to the kitchen and I take one of the bags of chips that I eat and hop on the sofa to eat them. I hear my siblings laugh and I offer some to Karma.
-Want some?
-Then get some for yourself.
He gets something to eat different and we all spend the evening organizing about punishing the titans. We reach the decision of punishing at midday tomorrow. We all go to our respective rooms and go to sleep.
                         Hades POV
The next morning we all eat breakfast together before we all go together to the throne room to proceed with the titan's execution. We are all present and the guards bring the titans and they get them on the floor back to back with each other. They hang their heads and then the guards open the doors for Karma and Nova to enter. They are dressed in matching outfits and they are holding hands as always. Their expressions are neutral cold as they walk towards the titans. I tap my finger against the arm hold of my throne as the anticipation grows and I am secretly proud of them.
Z-Let the execution begin.
Both of them take a sword out and they lift them in a salute before they nod at each other. They lower the sword and they both lift the titans heads with the point of their swords.
Ka-Face your death like a man.
-Die honorably.
They press the point against their chests where the hearts are and then they push them through killing them cleanly. Then they push deeper and make the swords pass through both of them. They fall dead and then they take the blades out and they whip the swords so hard that the blood comes off of them entirely and they smile as they save the swords again on their waists. They turn to Zeus and speak at the same time.
Ka & N-Is done. May we be excused?
Z-Yes you may.
They turn around and leave ignoring completely the titans. Shortly after we are all dismissed as well.
                        Nova POV
After we are done with the execution both Karma and I go to the infinity pool. I see as Karma floats on the pool while I just sit on the edge splashing my feet on the water.
Ka-I'm glad that's over with.
-Me too. I'm sure they will never again bother us.
Ka-After that beating, I'm sure they won't dare to even think of attacking us again.
-What happened to the race? I remember there was a race and that you were on the lead.
Ka-Honestly, I don't know. I didn't stay long to ask but I suppose it was suspended. I'll call later when I feel like it.
We laugh and then I hear as he starts to sing one of my favorite songs.

I recognize it instantly and we sing together. When we finish I start to cry silently. I feel as he kisses me on the cheek before he takes my hands and squeeze them.
Ka-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry. Or get sad.
-I'm not sad, I'm touched. The song is so cute and adecuate. I can't help myself.
I rub my eyes a bit more before we hear dad behind us.
Ha-That's so adorable.
He waves at us smiling.
-How long you been there?
Ha-Enough. Come, is time for dinner.
We laugh and we both follow him for a while before I turn and link arms with both of them. We all laugh as we go home and when we get there I let go of them as I disappear into the kitchen following the smell of food. We eat together before we go to sleep. Karma and I sleep together for the first time in a while. We take comfort on each other and we fall asleep together.

The next morning when I wake up I see as he plays on his tablet still on the bed with me and I smile

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The next morning when I wake up I see as he plays on his tablet still on the bed with me and I smile. He smiles back and we start to get ready for the day.

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