47 Forty Seven-Riding a Ducati

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When we get there as promised we are given VIP passes and we are taken to the pits where we find Nova helping Karma with his suit which is white with golden details. We see as Nova places her hands on his face and makes their foreheads touch.
Staff-Five minutes to get in place.
N-Take care. Be safe. Win.
Ka-I will, with you in my heart and your support, nothing can go wrong.
Staff-Three minutes to get in place.
N-Go, get the mask up an around and your gloves. Helmet. Ready?
He gets his thumbs up at her and he makes as if he's blowing a kiss to her.
Staff-One minute to get in place.
He rushes to his place and they start the countdown to start the race. They
begin the race and we hear all the bikes passing by and I go towards Nova and I put a hand on her shoulder.
N-Not really, a bit tense but not worried.
Ha-Wich one is him?
N-The one that is completely white with the number two. Is the black bike with golden stripes.
Ha-Does he have to win?
N-On this part he has to get to the top ten before the first refill and driver switch. He made it, he's on tenth place. Now the hard part that is keeping it. Second driver, get ready for switch.
Staff-Second driver has a minute to get ready.
Driver-I'm ready.
N-Here he comes.
She gets Karma out of the bike and to a bed and she takes his helmet off and the mask and he also gets the jacket off and they insert an injection on him and he is put a towel and a bag of ice on his forehead to cool down.
N-You did good, rest and get your energy back for when you go again.
He nods and he closes his eyes and Nova turns her focus back to the race and after five minutes she goes with Karma again and gets him ready.
N-How do you feel? Ready to go?
She takes the injection off and he gets the mask on and his jacket on again and he stops short and gets the mask off again and he gives a kiss to Karai and me and a hug to Hades before he gives a kiss to Nova on the forehead before he gets his mask backs on and then he gets his helmet. The second driver stops and Karma has to help him off the bike as Nova is still in shock for the kiss. Is not until after he goes off back to the race that she wakes up and she gets the second driver the treatment he needs before she turns back to the race. She sees as he goes up to fifth place and on the last turn he falls to sixth place and all the way back to ninth place and when he gets to the pits and I see as he gets down from the bike like a beast and he goes all the way back to the bed and Nova turns to him and she calls his attention a bit mad.
N-Karma, hey look at me.
Ka-I messed up. I got to the top ten, he maintained to six and I got to five and then I don't know what happened but I went down to nine again.
N-You have still to go two more times before the race is over. Here, have some water.
Karma drinks half the bottle in two sips and he gives it back to Nova.
N-Aren't you thirsty?
Ka-Is hot outside.
Staff-Driver exchange in thirty seconds.
They get ready and the exchange occurs as usual and just as they are going to give him the treatment he starts having a panic attack and Nova gets to the radio.
N-Emergency on pit number two, repeat emergency on two. Driver incapacitated.
They forbid the second driver to ride as they sedate him.
Staff-Second driver is out, we're allowing the first driver to keep riding as long as he makes the stop.
She nods and she gets a water bottle and a towel as the exchange is about to happen and he stops and he takes the helmet off and she gives him the water and explains the situation to him.
N-You have to do his drive as well as yours, he can't drive anymore. Can you do it?
Ka-Piece of cake.
N-This is serious Karma. You still have to make the stop if you want to keep on the race. No stopping means getting disqualified. Now go and win this thing.
He puts the mask and the helmet on and goes back to the race. He gets to the top three and five for a while before he has to come back and he gets refreshed and goes back to the race. He makes the stops diligently and I see as Nova starts pacing the room from side to side as she waits for him to make the last stop for exchange before the last part. He stops and he takes the things off and he turns down the drink getting it from her and he takes the straw off and drinks it directly from the bottle emptying it almost fully and he gets the towel and get it wet and he passes it through his face and by the back of his neck getting refreshed. He gives the bottle back to her and puts the mask and the helmet on.
N-Last round, go win.
He cracks his knuckles and stretches his limbs before he goes back to the race. On the last lap I see as Nova's smiles disappears.
-Hey, what's wrong? He's on first place, isn't he?
N-Yes but, something's wrong. Very wrong.
Just as she finishes speaking he crosses the finish line winning the race but then the unthinkable happens. He goes straights for the wall and he's sent flying from the bike landing hard against the cement and he doesn't move. Nova jumps the fence and runs all the way there.
N-Karma, Karma.
She takes his helmet off and she checks for pulse and she turns to us and the team.
N-He's alive but he's not breathing.
She delivers CPR to him right there and at the third time he starts coughing a bit of water and she hugs him crying.
N-Oh, thank the heavens.
She looks at him and he's still a bit disoriented and spaced out and when he gets back to his senses he turns frantic.
Ka-Did I won? Where's the bike? Is the bike fine?
N-Woah easy, the bike's just fine and about winning, I haven't asked. Can you stand?
She helps him up and he smiles and waves at the crowd cheerfully letting them know he's fine. They go towards the prize award and they announce the third place and the second place and then as they go for the first place.
Staff-And on first place, driving a Ducati, the white racer, number two, give a round of applause for Karma. Come on up boy. How old are you?
Staff-Young, pretty young. How did you felt when you were told that you had to do your parts and your partner's as well.
Staff-And how did you felt when you crossed the finish line as first place?
Ka-Honestly, I think I was already unconscious before crossing the line.
Staff-Then before the race was over, what was your last thought? What were you thinking?
Ka-That I had to win.
Staff-You have a lot of energy and endurance to ride almost all the race by yourself. Is there someone you want to share this victory with?
He looks at Nova and he stretches out a hand for her to take and he gets her up by his side.
Ka-With her, for her, to her.
Staff-The lifesaver, is she your girlfriend?
Ka-She's my twin sister.
Staff-Sorry, then, I think this is yours.
They give them the trophy and a medal for him and they give her a bouquet of flowers before they dismiss them all. We go back to the pits and Karma drops on the bed tired from all the racing. Nova sits at his side and plays with his hair.
N-You won, but you also crashed don't ever scare me like that again. You big idiot.
She gives him a hard pat on the chest and he laughs a bit.
Ka-Sorry, I didn't mean to.
Ha-Nova, Karma, they're going to get the replay of the crash and the award.
Ka-Cool, let's see how I look.
We all look to the TV and I get the volume up to listen.
TV-And now we are seeing as number two wins the race with his Ducati but he is not celebrating his victory and he crashes to the wall sending him flying and now we see the staff running towards him to check him. Oh my, is that lady, I don't believe it, the lady is giving him CPR. And he wakes up and he walks away unharmed and he waves to the crowd smiling. Ladies and gentlemen, the driver is well and unharmed. That is a resistant driver. Driving that long and surviving a crash unharmed, I'm amazed at......
Karma turns off the TV and let's out a sigh. He turns to Nova and he smiles at her lovingly.
Ka-Thank you, for saving me.
N-It was nothing, here I got you a gift for winning.
She goes to a fridge and she searches through the racks until she finds it. She takes it out and shows it to him and his eyes light up when he sees it.
Ka-You're kidding me. Is that really for me?
N-You better believe it. Catch.
She throws it to him and he catches it with ease.
Ka-Best sister ever. Where's the other rider?
N-They got him to a proper hospital to treat him properly. He will be back for his clothes.
Ka-That reminds me, can I change to my own clothes?
N-Not yet, you have to do an interview and some things with your partner or alone if he can't but someone has to do it.
N-Well, you won so you're the last one to be interviewed.
Ka-Do I have time for a nap?
She checks the time and nods.
N-Yes, you'll need your energy. Take your nap.
He smiles and with a big gulp he drinks the rest of his drink and he takes the little towel and he unfolds it over his face and he crosses his arms over his chest and we leave him to rest. Nova orders something by the phone and about thirty minutes later there's a knock on the door. She opens it and someone enters with a cart with four dishes of food and she smiles at us as she takes hers.
N-For you. Eat freely. I got the same for dad and Karai because I know mom loves spicy food so there you have it.
We eat and we joke around recalling events on the race.
Ha-When did you learned how to do all this?
N-Watching. Monkey see, monkey do.
We laugh at that before we speak again.
K-It was pretty cool when he did the turns. He got pretty close to the ground.
N-That's why he got amongst the first ten so fast. The more horizontally you take the turn, the faster you go.
-Are you going to participate in a sport as well?
N-Yes, maybe skating but I'm still not sure.
Staff-Get ready for the interview in five minutes.
N-Time for sleeping beauty to wake up.
She turns and goes towards Karma and she shakes him awake.
N-Karma, wake up.
N-The interview.
He wakes up totally and he stretches out yawning.
Staff-One minute for the interview.
They nod at each other and as he goes out to get the interview he stops and turns around and he takes Nova with him. The interview starts and I see as they ask him lots of questions not giving him time to answer any until he lifts a hand stopping them.
Ka-Am I going to get a chance to answer?
Everyone laughs but he answers all the questions as naturally as possible.
Ka-Well then, the answers to your questions. I'm Karma and she's my partner and twin sister Nova. We love to do sports where you go to the limits. Sixteen years old and the reason I say sports in plural is because we can't get enough with only one so we always do something different each time.
Staff-Have you done this before? Riding a bike.
Ka-No, I only watch them from afar and that's why I entered the race.
Staff-A rookie, you have potential. Now, does it bother you both if we ask her some questions?
They look at each other before they nod in approval.
N-Ask ahead, one at a time.
Karma chuckles a bit and they turn to her and ask.
Staff-I think we all want to know how did you felt when he crashed and didn't moved. We saw you as you were the first to get to him.
N-Well, on the last lap just before crossing the finish line. I noticed something was wrong and I got even more worried when he didn't slow down or celebrated or anything and when he crashed, my only thought was for him to be fine. I got pretty relieved when he woke up asking for the bike and the race and not himself instead.
Ka-Because I was fine.
After a few more questions they come back to the pits looking more exhausted than ever.

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