157-Family Meet Sora

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Shortly before I arrive to Sora's house I stop on a flower shop. I get some roses, white, blue and red ones. I take them in a very beautiful bouquet and I pay for them. I keep on my way to her house.
Shortly after I am at my girlfriend's house and I knock on her door. She opens with only a shirt and panties on and I get nervous to see her like that.
S-Well, don't just stand there, come on in.
She takes the bag from me and takes my hand pulling me inside. I give her the flowers and her smile is so genuine and bright that I get even more nervous. I watch as she puts them in water and she comes back to me giving me a nice kiss.
S-You look good.
-You are divine.
I turn to kiss her, I get back when I feel a sweet scent.
-Is that strawberries?
S-You like it?
-You were using it the day we met. Is amazing when I kiss you but is even better when you get those flavored lip gloss. I could eat you.
S-Then why aren't you?
I laugh and I get her up and against the wall and I start kissing her with desperate passion. She does it as well grabbing my hair by the long part and I turn to kiss her neck softly and careful not to leave any marks. I take a couple steps back and before I know it we fall together against the couch of the living room.
-Are you fine?
S-Yes, you?
We turn to laugh and we end up in a battle of tickling which I to her luck, lose.
-Stop, I give up, you win.
S-I got this amazing movie, is new and I've been dying it watch it.
-You say I obey. Your my master and I'm your slave.
S-He, you're so cute. She takes the shirt off and she turns to me getting herself on top of me.

 She takes the shirt off and she turns to me getting herself on top of me

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I laugh in a roar as I get my hands on her hips. The look on her eyes is a wild fire.
-So you want to be the dominant one today?
S-You are my slave, you said so yourself. Now be a good boy and keep this hands to yourself.
She gets my hands away and she cuffs me with puffy cuffs. She blindfolds me and I smile devilishly. I feel her breath on my chest and then on my neck. She gets her hands on my shoulders towards my abs and I groan at the softness of her touch.
S-You like that my little slave?
I moan a little before I answer.
-Yes, I like it very much. Master.
She kisses my neck sucking on it a bit and I bite my lip suppressing a scream. She blows on the back of my neck.
S-Hehe. I bet you want to touch me now.
-Can I?
I get my answer when she reaches out for my hands and unchains me. She takes the blindfold off of me and I roar playfully. She makes a defensive position teasing me and I laugh a bit before I get her against the floor holding her arms above her head and I start by kissing her belly. She moans twisting her sides a bit under the touch.
I laugh and look at her.
-Are oyu saying more in Spanish or just saying my name?
S-Name, is your naahahah...........
I laugh as I work my way up by her torso leaving a trail of kisses on her. By the time I reach the base of her neck she's begging for mercy. I start to get excited as I can hear her heart beats fast, loud and with love. I let myself get a bit carried away and I turn to bite her neck. After a bit she pushes me away with a knee on my gut. I turn away and the sudden awakening makes me realize I lost control of my powers. I know because is the same feeling I get when I'm extremely angry or afraid or similar.
-Sorry, I got carried away.
She comes to me and she sits on my lap taking my face on her hands. She gives me soft kisses until I smile and we turn to actually watch the movie. She gets the snacks and I get the blankets and pillows. We cuddle together and we fall asleep right there.
The next morning as we prepare she asks me what should she wear to meet them. She is nervous.
S-What color should I wear? Innocent white or flirty pink or formal black?
I look at the dresses closely and I get her a casual white dress with red polka dots.
-This one?
S-I want to impress them a bit not look fragile.
-Well, you are as pure as the white snow and the red dots represent your strawberry flavored lips.
I give her a short kiss and she visibly melts letting out a shudder. I laugh and we keep dressing to go. As I take her out I open the door of the car for her and she like a princess gets in. I get in as well and I press a kiss on her lips with devouring passion. I step back and I turn on the car.
S-Can you turn on the radio? With my favorite ones that are not yours.
-Your wish, is my command.
I turn on the radio and connect her music to it. She starts tapping and I sing along with her. We turn it to the highest volume and we sing together.

All about that bass/Despacito.

By the time we get there we already got the songs twice and a half times. I get the ceiling of the car on and turn the music down.
-We're here.
S-Wow, is huge.
I shrug and I turn off the car. I turn to kiss her. She kisses me back.
-Ready to meet my crazy family?
S-Yes. I'm a bit nervous. How many are in your family?
-Twelve. One is younger than me.
S-Anything I should know so I don't say anything insulting.
-The twins are pranksters, beware, my sisters and cousin will judge the clothes, let them. My aunts are fun and their husbands are fun. My uncle is blind, he's the parent of the twins and my dad is the twin of a sister, he will either be jealous of you or like you a lot. My grandma will stay by grandpa's side, he is serious but he's not as scary as he seems.
S-That is a lot to take in.
-Breathe in and out, inhale and exhale. I'll get the door for you.
I give her a quick kiss before I get out and I walk over to her side. I open the door for her and offer my hand. She takes it and gets out slowly. She turns a bit insecure and I hug her comfortingly.
S-Will they like me?
-Don't worry, it will work out.
S-What if they don't like me or do I have to act certain way with them?
-Just be yourself. They will like you and if they don't, that's their problem, after all, is me who has to like you not them.
I smirk sideways at her and she hugs me tightly. I take her hand on mine linking our fingers together. We enter the house and is silent. The rooms are empty and I am confused until I hear them from the pool outside. I sense all of them over there and I take her there. She stays hidden for a moment.
-I'm back.
CJ-So, where is the girlfriend?
I turn a bit backwards and I offer her a hand. She sticks close to me hiding herself behind me.
-Family, Sora, Sora, family.
She speaks in a squeak waving shily at them.
AJ-Why don't you come in with us? Play ball or Frisbee.
-Or maybe.
I take her up in my arms and menace to throw her to the pool. She panicks a bit and I start laughing. I put her down and she takes my hand blushing hard.
Ka-Max, that was not nice.
-She likes it but I like it more when she doesn't want to.
-I get it, there is no need for all to lecture me.
I turn to Sora again and kiss the back of her hand.
-Forgive me?
She nods and I take her in a hug lifting her up. She whispers on my ear.
S-Can I try the pool? In a swimsuit.
-Lucky you I came prepared. We'll be right back. Does any of you ladies want something?
B, Z & D-Orange juice.
N & K-Beer.
I nod and I get Sora on my arms and run back to the house. I get her the swimsuit I got for her specifically for this event. I get the snacks the ladies asked for and she helps me with charging her own drink. We go back down and I get them in the order they were born. They each get me a hug and a kiss and I fist bump the guys. I go back to Sora and I point to the top of the rock.
-I'm going to jump.
S-Be careful baby.
I nod and I get up and go to the twins. They agree to jump with me but they go first.
AJ & CJ-Twin cannonball!
They jump together and after they move out of the way I jump as well.
-To the max!
I jump and I get straight in. I hold my breath for a bit before going back out. I locate Sora looking at the sky and I get myself so only my eyes are looking where I'm going. They notice my intentions since they go quiet. I look at her and I reach out and pull ehr in the water with me. She shrieks and she splashes me.
S-You scared me.
The twins jump on top of me from each side and they treat me to couple jokes. She giggles a bit and I look at her feeling betrayed.
CJ-Max and Sora, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
-Get a life!
AJ-Our life is pranking others.
CJ-And you got the deal!
They bother me a bit more and I feel my fangs and claws grow. I get a bit scared but Sora's voice calms me down.
I stop moving and like so the twins go away. I turn to float on the water and she waves at me from the border. Someone calls me over.
Ch-Max, want to play a friendly game of ball?
-Who against who?
Ch-You and me against the twins.
-With aura or without aura?
Ch-With but I may not use it.
I get up and I get Sora for a good luck kiss. I go with the guys and stretching my arms and legs with a few jumps on place. I get the first turn and I hit it with the strength of a tiger. I score a point almost too fast. After that the game is hard and pretty even between us. Still, it ends up in me winning. I celebrate in silence and I throw them a look as they turn to do another thing. Chimera goes to Nova and I go to Sora.
-Do I get a prize?
S-Depends. On what you do next.
I take that as a challenge and I get her on my back. I whisper to get a monkey's ability and I climb to the trees. We laugh as we go and I take her to the beach on the other side. When we get there I let her open her eyes at last.
-You van open your eyes now.
She does and she's strucked by the sight.

To be continued..............

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