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She turns to go to the car and I hold her by the arm pulling her close to me.
-Hold your horses. Not yet, we have to get dressed and eat breakfast first.
S-Can't we eat out?
I give her a look and she pouts but still sits down. I go to the kitchen and I turn everything on and as I start cooking slowly everyone gets seated waiting for their own dish. I notice that the twins are extremely quiet and with their heads bowed avoiding looking at me. Unaware to them I sneak with my aura behind them and I get between them. I lift my hands slowly and, I shake them. They do get a bit scared and when the moment passes, I smile hugging them both tight to me by the neck laughing. My phone rings with alarms and notifications. I turn it off and turn to the twins again.
-Do you want to see something funny?
They shrug and nod in unison and I nod determined.
                        Sora POV
I am looking at the key in my hand happy. At last I get to drive my boyfriend's convertible. He never let anyone else besides himself drive it, he rarely evens let someone go with him on it except for me that is. I am snapped out of my thoughts when he calls me.
M-Sora, look at this.
I do and as I do he whispers something and then he disappears. I am utterly surprised at that.
He becomes visible again and his smirk is malicious.
CJ-That is awesome.
AJ-How you do that?
M-I can do whatever I want just by asking for it. When I roared at you both because of the joke, I asked for the abilities of a tiger. Now, I asked for a charmeleon.
AJ-What other animals have you asked so far for? To get their abilities.
M-Let's see, I have got a lion, a spider, a gazelle, cheetah, monkey.
-He also has fire and ice breath.
M-And just how did you know that?
I smile at him.
-When you manage to fall asleep and just before you wake up you get a fire breath out or ice breath.

He gets a hand to his mouth and laughs incredibly. He's about to say something when his phone chimes. I smile as he's saved by the bell.
                 Max POV
I smile as my phone just saved me from an embarrassing situation. Is from work. I get a bit away from them. I am too focused on the call that I almost let breakfast burn.
Man-If you would be interested on doing.......
I groan as is promotion for ugly stuff and things I don't like. I roll my eyes and hang up. I put it down and as I serve the food. My phone chimes a couple more times and by the hundredth time it does I snap and taking the knife I destroy my phone entirely. I smile and I sigh.
-What, is torture.
Ka-You could have turned it off.
S-Or in silence.
Ha-You didn't had to destroy it.
-Please, is just a phone. I can get another one.
I curl the phone in a metallic ball and I throw it to the trashcan. We all finish eating breakfast and as they go to change for the pool and beach me and Sora go change to go out.
She gets some shorts that expose her long legs in a way, oh my lord, along with some knee high boots I got her when we started dating. Her shirt is a high neck sleeveless all white and it has gold sparkles. A black leather jacket on top that is only until her mid back and I get a short sleeve tight black shirt and some ripped blue jeans with some sneakers with a fire design and a jean sleeveless jacket on top of my shirt. I get my hair done to the side and I shave as she waits for me.
When I'm done she practically flies downstairs and she almost falls on the last steps if I hadn't catched her.
S-My savior.
I pull her up close for a soft kiss and I growl on her ear before letting go of her. I slide on the car and she takes the wheel. I turn to help her but she glares daggers at me and I retreat. She fixes herself a bit and she goes reverse and I am happy as she is not so savage driving. She positions the car so it goes on the right direction and she gives me a kiss very deeply.
S-I hope you enjoy.
I smile and before I know it we are speeding even faster than I had done myself. I am shocked but happy, I didn't knew she drives like this kind of speed. She drives worse than me and I turn on the music and we sing together. At a point she turns to a secluded space away from everyone.
-Is there something here that you want?
S-There is someone now.
She turns seductively to me and I get the message instantly. She jumps her seat and she turns to sit on my lap.
She sounds like she wants to say something but instead she turns to kiss me. The ecstasy makes me give a zero to thousand pulse accelerate and I gasp and turn to grab her ass very hard. Doubtful, I contain myself.
-Right here? Right now?
S-Why not here? Why not now?
I laugh and smile. She looks at me questioningly and I take a deep breath before I slide my hand behind her head to her neck and her hair and I press my lips against her neck. I suck on the skin of her neck and I feel her hands go behind my neck pulling me closer to her digging her nails in my hair and getting her chest forward and closer to mine.

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