113 Hundred and Thirteen

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The next day as I wake up I stretch and I sit up on bed. I check out if CJ is fine and I smile as he's still sleeping. I trace my hand by his face down his cheek. I shake him and wake him up softly.
-CJ, wake up.
CJ-Ngh. Five more minutes?
-CJ, ugh, come on. Race you there?
He smiles and he opens one eye and looks at me.
CJ-First one there chooses a dare for the other to do.
With that we race each other to the kitchen and sadly we reach at the same time making it a tie. We groan and then we laugh as we cook something for ourselves. At dinner we eat and as Hades comes in he takes a plate.
Ha-How was your day?
CJ-Boring. We want to do something that's dangerous or with lot of power.
-Something exciting with pure raw adrenaline. How was your day?
CJ-You seem stressed.
Ha-The usual boring stuff only this time, Zeus had the brilliant idea of getting Karai to marry.
-That's absurd, she doesn't, I mean of our aunts we know that Nova doesn't believe in love anymore, Karma just goofs around but Karai, she never seems like the woman that needs a man.
CJ-She might be a maiden for all we know. She will not accept a man just because he says so.
Ha-That was my argument with Zeus but he just won't listen. He even has someone for her already.
Ha-He wants them to meet tomorrow to make it official. Is going to be a long day.
The next day
            Karai POV
I walk with dad towards the throne room and I am obviously mad at Zeus for this. I don't need my full power to beat him and just as a precaution last night I cut out my wings and burned them. Is going to be a year until they grow back again.
-Dad, do I have to do this?
Ha-He will try and marry you even if one of you is not there but you can still try to turn the things around and end up not marrying.
-Oh you better believe I will find a way to stop this wedding.
Ha-We're here.
He opens the doors and we enter the throne room. I see the guy I'm supposed to marry and I can't believe he wants that for me. I can see dad is surprised as well but he doesn't show it for long as he goes to his throne and I stand at the center. I get my hands in my pockets and look at him and I bite hard to keep from snapping at him all my anger. He smiles and I have to bite even harder to keep from punching him. I cross my arms and I squeeze my arms hard enough that they bleed a bit.
Z-Now that we're all here, let's begin, shall we?
I force myself to relax as he speaks.
Z-I got the perfect pair to marry. Karai and Hermes.
He makes Hermes walk towards me and I can see the fear on his eyes as he approaches me. He motions to take my hand but I give him a look so menacingly that he takes a step back. I raise an eyebrow and he goes as far as he can from me. I nod satisfied as he reaches the wall and I look at Zeus. I take a deep breath before speaking much more calm than I feel or am.
-What makes you think I will marry him or any other guy?
Z-You have no choice as I'm not asking you for your permission.
-I will not obey you. I never obeyed you, not doing it now and not doing it in the future. Mind your own life. Go work or sleep or I know, go fight a dead match with a titan and do actually die.
Z-Don't try me girl. What I say goes.
-Have you even consider what can happen?
I feel a sharp pain on my back and I rub it before I speak again.
-What makes you think that you can control my life to your bidding. What makes you think that I will do as you say just because you said it. The only thing keeping me from blowing you in pieces is the simple reason that you're my dads brother. Only because I respect him I maintain myself from you but believe me, say that I will marry one more time, just once and I will make sure you die a horrible death.
Z-That doesn't matter, I will reincarnate and be reborn again and again.
-I'm not that dumb. Unlike you, I do think things over. If I end up killing you, believe me, I will find your reincarnation over and over again and kill you each time before you have assumed your role back in here.
Z-You wouldn't.
I play a bit of aura knives around my hand.
-Want to try and prove me wrong. I will not hesitate. Do I need to remind you that I have beaten you before.
Z-I don't remember that.
He makes a signal with his hand and then I feel a kiss on the cheek and for a moment I'm surprised and taken aback by it. I wipe myself clean and I take a real knife and stick it on his gut hard. I grab him by the back of his head by the hairs. I give the knife a twist while inside him and speak.
-Do that again and I'll kill you for sure. Can you fly?
Hermes-Yes. Why?
I don't answer and I throw him towards the clouds in a free fall from Olympus. I turn towards Zeus and I throw him a knife that gets stuck on his throne between his legs and dangerously close to his privates.
-I missed.
I turn to leave when someone stops me. I turn angrily but turn sweet as I see that is dad holding me back.
Ha-Calm down.
I nod and I take deep breaths until I calm down. We stand at the center again and he gets and asks me to give up all my weapons.
Ha-Give me your weapons.
-Why? I'm calm.
Ha-As a precaution. Give them.
I take my jacket off and I shake it and a lot of knives start falling on the floor in front of him. I make sure they're all gone and I kneel and take out my pants pockets and empty them as well and take off a gun I have on my thigh and then one on my lower leg. I take as well the ones hidden on the shoes below and above as well. Then I give him the ones I have on my forearms and as I give them to him I almost cry.
-There, happy?
Ha-You missed one.
I growl and I take my hair tie off and turn it to reveal its true form as a blade and I give it to him. He smiles and takes all of them into a bag and goes back to his throne. I get my jacket and slide it on again. We keep discussing the matter of my marriage and as my anger rises so does my pain. My back hurts like hell and I don't know why. My torso burns like hell but I hold it in with my aura. In a moment Zeus snaps and he throws me a thunderbolt and as I turn to evade it there is a huge explosion of our auras clashing together and when everything ends as I'm about to get up on my feet I fall on my butt sitting on the floor and my back feels heavy and then I hear gasps and wows from everyone. I rub the dust of my eyes and when I adjust my eyes to the light again I look at dad and I can tell he too is surprised. He makes a movement with his mouth but I can't hear what he says. The boom from the explosion must've had leaved me temporarily confused. After a bit I stand on shaky legs and I feel something on my back and when I turn I am shocked at what I see. I see my wings have grown back. I look at the both of them and then I look at mom and dad again.

 I look at the both of them and then I look at mom and dad again

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-This can't be.
I jump to the edge and I turn to dad.
-Dad, you know where to find me. Bring me a knife, first aid kit and water.
Before he can answer I jump off from Olympus and towards mom's old place. I have trouble with my wings as they're too big for the doorframe. I close them a bit and go inside and I sit still on the center of the living room not wanting any of my limbs to move around. After a bit of waiting around I hear a sound and I put myself on a defensive position but I relax when I see is dad who comes in.
Ha-I thought you cut them off last night.
-So did I. Did you got me what I asked for?
Ha-Not really. I got you the water but nothing else. You're planning on cutting them off again?
-I was when I asked you for the things. Now, is not really a bother anymore. They're not heavy but they are pretty strong and I did enjoyed the flight.
Ha-The other gods are stunned. Barely made it out of there without anyone asking about your wings.
I laugh as he takes my wings on his hands. He examines them carefully and he smiles every time I move them more by reflex than anything else.
Ha-Interesting. The edges are sharp as a knife.
Ha-Yes. They might be lethal weapons if you learn to control them fully. Come here.
He takes me in a hug and for a moment I'm surprised but as I turn to hug him my wings engulf themselves around us and I smile as dad rubs my lower back softly.
Ha-Let's go home.
With that we go home and I hold my wings by the edges to keep from flying off. When we get home he helps me to my room and lies by my side on the bed.
-Thank you.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and as he turns to leave I hold him by the sleeve and stop him. I close my eyes and beg silently in a whisper.
-Stay, please.
Ha-As you like.
I bury my face on the pillow and sob a bit. He gives me yet another kiss.
Ha-Don't cry.
He lies down on the bed with me and he takes me on his arms and I can't help but keep crying as I feel so vulnerable right now. He soothes me to sleep gently and I feel like the little kid that always cried when had a nightmare and used to run to hide on his bed when I had a nightmare or I couldn't sleep. I take one of his hands and I play with it as I always did when I was a little kid. He laughs as I do and I smile as I start to get sleepy.
-I remember you used to let me trace my hand on yours to see how much I had grown.
Ha-I remember, my sweet little girl, no matter what, you'll always be my little princess. No matter how old you get I'll always be there for you.
I press his hand a bit more before I fall asleep at last.
The next morning as I wake up I stretch a bit before I sit up on the bed. I turn to dad who was watching me silently.
-How long are you going to keep there?
Ha-Sorry, I just realized that no matter how strong you get or how far you go, you'll always need something from me.
-You got that right. After all, I am your princess and your little girl. Care to help me with my wings until I can fully control them?
He laughs and comes helps me out for a bit. He does so while smiling. In a moment I shiver and I scare him half to death.
Ha-Did I hurt you?
-No is just, I have to get used to it from now on.
He keeps going and as he finishes I move them around a bit trying them out. With that we go to have breakfast at last.

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