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After a bit Yuki is taken away to give her the shots so she's protected from sickness and so. A nurse comes in and she takes both Karai and me out from the transfusion. Since she's better now there is no need for more. I try to stand but I have to sit down again as I get lightheaded and a bit dizzy. We are both fed to get better and not long after the young siblings come crashing in.
Ka, N & C-Karai!
Ka-Are you fine?
N-How do you feel?
C-Are you alright?
They keep hovering checking her to make sure she's fine and I cover my mouth hiding a smirk as they keep asking her nonstop.
They go silent as she pushes them back with her aura. She sighs before she smiles.
K-I am fine, really. No need to worry.
We are both amazed at that. I chuckle and she laughs hard covering her mouth with both hands. When she manages to calm down she turns to me.
K-Are you sure we are related?
-I'm starting to doubt it.
K-Come here you.
She pulls each of them one by one giving them a hug and a kiss. They seem calmer now. Her brothers sit at each side of her and Nova sits in front.
They all turn to Hydra and he blushes a bit realizing what just happened. They turn back to Karai and she nods confirming the name. After a bit they bring her again and Karai takes her once more.

                    Karai POVI take my newborn baby again and she opens her eyes giggling happily at me

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                    Karai POV
I take my newborn baby again and she opens her eyes giggling happily at me. I take her little hand and she takes it to her mouth her eyes open wide as she explores the new faces that are here. Calix stays seated with Karma but Nova wants to hold her.
N-Such a cutie.
N-Can I charge her?
-Sure, after dad.
I look at dad as he sleeps quietly in a corner. She pouts but accepts it nonetheless.
-You can sing her a lullaby if that makes you feel better.
She nods thinking of a good lullaby.
N-Deep in the meadow, under the willow, a soft green pillow, a bed of grass, lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes, and when again the open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe, here it's warm. Here the daisies guard you from every harm, here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true.
She looks at me and I finish the song.
-Here is the place where I love you.
Yuki giggles happily in my arms and we both laugh at that.
After a bit dad wakes up and I pass it to him when I'm sure he's awake.
-Hold her.
He does taking her with caution. She giggles happy reaching out for him with her aura. He laughs a bit.
Ha-She will be a handful.
-No doubt about it.

Five years later
I am going for a family reunion at Nova's place with all of our family and I am flying with Yuki at my side. I hold her tight by the hand. We fly slowly and Hydra is close below us. She really likes to be up here with me. She might not be able to fly just yet but she likes to think she does.
Y-Mommy look! I can fly.
I smile as she tries to get higher and faster. That's my cue to grab her back. I hold her tight to my chest and go to Hydra's side. He takes her on his arms and she laughs happy.
Y-Daddy did you see me? I was flying up high.
Hy-I did, you are good. Pipsqueak.
I laugh as she calls him by her favorite name for him. She got the idea when a pack of sugar cubes fell on his head one morning. She laughed hard and she was getting each from the floor repeating the word over and over again. Since then she calls him like that and he calls her pipsqueak. She hugs him tight by the neck and he gives her a kiss on the back of her head before he gets her on his shoulders. She grabs a fist of his hair tight.
Y-Faster, faster, faster.
She stops pulling and gets her hands on his forehead resting her little body against the top of his head. She only cheers up when we get there. He gets her down on the floor and she rushes to the door not bothering in knocking.
She laughs happy as she runs directly towards her oldest cousins.
Y-Do a magic trick. Do it, do it, do it.
They look at me and I nod. They are definitely her favorite cousins. I see as they both get a hand of hers. AJ puts a coin in it and he blows, then CJ opens her other hand and shows her the same coin. She giggles happy.
Y-That is so cool.
She takes AJ's glasses and she gets them on playing around.
AJ-Hey, give them back.
Y-Do they really work?
CJ-He really needs them.
She gives them back and CJ takes her up on his arm. He gets her to the living room where everyone else is. She waves at them before she turns to herself again. Not long after she wants to be put down. He does and she runs around the house looking at everything with curiosity. When she turns to a decoration that seems expensive she stops, her hands behind her back as she looks at it closely. She reaches out for it and I see as Nova stops her.
N-No touching. Is my favorite one.
She shrugs and she jumps on dad's lap making him squirm a bit.
Ha-Heavy child.
Y-Not heavy, do you have candy?
He looks at me and I negate with my head. He turns to his pocket and gets out a bag with a cookie. She reaches out for it and he gets it away.
Ha-Who says is for you?
She makes a sad face making everyone laugh at her expression. He ruffles her hair a bit before he gives her the cookie. She brightens up a bit taking it from the bag and she breaks it in half.
Y-Thank you.
She slaps half of the cookie on his mouth. He gulps it down.
Ha-So like your mother.
-Hey! I am not like that.
Ha-Of course you're not.
Hy-You were worse.
-Et tu Hydra?
He shrugs and after a bit Yuki is running around again. Her little wings flapping a bit and she jumps trying to fly even higher. After a couple tries she takes both AJ and CJ outside to play with her.
-Don't get too crazy with her you two.
CJ-When do we act crazy?
I give him a look.
AJ-Don't worry, she'll be fine.
CJ-We'll be educated, poor frail damsel in distress.
Y-Come on, you have to kidnap me si he can rescue me.
I laugh and let them go play around. Dad turns to me.
Ha-Are they safe?
-They know better than to try and hurt her.
With that we all turn to eat an expensive snack.
-Mmm, caviar, how I missed you.
I take bites of it softly. By the time I finish as I go get another one I hear a noise and a cry.
I put the dish down and I rush out to where Yuki is on the floor. She is on her knees on the floor holding her hand with tears on her eyes.
-Yuki! What happened?
Y-It hurts.
She sniffs and I get her up on my arms. She has a scratch on her knee and her wrist is twisted. The twins come down from where they were.
AJ-We're sorry.
CJ-We thought she could.
They stand in silence and as I turn to go Hydra comes and when he sees Yuki hurt he turns to the twins.
Hy-What happened?
AJ-She was supposed to fly.
CJ-She said she practiced.
Hy-She's only a child! What were you thinking? She could been hurt worse than that!
As he continues his lecture to the twins I get a first aid kit and clean her wounds.
-There you go, clean and nice. Now, let me see that hand.
She hesitates but shows me sniffing. I give her a kiss and gently stroke it as she calms down a bit. I bandage it a bit and get a bit of ice on it so it doesn't get worse. She gets tears on her eyes but she puts on a brave act. When I finish she sits on my lap.
-You're so brave. But you have to be careful.
Hydra comes in and he gives her his best smile. She sticks her tongue out at him and he laughs.
Y-Don't punish them, it was my idea. I thought I could fly as high as mom.
She puts a hand on my wings and I give her a crushing hug and a kiss.
-Oh baby, you'll get it someday. In due time. Don't worry.
I get her to sleep a bit and we all take to eat again. She wakes up a bit and I offer her a piece of sushi. She takes it hesitantly but after she eats it she takes a dish full of them. I turn to take one and she takes them away.
I turn away miming a hurting heart and she gives me half of one. I eat it patting her head and she goes away to eat the others by herself. I take some caviar instead but before I can even start eating someone pulls my jacket. I turn to see Yuki with her food now empty.
-Done already?
Y-More please.
-They're over.
I lift her over so she can see. Her face turns sad but then it brightens up. I put her down and I see her hover by Chimera's plate. She looks at his sushi hungrily. She pulls on him getting his attention.
Ch-Hey. Is something wrong?
She points at the plate and he lifts her up. She eats it happy.
Ch-Poor sushi.
She gets down from him when she finishes the sushi.
Y-Thank you.
With that she runs off to play a bit with her toys.
-Sorry Chimera.
Ch-Don't be. Is fine really. Is not the only food here.
He says that grabbing a bite of caviar for himself. I smile letting it go.
After an hour or so I hear Yuki calling me. She comes to me holding something on her hand.
Y-Mommy look what I found.
-What did you found baby?
She puts a bloody spider on the table and both CJ and Nova jump scared.
N & CJ-Ahh!
N-Take it away.
Y-Is just a spider.
N-A nasty one.
She pokes the spider a bit and some blood pours out. She giggles a bit amused and CJ passes out. We all turn a bit surprised. AJ helps his brother up again.
Ha-Did he just?
AJ-He is afraid of blood.
C-Since when?
He points to his scar.
AJ-Ever since Zeus got me this scar.
Y-Really? Are you afraid of something too?
-Probably. Who knows. What are you afraid of?
She shrugs poking at the spider still.
Y-Is it dead?
I look at the spider.
Y-Then why doesn't it moves?
-Maybe is sleeping or maybe I'm wrong. Come on, let's get it away.
She turns to take it but suddenly the spider jumps on her face and she shrieks jumping back. We laugh as her expression turns with a couple of tears on her eyes. I take it on my hand and she gets away from me. She turns behind dad and he lifts her up.
Ha-Did the spider scared you?
Y-It jumped.
I throw it away and I wash my hands before I go to her again. She sobs quietly on dad's shoulder.
Y-Auntie was right, it is nasty.
We all laugh at that before she wants to get down. She pokes me.
Y-Where is dad?
-Sleeping probably.
She smiles and she pulls me down whispering in my ear.
Y-Can I borrow your phone?
I give it to her and she looks for something on the phone. She goes to where Hydra is sleeping.

To be continued.............
Give credit to Pikachu904726 for making such an awesome character, Yuki, and for the event where she tried to fly. If you have an idea comment it. What it is and for what character. You can be as detailed as you want. I don't mind it at all.

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