20 Twenty

37 1 0

Karai POV
The next morning when I wake up I notice that I'm alone in my bed. I sit and I run out to the living room where I find mom and dad eating breakfast. Dad notices me first.
Ha-Hey, look who decided to wake up at last.
I smile to him a bit sleepy. I stand behind him and bend down to hug him. I give him a kiss on the cheek and look at mom.
-Um, good morning. Dad, you forgot this last night.
I show him my phone before sliding it inside his pocket. If I'm going to be grounded I shouldn't have it. He looks at me a bit surprised before nodding.
Ha-We're leaving at lunch time.
-I got it. Eat, get my things ready and myself and go.
I go to the fridge and take the milk out. I serve myself a glass and drink it whole in two big sips. I go forward to my room but mom stops me as she holds me by my arm.
He-Aren't you going to eat anything?
-I'm good.
She looks at me for a moment before she lets me go.
-Don't look at me like that. I can manage, I'm tough. Powerful and gentle.
She nods and I smile as I go to my room. I take my set of clothes and go to the bathroom to prepare. I fill the tub and wait for it to fill as I brush my teeth and clean my face to shine. I step in the tub and I relax on the hot water. I let out a sigh as I let my thoughts flow away.
I only realize I've fallen asleep when I awaken by dad breaking inside the bathroom. I instinctively curl up covering myself from his eyes.
-Dad, ah, um, what are you doing?
Ha-You wouldn't answer so I.......
I smile as he caress my face gently and gives me a kiss in the forehead. I clear my throat getting his attention.
-I'm still on the tub.
He backs away a bit, his face red with shame and he turns around.
Ha-Yes, of course.
-Can you pass me the towel?
He turns to the closet door and gets the towel for me. He stands with his back to me while holding the towel for me to take. I stand from the tub and I take the towel from him and put it around covering myself as I step out of the tub.
-Thank you.
Ha-You're welcome.
He keeps still like stone with his eyes closed and I laugh as he keeps there without moving. The bathroom is big enough so there is more than enough space for me to move around without bumping into him. I put my clothes on and ready myself. I look at him from time to time and he looks like a statue just standing there. I let out a soft laugh at how adorable he looks like that. I ruffle his hair a bit ruining his look and I laugh as he smiles knowingly.
-There you go.
I hug him tightly and he hugs me back lifting me up a bit.
Ha-Ready to go?
He puts me down and we go out.
Ha-Let's go then. Your mother will meet us there after she finish some things from work she has to pick up before going to Olympus. And I also have a surprise for you.
He smiles at me putting a finger to his lips as he takes the keys and he gets me outside to the garage. Before I can ask what's going on he covers my eyes and leads me forward. When he gets his hand away I open my eyes and I see a black motorcycle with purple, gold and silver lines.
Ha-Do you like it?
-Yes, is it yours?
Ha-Yours but not just yet. Want to try it?
-Maybe another time.
He hops on the front and turns it on.
Ha-Hop on and hold tight.
I do and he smiles as he confirms that I'm safe. He turns it around and flies off out of the building towards the workplace. Once we get there he turns it off on a parking spot that is reserved for him. We get off of the bike and we head inside. We go to the elevators and get to the very top towards Olympus. When we get there the sunset is already beginning. We head directly towards home and we get dinner cooking. Halfway through making dinner I speak up.
-Shouldn't mom be here by now?
Ha-It is getting late. Probably a lot of work. You know that when she works she loses tracks of time. But she did said it was only to......
He's interrupted by his phone ringing and he cleans his hands and answers it on speaker.
AC-Hey Hades, I'm calling because I will need Hera to stay down on Earth to help me with some work here. We have to get meetings and things done or rather she does and she has to go in person to check everything.
Ha-I understand, I figured it was something like that. Make sure she takes care of herself as well, you know she can forget about herself when she has a lot of work to do.
AC-I'll make sure she takes care. Bye for now.
He hangs up and let out a sigh.
-Aww, she'll miss you too. She'll be fine, haven't you told me before that she's capable of taking care of her own.
Ha-Yes I did. Still, is the first night we spent apart. We have been always together.
As I don't find any words to say anything I hug him.
Ha-Remember to get up early tomorrow. Go sleep, you'll need it. I'll explain the training tomorrow.
-Fine, I'll sleep early. After I eat.
He nods and gets me a bowl of food. I eat it as fast as I can and go to bed.

The next morning when I wake up I see a set of clothes already pulled out for me with a note.
-Put these on. I went for a run, with love, dad.
I look at the clothes he left for me and laugh a bit as I realize they are leather clothes. I take them and head to the bathroom. As I walk through the hallways I get the feeling that I'm being watched. I look over my shoulder and I grow more troubled as I see I'm alone. I hold the clothes tighter to my chest as I turn a corner. I shake the feeling off a bit and then as I go forward I stumble over someone that makes me fall to the floor. I rub my forehead a bit.
-Since when is there a wall there?
Ha-Not precisely a wall.
I open my eyes to see dad offering his hand to help me up.
Ha-Why were you so distracted?
I shake off the feeling I had earlier and smile at him.
-Is nothing really. Maybe I was just still sleepy.
He nods and I go forward to change clothes and then go train. When I'm ready I go out and meet him at the table to have breakfast. Which by just looking at it makes my appetite go away. I look as he eats his enthusiastically. I sit and touch mine with the spoon and make a disgusted face.
Ha-Eat it.
I roll my eyes and I take the bowl and gulp it down as fast as I can trying to not give it much thought to how it looks. I notice that it does tastes better but is hard not to be grossed about it when it looks like that. Is like eating a bag of chips while watching how an assassin strips down his victim slowly pulling out their instestines. Dismissing that thought I finish up and put the bowl down.
-My that was disgustingly tasty.
-I think I understand why you like it so much. The flavor, heavenly divine but the looks, gross.
Ha-You'll get used to it.
-Sure, whatever you say.
He takes the dishes and washes them. When he sits back down I ask.
-So, how are we going to train?
Ha-Well, we are going to focus on your aura an how to handle weapons. I saw how you fought with the sword and I studied closely your movements in the hand to hand combats. You are more efficient when you don't use your aura or any sort of weapon.
-But I thought I was getting good with my aura.
Ha-Oh you are indeed. When is only assisting you on simple things but on fighting for real, you make a lot of unnecessary movements, you're either too slow and soft or too fast and deadly. We have to find a midpoint. Come on, hand to hand combat.
We go towards the training room and he gets me in front of him.
Ha-Now, if you were to go all out on me, how would you do it?
-Wait, you want me to attack you at full force?
Ha-With killing intention. Throw to kill.
Ha-Don't worry, I'll evade it. Now show me.
I put myself in position and I flex my muscles before I throw an attack aiming directly to his heart. He moves a bit to the right and I end up hitting his arm instead and I pass forward him. He pulls me from the back of my neck's shirt and throws me on the ground. I huff in response more angry at myself than at him.
Ha-Directly to my heart, good but you left your back completely open to a counter attack. You have to always consider the possibility of a counterattack from your enemy even if he's lying on the ground in front of you.
-Yeah, I get it.
He takes off his shirt and tosses it aside as I get up. He puts himself in position to attack and I do the same.
Ha-Now the real training starts, I'll go all out and I'll show no mercy so be prepared.
-I will have no mercy.
He laughs a bit before he gets dead serious again. He blows a kick to my face and I barely evade it as I jump backwards with a flip. I land on a knee and when I look at him he's coming at me slowly. He throws a punch at me and I stop it with one hand simultaneously throwing my other hand to him to punch him and he catches it easily with his free hand. We push ourselves back freeing our hands and I take the offensive throwing a kick high aiming for his face. He stops it taking me by the ankle and flipping me over making me lose my balance. When he keeps holding me I realize I can turn this around. I make a jump putting my other foot on his chest and I pull back getting him over myself and as he lands on the floor behind me he let's go of my foot and I immediately jump far from his reach. I look as he stands up and I see a bit of blood coming down from his forehead. I point it out and when he touches and sees the blood he smiles proudly. I go forward to attack him and all the attacks and defenses seem repetitive with a couple of unexpected attacks. At some point he throws a punch to my face and I duck low throwing a punch to his stomach. We go both backwards before he comes at me with a punch that I evade going backwards as I throw a kick high towards his chin almost making it as he stops it with his other hand and pulls me towards him holding me in place. He let's me go offering a water bottle at me and taking one for himself.

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