11 Eleven

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The next morning I wake up with the sunrise. I look at Hades at my side and I smile at the sight. I slip out of bed and I go check on Karai. When I get there she's not on her bed and I on instinct and instantly awake and alert I call for Hades.
He appears at my side in a second and I look at him.
-Karai's gone, I can't find her.
He frowns and he inspects the room three times checking even the tiniest crack and hole before he takes my hand and we look in our room, then the living room, the bathrooms and the kitchen.
-She can't be outside. We go to our room to get dressed when Hades's phone rings.
Ha-Yes?......No, I can't come over, I have something more urgent that requires my attention...............How did that happen?........I'm on my way there.
He hangs up and I look at him expectantly.
Ha-Aphrodite and Karai, they're together.
-She took her?
Ha-No, apparently, Karai went to her on her own.
I freeze in place and look at him in shock.
Ha-My thoughts exactly. Now let's go and get her back home.
I nod and we go to Aphrodite's home. Hades knocks and we hear a couple noises inside before the door opens to reveal an unattended Aphrodite.
Aphrodite-Save me.
Hades and I look at each other confused as she let's us enter her house. I look around frantically for Karai until I hear her from the guest room. I go there and I see her trying to reach some makeup on Aphrodite's bed. I sigh in relief and I softly walk to her and call her.
She turns to look at me and she smiles brightly before she turns completely to me. I pick her up on my arms and take comfort in her presence.
I turn and I see Hades standing behind me. I smile back at him as he takes her on his arms. He gives her a kiss on the forehead before he moves to hug her tightly. I let out a sigh and I relax a bit.
Ha-What are you thinking about?
-I was thinking, if she wanders off like this without walking what would she do when she learns to walk.
He thinks about it for a moment before he shakes his head and we head home together.

A couple days pass and Karai doesn't wanders off again. We're on the kitchen and I'm sitting at the table playing with Karai as Hades makes lunch for the three of us. Now she can stand without support and although she stands she keeps still in place and don't walks off. She eithers asks to be picked up or walks on all four limbs. I've been trying to get her to walk for a while now but she doesn't do it. I turn to put some music from my phone when I hear Karai speak.
Ha-My love, look at this.
I look and I'm surprised to see that he's on his knees with his arms stretched out halfway to Karai expectantly and I see as Karai walks slowly towards him. She gives each step shaking a bit. When she reaches Hades she almost falls but Hades caughts her and lifts her up laughing loudly and proudly. He puts her back down and lead her to walk towards me. She gets to me and she holds to the chair jumping excitedly.
-You did it. Yay, ah, come here you.
I take her and sit her on my lap and we spent a wonderful day together.

Four Years Later
I'm trying to get Karai to keep still so I can do her hair when Hades comes into the room.
Ha-You're still not ready?
-She doesn't stays still so I can make her hair.
Karai laughs innocently and Hades comes and gets to her eyes level bending down with his hands on his knees. He gives her a kiss on the forehead and in a calm gentle voice he speaks.
Ha-Stay still and let mommy do your hair. Promise me that you will.
Karai smiles and pulls out her pinky for him.
K-Pinky promise.
Ha-Pinky promise.
-Thank you.
Ha-You're welcome.
He gives me a kiss before I turn to do her hair for the last time. When I finish she looks spectacular. She stands and she storms off to meet her father outside.
-Slow down or you're going to fall and hurt yourself.
She keeps running but I hear her screaming her answer to me.
K-Yes mom.
I save the things and I take my bag and go behind her laughing. I reach them and Karai is jumping for her father to charge her.
K-Please, come on, just a bit, daddy?
Ha-Maybe, fine but just a bit.
He lifts her up and he puts her upside down over his shoulder and she laughs asking for more.
-Hades, you're going to ruin her hair and it took me a long time to do it.
He puts her down slowly and Karai gives him a kiss.
K-Love you.
Ha-Love you too. You both ready to go?
We nod and we walk to the gate with our hands linked together. At some moments we swing Karai front and back lifting her up before she puts her feet down again and starts walking. On our ride down to earth my phone starts ringing. I pick up a bit annoyed.
-Yes?........Hey, Josh, how you doing?.....We're good, in fact, she's right here at my side. Do you want to speak with her?.........Okay. Karai, uncle Josh wants to speak with you. Say hi to him.
She takes the phone from me and she looks at Josh in the phone.
Josh-Hey, how's the little princess doing?
K-I'm fine. I miss you and thanks for the teddy bear, so cute.
Josh-That's what I do, the best for the best niece ever. By the way, you look radiant.
K-Thank you. Mom did it for me.
Josh-Did she now? How does hers look?
K-I look better.
We all laugh at that and I know that she was just joking.
Josh-Get me back to your mom.
She hands me the phone and after a few exchange of words I hang up. I save it on the pocket of my leather jacket and just then we finally reach earth.
Ha-Don't run off.
-And keep where we can see you.
K-Yes mom, yes dad. I know.
The doors slide open and we get out on the agency's lobby. Karai walks a bit fast and after a few paces she bumps into someone.
K-Ouch. I'm sorry.
Alex-Oh, don't worry child. We're not mad, where are your mommy and daddy?
K-Mommy, daddy. Um, hi, I'm Karai.
Alex-Karai? Then your parents are.....
Alex looks at us and they smile gently as they stretch out a hand to Hades and then to me but I hug them instead.
-Alex, is been far too long since the last time we saw each other.
Alex-Since you told us you were going to be a mom. How long has it been?
-Five years.
Karai holds my hand and Alex turns to her looking at her closely.
Alex-Is this your child?
-Yes, her name's Karai.
Alex-Hi Karai, how are you?
She holds my hand tighter and she pulls my arm a bit.
K-Mommy, daddy, who are they?
Alex-Oh, where are my manners? I'm Alex, Alex Cyprin, a coworker and friend of both your mom and dad. They tell me what to do.
K-Like they do to me?
Alex-Kind of. How are you?
K-I'm fine. You?
Alex-I'm fine thanks for asking. It was nice meeting you, see you some other time, I have to go work. Handshake?
Alex offers their hand and Karai slowly shakes it before she lets go and with that we bid farewell to each other and continue our way. While walking through the crowded streets we pass an ice cream vendor and Karai asks for one to her dad.
K-Uh, daddy, can I have one? Can I? Can I? Can I? Please say yes.
Ha-Fine but only one.
He goes to the vendor and asks.
Ha-Excuse me, what flavor do you have?
Vendor-We have the typical vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors and a very special one for today only, lime flavored so please, pick your flavor.
K-Can it has two flavors?
Hades looks at the vendor and he smiles widely.
Vendor-What flavors do you want?
K-Vanilla and strawberry.
He takes out two different ways to serve the ice cream.
Vendor-Wich one would the little lady want her ice cream on?
K-This one.
Vendor-You got it. Here you go. Enjoy.
K-Thank you.
The vendor makes a bow as he takes off his hat and smiles at her.
Vendor-You're welcome little miss. Have a nice day.
Hades pays for the ice cream and we go off. When we reach Cerberus house as soon as Karai sees it she lets go of our hands and runs off to the door. She knocks at the door loudly enough so they can hear it on the other side.
We reach her side and Hades knocks strongly on the door. We hear the familiar thunderous steps of Cerberus and Karai looks at us a bit scared.
-Don't worry, that means he's excited to meet us.
Karai smiles widely and turns to the door again satisfied. The door opens and we see Cerberus half dressed and with his toothbrush on his mouth and a sandwich on the hand. He smiles and makes us to go inside. We do and we sit on the couch.
Ha-You forgot about it.
C-No, I woke up late. And everything's on a hurry and.....
-Cerberus. Slow down, we can wait a bit more.
I stand and turn him to finish preparing as I speak.
-Now, finish preparing, the sooner you prepare the sooner you end and the sooner we can go.
He nods and runs to the bathroom to finish preparing after giving me his sandwich. I put the sandwich on a plate and sit back down.
-I hope he doesn't takes too long.
Ha-He will take his time.
I groan getting my head back when I feel something on my legs and then.
I look down again and I see Karai sitting on my lap. I smile at her as she looks at me adoringly.
-Hi. When did you got heavier?
K-I'm not heavy.
-I didn't.....
Ha-She means your heavier than you were before but not heavy she can't hold you.
Karai thinks a bit about it before she speaks up.
K-So, you don't charge me as much because I'm not as small as I was when I was a baby.
Ha-So smart.
-Just like her father.
Hades clears his throat and Karai rest on my chest laughing softly. We are interrupted by Cerberus yelling madly from his room.
C-Where? I know I put it here.
Ha-What are you looking for?
C-My shirt, the one I got out for today.
Ha-Why don't you use another one?
C-Let me check the kitchen and if is not there I'll get another one. Just in case, is white with red stripes.
He goes to the kitchen and I see a piece of clothes hanging on top of the closet door. I point it out to Hades.
-Could it be that one?
He takes it with his aura and looks at it before calling Cerberus.
Ha-Cerberus, is over here.
Cerberus enters the room and with a sigh of relief he takes the shirt and slides it on.
C-Thank the gods. There, I'm ready.
K-Mommy, is uncle Josh going to be there too?
-No, sorry baby, but he wishes you to have a happy day and will try to come next time.
She nods and I get her off of my lap and we go out once more. Cerberus locks the door and we head off to Astoria park for our picnic.

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