25 Twenty-Five

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A couple of months after I'm up on the counter on the corner trying to get away from Karai's tiger who has grown big, very big. I was doing breakfast when it appeared out of nowhere.
K-Ugh, what's the problem?
-Get Ian away from me. Now, please.
K-He wouldn't hurt you. Ian, come here kitty.
Ian goes away to her side and she pets it affectionately.
-Excuse me, I believe that the tiger you're just kissing right was about to kill me and eat me.
K-He's harmless and I'm going to get him for a walk.
She takes him away and I only get down when the door closes and keeps closed for a few minutes. I fish out my phone and call Hades.
-Hades, how are you doing? How is work going on you? Oh and before I forget, happy Father's day.
Ha-<Thanks and work is almost nonexistent so is good.>
-Remember that I will pick you up. Don't cheat, Karai, she really is looking forward to surprise you so please, just do it for her.
Ha-<Fine, I can wait here. Bye, love you.>
-Bye, love you too.
I hang up and I start preparing the condo for the party. I hear Karai coming in and she gets Ian closed up on her room and help me with everything. I give a text to Hades that I wouldn't be able to pick him up that Persephone would go instead. We get everything set up for when Hades comes home. I turn off the lights as we stand away from the door and windows standing on a dark corner.
-Are you ready Karai?
K-Yes, did you make that he can't tell where the sound is coming from?
-Yes. Now let's wait, here, have the switch.
We stand there on darkness until we hear the door open. We hear as it closes again and then Hades talks.
Ha-Hello? Is anyone here or awake? Karai? My love? Are you here?
Karai puts the music with her remote and as the music starts to play she sings along while the TV plays a video of pictures of him and me and Karai when she was a bit smaller.

Karai takes a few steps towards Hades and when the song ends she hugs him tightly.
K-I love you dad, Happy Father's Day. There is also a poem.

K-Did you like it?Hades hugs her and lifts her up as he covers her in kisses and laughter

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K-Did you like it?
Hades hugs her and lifts her up as he covers her in kisses and laughter. When he puts her down I go to them and we make a group hug.
Ha-You didn't have to do this.
K-But I wanted to. Did you like it?
Ha-Yes I did. I liked how you got the video going with the pictures and all.
K-Mom, Aphrodite and Persephone helped me put it together. But the idea's founding base was all me.
We spent the rest of the night playing games and telling jokes and stories until we fall asleep against each other.

The next morning when I wake up I remember the passes I bought for Hades and Karai and myself to go for a weekend to snowboarding and other extreme snow sports. I nudge them awake as I take the tickets from the table.
-Hades, Karai, wake up. There is something I forgot to give you. Both.
They awake and I give them each their snow pass.
K-Ugh, dad, do you want to hear a bad joke?
Ha-Sure, why not?
K-How do you know Chimera, Hydra, Typhoon and Medusa are on the roof?
K-Because you can hear everyone shouting, monster high, monster high, monster high.
We all laugh softly at Karai's joke before we get up and start packing for the trip. We all go to the airport and I sleep all the flight there. When we land I throw up a bit on the little bags they hand out for everyone and when we get out of the plane I throw up again.
Ha-Easy there, I had no idea you get dizzy on planes.
-Worst thing ever. I hate flying. Give me one or two hours and I will be good as new.
I wash my face and we all go to our own little cabin at the top of the mountain. Karai drops her bags and stretches her hands over her head.
K-Ah, the air here is so pure and natural. I can't wait until we get down that mountain on our snowboards with the wind on my face.
Ha-You'll have to wait until after after we get the safety meeting that they do every time they enter new arrivals, come on, is only five minutes away, ten if you daydream.
Karai sighs but she still comes with us to the safety meeting. The meeting last about two hours before they dismiss us to our cabins for the night.
We go back to ours and Karai is quick to claim the room with the best view of the mountain. We all change clothes and meet back down on the living room by the fire. We get hot chocolate with smurfs and toasted marshmallows.
Ha-Pass me that bag over there.
K-The small ones or the big ones.
Karai gives him both bags and Hades takes a two big ones and puts one on the fire and one on the hot chocolate and four small ones at the side of the big one on the hot chocolate. He flips the one on the fire before he takes it and eats it. The rest of the night we spend it planning what to do and in which order do the activities there. There is not much planning per se but we track the time with the best routes and the safe points. When we are done we go to sleep.

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